Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Opposite Polarities

                          The entire manifested Universe exists out of the co-existence of the opposite polarities. According to the pole and anti-pole theory of the Universe, for every positive side there has to be a negative side to it as well. In other words, the entire manifested Cosmos is facets or an inter-related mixture of a collection of the opposing forces of life. Without the anti-pole or the negative, the pole or the positive cannot exist, the positive sides of life only and only exists out of the reaction of the negative along with it. Let us look at some living examples to see if this theory is really true. The Spring blossoms and the Autumn withers, the Summer scorches and the Winter chills, we have the boiling temperature and we have the freezing temperature, some women look ugly while some look extremely beautiful, we have the sweet and tasty water of the river up the Himalayas and we have the salty water of the ocean, we have the steamy hot and humid weather of Africa and we have the freezing ice-sheets and the weather of Antarctica, we have atheistic spiritual movements in the world and we have theistic spiritual movements as well, the world is made up of both the sinners and the saints, we have the profane and we have the sacred etc. Now let us relate the theory of the opposite polarities or the pole and anti-pole theory to the earthly existence of the human emotions. The human life is inhabitated by human beings who experience a mixed bag and the exact opposite human emotions while living their everyday life. We have happiness and we have sadness, we have joy and we have sorrow, there is both bliss and suffering in human life, one who is elated can also be depressed, we don’t only have comedies but we have tragedies as well, one who experiences love can also experience hatred, some people may be filled with thoughts of violence while other may want perfect peace etc. So now we have seen that planet earth exists out of the co-existence of the opposite forces or that normal ordinary mortals have their life filled with the exact opposite and contradictory human emotions. To sum it up in one phrase, “Gods leela or play in the Universe exists out of the inter relation of the opposite forces.”

                                We are constantly reminded time and again by the villainous play of the human emotions or the opposite polarities that human life is not a roller-coaster ride all life long. The play of the anti-pole or negative human emotions is the sole reason why we don’t get to experience permanent happiness throughout our life and have to stay satisfied with only occasional temporary happiness. Human life which normally would have remained permanently in great states of joy and happiness if spiritually exercised has to  stay stagnant with even our temporary source of happiness completely obscured by the interplay of the opposite human emotions. The amount of frustration fuelled even more by the addition of misery collected by having to continuously churn in ones daily line of work to keep the belly full and for sustenance makes life even more worse. At least, this is the way life goes for a normal human being rooted in materialism, added more by the onslaught of the play of the opposite human emotions. Let us go through a quote by Mr.Dipak Chopra and compare between the opposite polarities, which are the time-bound features of materialism and the field of the fully awakened spirit, a field of permanent happiness, the worthwhile quality of the field independent to the play of opposites.

"Joy and sorrow, happiness and suffering, are the play of opposites; they are transient because they are time-bound. Spirit, the essential you, is independent of the play of opposites; it dwells in the silent bliss of the eternal. That’s why the key to happiness is to identify with the unchanging essence of your inner self - to live and play in the field of intelligence  that is beyond positive and negative. This field is your source, and it is magical, holy, joyful, and free."
                                                         -Dipak Chopra
                                                                                             (Book:Power, Freedom and Grace)

                     There is only one remedy to become free from the clutches of the opposing forces and get ourselves grounded into the permanent field of happiness forever and that is to undergo a spiritual exercise and awaken our asleep human souls by becoming  fully awakened beings. The fully awake soul or the spirit is independent to the play of the opposing forces and the dormant powers of the soul can be awakened only when we become successful in transcending the fourth spiritual centre or the Anahat chakra. There will never be moments of repulsion because of the negative emotions and chances of getting carried away by or attraction as a result of the positive forces are nil once we are lucky to reach the source of thought or to a place of total mental stillness. We start becoming totally resistant to even the negative disharmony after becoming residents of the fourth spiritual centre. Our soul maintains a state of total resistive balance to the opposite polarities and starts equating us with total harmonious equation both with the positive forces as well as the negative polarities. We start getting unaffected by the play of the opposing forces - this is what happens when we abide  forever in the area of the heart.

                                 The question is , “ Do we want to go on rotating in the cycle of human suffering when we have the golden opportunity of getting ourselves grounded into the field of everlasting and permanent happiness ?” The present age of Enlightment promises great miracles to those who have an intense and deep burning desire to know God, to those who make an effort to inquire into the real meaning of human existence and to those who want to start their eternal quest to put an end to their suffering and get established into the field of everlasting bliss. The only thing we need to do of importance is to take an about turn from the external to the internal world, tap onto our dormant human souls and become fully awakened beings. “Why need we continue suffer when have our whole life ahead, may be a couple of scores of years left before us which shall be more than ample to get started to excel, be excellent enough to become fully awakened beings and live in excellence by living your worth in great selfless service for the cause of humanity and  the most Supreme Godhead?” To continue to suffer or live a life of permanent happiness and bliss, to become slaves to sex or to transcend the state of desires for sex, to shed our mortal bodies without gaining anything of significant value or to be forever immortal - you get to choose! And the choice you make decides whether you are to get cast into another human role of suffering next life or whether you shall be liberated from the bondage of the cycle of birth and death,  into the state of Sat-Chit-Anand or Eternal Bliss and get to abide in God forever. “I sure do hope that all of you shall make the right choice!!!”
                                               (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Life of Service to God

                             There are primarily two categories of  life on planet earth. Most of the human beings are constantly rotating in the vicious circle of suffering which we know as the material life. While the lucky some have a deep burning desire to know God, find true meaning behind their existence on the planet and are constantly striving to put an end to their suffering and reach the state of spiritual excellence which we call the spiritual life. There are varied kinds of material careers while living our daily lives like professional cookery, teaching, hairdressing, driver, mechanic, prostitution, the life of a gigolo, entrepreneurship, politics and so on and so forth. “ Does this kind of a profession and the various fields of endeavour that the skilled manpower of these professional streams develop genuinely help mankind and  propel the upliftment of humanity into the state of permanent solution from issues like poverty, suffering, violence, wars, terrorism, seeds of vengence, hatred, enemity, crime, murders etc?” “The answer is NO!” The various professional careers and the varied institutions that these skilled manpower run or sponser only help to curtail human suffering on a superficial level and does not function efficiently to eradicate human issues and challenges on a core footing. Funding the underprivileged, the poor, the uneducated, the backward class, the malnutritioned, the retired, the orphans, the outbreak of various epidemic deseases like AIDS, the homeless, the underdeveloped countries, various religions is not the master key to the solution of human challenges and suffering! These kind of aids helps to a certain extent but the only available  and permanent antidote to the curtailing of all human issues is raising an awareness and helping to uplift the state of consciousness of the people of the planet on a mass scale. Until the people of planet earth don’t realize that it is only with the upliftment of individual states of consciousness that can release them from the vast burden of human suffering in their lives which can sequentially elevate peace in the community, the society and the entire world, there can be no permanent solution to the lives of people of the world. It is because the state of  no-suffering can only be availed by spiritual means and not by material tools and instruments. The eradication of the entire human suffering can only come about when there is an expanded growth of consciousness on a mass scale on the planet. The Golden Age is a couple of thousand years away and the process for the dawn of such an age falls on the shoulders of all of you and depends on how you decide to direct your life, in a material manner or through a fully alive and vibrant spiritual direction.

                                          “Service to humanity is  true religion.”
                                                                                              -Sri Sathya Sai Baba

“Everyone has a purpose in life………. a unique gift or special talent to give to others.
And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.”
                                                                                               -Deepak Chopra
                                                                         (Book:The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success)

                                           “ Human service is God service.”
                                                                                  -Sri Sathya Sai Baba

                         Once we are established  as fully awake beings, the objective of the most prime importance will be to help uplift the spiritual status of human beings just like the way your soul has been awakened. Once the financial aspect of your life can be handled with the effortless effort of your superhuman ability to manifest your desires for anything you want, it would be the Dharma of the highest category to lead a life of service to humanity which is in direct terms service to the most Supreme Godhead. This can be carried out in various ways. Mr.Dipak Chopra advises us to choose a unique talent and employ this extraordinary quality in selfless service to others. Making people aware about the extreme need for a spiritual overhaul and therefore initiating them into the spiritual growth process by teaching meditation techniques and aspiring to spread God’s message in a selfless manner by preaching through the print, radio, television and electronic media are the most effective mediums.

                       A spiritually awakened being should have the right motive about adhering to the Path of Dharma to offer service to humanity and ultimately to the most Supreme Godhead. The right motive would mean offering  service to the beings of planet earth and to the most Supreme Godhead  in a selfless manner. There should be no self-centered efforts to swindle wealth out of spiritual seekers for material benefits and for propogating spiritual movements. If one has the right motive and a mode of selfless service towards humanity and God there can be no harm in earning that extra dough to sustain your life and maybe to add some more luxury to your life but there are some characters, some cunning sly foxes who coerce wealth out of their followers by hook or  crook. One such cunning sly fox, an ex-chairman of a commune of Osho at Kathmandu, Nepal, went to great lengths and heights to swindle  money out of  spiritual seekers who lived their life at the bare minimum sustenance level. Likewise, in his heyday, he had converted this whole commune into a brothel in which cottages were hired out to lovelorn couples to have open sex in broad daylight. And the most astonishing thing about this character is that he has established a statue of “The Samadhite”, a God, Shivapuri Baba, in this commune which is nothing but a living red-light area and a cunningly and  strategically, customized and monetized spiritual growth retreat of anti-God vices of the last category.

                                   The Path of Dharma aids in establishing permanent Light in the lives of people who have their lives filled with tremendous darkness. Converting someone from a sinner to someone sacred and that too by instrumenting meditation, a tool for excavating the end of evolution - a spiritual evolution, is the highest mode of service anyone can offer on the planet and in the entire manifested Universe. “What more act of greatness can there be   than elevating someone from the state of suffering to a state of no-suffering?” The growth of the states of consciousness in one lone individual has  a series of positive effectiveness in the community, the society and the entire world. That is how magnetic and overpowering the Divine Light that shines forth from a spiritual being is and the growth of the states of consciousness in a series of individuals has the capacity to radiate countless precious human lives with the Light of Lights. We can evaluate this reality from the spiritually magnifying effects saints like a Mr. Dipak Chopra, Dr. Wayne. W. Dyer, Mr. Eckhart Tolle and Sri Sri Ravishanker are producing and the way they are transforming peoples life spiritually. The contribution of a single saint and the initiative of a lone individual has the rare spiritual capacity of transforming millions of human lives. The principle advantage of initiating people onto the spiritual path would be helping them reach the Kingdom of God - where they truly belong. The hunger and innermost craving of every responsible human being, that of establishing permanent peace on the planet can only be possible by helping to raise the dormant awareness of the sound asleep people to fully alive ones.

                                                         Let us all spend a moment in silence and remember great Yogis like Paramhansa Yogananda, J.Krishnamurti, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda, Shivapuri  Baba, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, Sri Sathya Sai Baba,  Meher Baba, Maharshi Mahesh Yogi,  His Holiness Brahmaprajapita, Ramana Maharshi, Sri Yukteswor Giri, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Aurobindo etc and the unbounded spiritual knowledge they unearthed from their depths of silence to transform our lives from one of darkness to that of unearthly Light. The devotion of a  human devotee can influence the life of an Enlightened Being and just imagine the impact a life of a fully transformed saint to that of Godhood can be in the  lives of ordinary human beings! Let us all pray to the most Supreme Godhead to bless the contemporary saints like Mr.Dipak Chopra, Dr.Wayne. W. Dyer, Mr. Eckhart Tolle  and Sri Sri Ravishanker so that these genuine devotees of God will have the power to totally reorient the world and prepare planet earth for the Golden Age!!!                                                 (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)


Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Art of Living

                       Everything including planet earth and the entire manifested Universe is dynamic. Nothing ever remains the same and in a static position. Human beings are born, grow into teens, mature into adults, retire from their hectic schedule to earn bread and butter for their families, start graying into old age and finally shed their mortal bodies with merely, achieving anything of significant value, living a completely satisfied life  and evolving into  fully fulfilled beings.  Not even amassing a billion dollar fortune, owning the most expensive yatch, living in a multi-million dollar accomodation, gliding along the streets of Manhattan in a Ferrari and enjoying the company of the most stunning woman the entire world has ever seen can keep a man completely satisfied and fulfilled throughout his entire life. It is not the material but the spiritual  which is the only abundant life of complete fulfillment and this can only come about when we become successful in knowing our real nature, the soul or the non-material nature.

         “Sensory experience and social conditioning cause us to forget who we are.”
                                                                                                            -Dipak Chopra
                                                                                            (Book:Power Freedom and Grace)

                  The human senses and material conditioning deludes almost the entire world population into believing that sex, the conjugal life and wealth are the means to the greatest source of fulfillment on the planet which causes to forget who we are whereas the source to the storehouse of everlasting happiness and complete fulfillment lies into the field of exact opposite nature of materialism and the matrialistic world.

                   “Ignorance of our real nature causes the Inner Self to be obscured.”
                                                                                                               -Dipak Chopra
                                                                                              (Book:Power  Freedom and Grace)

                   The only tool or instrument for our obscured Inner Self to be revealed and reinvigorate it so as to live a life of permanent happiness and complete fulfillment without having to partake in a marshy quagmire of atheistic vices like sex and black money is meditation. Meditation helps us tap our vast spiritual reserve, energise the soul and establish us as fully awakened beings. As stated earlier, everything in the Universe undergoes constant change. All the major Art of Living courses in the world employ meditation as a technique to get ourselves acquainted with our real nature, the non-material nature. In fact, these courses teach us how to adapt to the ever growing changes around us to live in great harmony with ourselves, the community, the society  and the entire world. Let us look into some details about the various masterkeys a fully awake soul instruments  to make a spiritual aspirants  Art of Living a living reality.

                       The dawn of the fifth spiritual plane welcomes the restoration of a fully restored awareness which converts us into the most egoless individual because then we become aware that we are not the doer, that we are not the roles we play but only Divine instruments  of the  most Supreme Godhead in His Infinite and Eternal dance of creation. When we become aware that every thought, word or deed of ours is the Infinite Will of God and that God is Willing everything to be executed from the most minute sub-atomic details to the greater details, we learn to submit wholeheartedly to the Infinite Will of God and our fully awake soul instruments our awareness to be in a state of total and complete acceptance. Everything right up from the positive harmony down to the negative disharmony on the planet is imbibed in a neutral and balanced state of complete acceptance.

                       By the state of Self-Realisation  we shall have realised enough spiritual laws to be able to carry ourselves with great harmony with our own Self, the community, the society and the entire world. These laws give us genuine kowledge about the law of cause and effect, the Omnipresent Spirit of God, our real essence and the Supreme role of the most Supreme Godhead in our lives. The workings of the law of karma, the aspect of presence of God in every living particle, our true designation as a Son of God and the place of God’s Supreme Command in everything that exists are realisations that help us live a righteous life in a crooked world filled with strife, sorrow, suffering, violence, hatred, vengence, enemity, self-centred individuals, jealousy, competition, terrorism, wars etc. The laws of life that we realise along our spiritual growth process are meant for us to live righteously and applying the laws in our life as true messengers of God and setting a living  example is right living.

                   The quality of being a staunch adherent  of beauty that stands for great purity, the most purest, true, selfless and unconditional Anahatic love and the virtuous quality of goodness and goodwill expressed to all living creatures equally and alike gets grounded in our Self by being spiritually elevated beings. The authentic nature of goodness, virtuousness and righteousness are some of the keys employed by someone who knows the Art of Living and therefore such an aspirant is someone who has a presence of light and love radiating around him. The obscene and profane are not his usual words of vocabulary in his dictionary. You can all look back at the life of Christ and figure out what it is to be a true living Son of God.

                   Self-Realisation is a state of no-desires. One of the most genuine Spiritual Masters the world has ever come across, J.Krishnamurti, has clearly outlined the need to not to have a single problem on our lives. According to him, the only mandatory requirement to not to have a single problem in our lives is to live a life without a single desire because as long as there are desires in our life there shall always be problems. He says that the important thing in life is to live our lives without a single problem and this can come about by not getting identified with thoughts that keep on fuelling desires because it is the thought processes that gives rise to desires. I, by chance, realized something even more interesting by his most profound theory on living a life without a single problem and therefore without any desires. I realized that getting Enlightened is not the important thing but rather it is living a life without a single problem and therefore without a single desire, the most important accomplishment of a spiritual life . Living a life without a single problem and therefore without a single desire is another masterkey to the state of permanent happiness and to the great Art of Living as well.

                          The key to the Art of Living of the sixth state of consciousness would be loving the gentle aspect of all the inanimate things on the planet because even the inanimate are on  par with the animate because both the living and non-living things are composed of the very same particles which is pure energy, pure consciousness or God.

                           The seventh state of consciousness gets the Ultimate spiritual wisdom driven into your soul that everybody is a reflection of your own Spirit and therefore every single soul on planet earth is none other than a concentration of the Universal Spirit which is the last in the line of the wisdom of the bodily chakras or spiritual centres of your body and the concluding realisations of making living an art.

                             Getting grounded in the most Supreme Truth and thereby being the torchbearers of the Ultimate Reality, we all should realise and have a genuine cause to lead a life of service to God. Being selflessly dutybound to play the role of true messengers of God and spreading His Divine message to the inhabitants of planet earth should be the real objective of all devotees of God endowed with an Infinite source of wisdom by the Grace and Compassion of the most Supreme Godhead.
                                         (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Purity of thought

                       Purity of thought is a state of thought which can never be achieved by the normal ordinary human beings who are ever swamped in the mortal coil of material pursuit  but is something which is only within the reach of the spiritually elevated beings. Normal human beings may be into the ritual and practice of researching religious texts, mantra chantation, idol worship, pilgrimage, fasting, superficial satsangs, devotional singing, into the  practice and being strict disciplinarians of rigorous religious vows, namasmarana of the various man-made Gods etc but all these rituals can never establish them into the permanent field of pure thought , therefore, attaining purity of thought with which to get devoted and have faith in their respective deities, getting established in an unflinching and unwavering devotion to their religious idols so as to attain freedom from the karmic bondage of sins, to achieve salvation and true liberation is only a distant dream for these religious followers that can never be realised until they don’t get grounded in the spiritual growth process and establish themselves as torchbearers of the most Supreme Truth. There have been biased spiritual beings who have spearheaded their own theories about the path of devotion being the greatest and the most supreme yogic path but genuine bhakti which has its source in the purity of thought  can  only be generated and put into authentic practice by spiritually elevated beings who have at least transcended the Anahat chakra or the fourth spiritual centre. It would be a sound disclosure to declare that “Purity of thought” is a state which can never be achieved by even the most pious human devotee of God on planet earth but only by the chosen few who have chanced to be lucky enough to have transcended the forth spiritual centre.

                          Let us look at some prerequisites and requirements to reach the transcendental state or purity of thought or the source of thought. Mr. Dipak Chopra states that there are techniques to access the field of pure potentiality, the source of thought, purity of thought, the transcendental state, the Anahat or the heart centre, the field of Power, Freedom and Grace or the field of Infinite Possibilities.

“One way to access the field is through the daily practice of silence, meditation, and non-judgement. Spending time in nature will also give you access to the qualities inherent in the field:infinite creativity, freedom, and bliss.”
                                          -Dipak Chopra
                                                                          (Book:The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success)

                           Mr.Dipak Chopra states that the above practice aids in quieting down your ever turbulent mind or your internal dialogue beacause a turbulent mind constricts the flow of energy between you and the field of pure potentiality. Therefore, the above practice helps in quieting down your mind to reach your mind to the place of stillness or the source of thought. Practicing silence means spending some time in complete quietness without the use of speech. You may practice the vow of  silence for one hour, two hours or for sometimes the whole days of a week. It also means abstaining from reading a book, listening to music and watching television at regular intervals. Non-judgement would normally mean not judging people, things, situations and circumstances around you. If you find it difficult to practice the vow of non-judgement on a continuous stretch you can regulate it from one or two hours and finally increase the time for the practice of non-judgement. Nature is something which is in complete coordination with Infinite Consciousness and so communing and spending time in nature will help you awaken the nature of your soul and maintain a rhythmic relation with the field of Infinite possibilities. Spending time in nature would normally mean sitting nearby a lake, a river, ocean or a forest for one or two hours on a stretch. Moments soon arrive when you realise that you can never uncover the unknown. This implies you will realise at regular intervals that you shall never become an awakened being. This is the criteria to realise that you have reached the source of thought or that your mind has finally been grounded in the area of stillness.

                    “Power, freedom and grace are attributes of this field.”
                                                                                                                    -Dipak Chopra
                                                                                            (Book:Power,Freedom and Grace)

“What is Power?”

“Power is the ability to manifest anything you want, including any reality that you want to experience.Real power comes from the essence of Infinity, which is your source;it comes from the source of all power, the one Being.”
                                                                                                       -Dipak Chopra
                                                                                             (Book:Power, Freedom and Grace)

“What is Freedom?”

“Freedom comes from the experiential knowledge of our true nature, which is already free.It comes from finding out that our real essence is the joyful field of Infinite consciousness that animates all of creation.To have the  experience of that silent witness is just to be. Then we are free. In this state of freedom, we understand that life is the meaningful coexistence of all opposite values. We may experience happiness or we may experience pain and suffering, but we do not get attached to pleasure and we do not recoil in fear of pain. In freedom, we  even lose  our fear of death, because the belief in mortality is just a spell that we have cast upon ourselves.”
                                                                                                                     -Dipak Chopra
                                                                                            (Book:Power, Freedom and Grace)

“And, what is Grace?”

“Grace is the effortless flow of existence that comes when you are living in harmony with life, when the rhythms of your body-mind are in sync with nature’s rhythms. To  live in grace is to experience that state of consciousness where things flow and your desires are easily fulfilled. Grace is magical, synchronistic, coincidental, joyful.It’s  that good-luck factor. And how do you live in grace? It’s simple. Just allow the Universe to flow through you without interfering.”
                                                                                                                        -Dipak Chopra
                                                                                             (Book:Power, Freedom and Grace)

                             When  we attain purity of  thought and transcend the fourth spiritual centre our human senses gets dissolved and we start becoming great admirers of beauty and not of sexuality. The Anahatic love develops and we are forever grounded with goodness and the virtuous qualities. We are forever free from the contradictory play of the opposing forces in our lives or the human emotions. These are the significant changes that develops with the restoration of the fully awake Anahat chakra. 

   “ What are the advantages of  the state of purity of thought ?”

                             It is the untainted thinking ability of the soul to have purity of thought to all beings, living creatures and the situations and circumstances around you and subsequently developing an unflinching, unwavering and genuine devotion  towards the most Supreme Godhead because of pure thinking abilities. One is now independent to the play of the opposite forces which had till now been robbing him of the state of permanent happiness. The reinvigoration of the soul helps one to be a true Son of God endowed with all the virtuous qualities and strengthens all of his relationships with the perfect quality of goodness. The quality of goodness develops to emanate that goodness feature to do good, be good and see good among all the good human  beings of the planet. The Anahat  develops  love to all beings, living creatures and inanimate things equally and alike with no ground for discrimination and demarcation. The restoration of the special and one of a kind of Anahatic love which is especially granted by God aids one to love a friend or a foe, a sinner or a saint  and a perfect lady or a whore with a neutral and a balanced feeling. The Anahatic love propels one to develop that special affection of Universal Brotherhood to love not only his country but the entire world together as one. The human senses have now dissolved to pave way for an aspirant to become great admirers of beauty and  for beauty that stands for great purity. He sees the entire Universe as one beautiful piece of God’s  creation. The growth of consciousness in  one lone individual and the ever  prevailing peace effect he generates on the planet converts him into a devotee of God who can spiritually influence countless lives, swamped with the hopeless and helpless plight of spiritual incapacity to contain their lives. The fourth spiritual centre is the threshold to the state of Self-Realisation, God consciousness and the Ultimate state of Enlightment.

                               To reinvigorate the dormant human soul to a fully alive one and transforming ourselves onto the various states of consciousness is the only requirement expected of human beings. Let us not while countless lives in the circle of birth and death but rather let us seize opportunities  this  very life of the ongoing cycle of consciousness revolution and make our mortal coil worthwhile by taking that quantum leap into the Unknown.   
                                            (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)                     

Sunday, November 3, 2013


                    Faith is the complete trust that we have in God by being ever responsive to the Infinite Will of God at the same time. Human life exists out of the correlation of the opposites. It is only the life of spiritually elevated beings which is in harmony with the natural forces and strike a perfect balance. It is a mixed bag of sorrow and joy, elation and depression, laughter and cry, happiness and sadness, tragedies and comedies, success and failure, poverty and good fortune in the lives of normal human beings. Likewise, the traits of the profane and sacred, the holy and a sinner, a saint and a swindler, a thorough gentleman and a thug, a perfect lady and a whore, a miser and a philanthropist, the rich and the poor, the spiritual and the material, an Emperor and a beggar are the mixture of the humanistic qualities found in the entire world population. The interaction of people among themselves and the varying degrees of situations and circumstances like the weather, state of affairs of the community, society and the world, personal health, the struggle for existence, factors like the vengence and grudge people have to prove their point, competition, violence, peace, goodwill, love, compassion, chastity, trust, plenty of sunshine, the flowering of the spring, the perfect atmosphere of the autumn makes human life prone to the play of the opposite forces. Human life is a comedy for the spiritualists and a great  tragedy for the materialists. Human life is a comedy for the spiritualists because the spiritually elevated beings are beyond the state of suffering and forever established in Sathyam-Sivam-Sundaram or in the ever and permanent state of Sat-Chit-Anand. Whereas, it is impossible for normal material beings to remain intact in the state of Eternal Bliss because of the varying degrees of the effects of the opposing forces in their lives. Therefore, the only tool or instrument to take sorrow and joy, happiness and sadness, elation and depression, laughter and cry with equanimity and move on in life with calm and equation and be satisfied, happy and to take in the most Supreme Godhead’s Will positively, optimistically by being ever responsive to the Divine Will is “Faith”. By faith, we normally should understand the complete trust in the most Supreme Godhead in the  state of total surrender to His Infinite Will.

                        “Faith in God can turn the impossible to possible.”
                                                                                                             -Ashwas Thapa

                          Having a strong faith in God can make everything possible in your life, but this kind of faith should be something which should not have even a slight deviation of doubt in it. For example, one of the Apostles of Jesus had such a strong faith in Christ that he started walking on top of the water of the  ocean without sinking but the moment he lost faith in the Son of God he started drowning. So the criteria for turning the impossible things in your life into the possible would be having faith in the Infinite Being if you want to convert the hardships in your life into a living possibility. Impossible dreams can be realised just merely by having trust and faith in God. Faith in God is such a thing which can even change the course of your destiny. God can even Will His Will for your life to take a different course if you have  faith in Him and if you  are ever responsive to His Divine Will.

“God transforms Himself into the devotee’s devotee if one has a strong devotion and faith in Him.”
                                                                                      -A devotee of Sri Sathya Sai Baba
                                       “Faith in God can work miracles.”
                                                                                               -Ashwas Thapa

                                God listens to each and every prayer of His devotee and answers them plus fulfills them if the devotee is very sincere in devotion and very strong in faith towards Him. Therefore, evaluating His devotees devotion and faith and so having great concern for him God transforms Himself into the devotee’s devotee. From then on, God is a wish fulfilling tree for His most loved devotee. Having a strong faith in God is the key to the miraculous. Let us look at some examples.

                               Hiranyakashipu’s son and a great devotee of Lord Vishnu, Prahlad, was saved on numerous occasions from the mouth of death by the Grace of Lord Vishnu. The only thing that saved Prahlad from Hiranyakashipu annihilating him was the devotion and faith he had in Lord Vishnu. Finally, when the sins of Hiranyakashipu reached its height and when the Ashura King himself took up the sinful act of slaughtering Bhakta Prahlad, Lord Vishnu Himself incarnated into the Nrisimha Avataar and feasted into the blood of the Ashura King by tearing his chest apart. This is a terrific example of the heights of compassion God can have for his most loved devotee. Let us look at another example of the Mahabharata War. The Mahabharata war was at it’s inception and the moment came for the Pandavas and Kauravas to choose between Lord Krishna and His armed forces which was believed to have amounted to ten million. Satanic Duryodhana underestimating the Might and Leela of Lord Krishna chose His army whereas the righteous Pandavas opted to obtain the singlehanded support of Lord Krishna because they had faith that His Grace and Blessings could alone make them victorious at the end of the war. It is already history that Lord Krishna was instrumented by the most Supreme Godhead to orchestrate the Mahabharata war and it was the Pandavas faith in Lord Krishna that ultimately proved them victorious.

                              Faith in God is very essential in a life which we know is not always a bed of roses. Devotion and faith in the most Supreme Godhead can carry us smoothly along the various contradictory currents of ups and downs, highs and lows and tragedies and comedies. Faith is something which is of prime importance and significance to set the boat of our life sailing in an ocean of tests and trials no matter how challenging the torrents of the heavy sea and the thunderstorms and the lightenings  are. Your faith in God shall grow even more stronger like a bulletproof vest and no matter how many bullets are showered onto your vest in the form of tests and trials, you shall always remain staunch with your devotion, faith and love towards God if you learn to tag along with the Infinite Will positively. The only thing of the most prime value to stick with your devotion, love and faith towards God and make it grow even more stronger is being ever responsive to His Divine Will and accepting His Will with an equation of equanimity because human life is an interview with God and filled with tests and trials. “May you have faith in God to set your boat sailing calmly in the ever turbulent ocean of ups and downs, highs and lows, happiness and sadness etc.”
                         (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)