Friday, July 26, 2013

Real abundance and true affluence


                        The primary purpose of us , Divine Beings, is to explore the depths of our soul and reach that everlasting source of happiness upto which we are destined to realize. As the Ultimate goal of us Divine Beings is to have our soul awareness awakened and to make tapping onto our permanent source of happiness a living reality, the by-product of the fully awake soul of abundant spiritual affluence is the only source of genuine achievement in the entire manifested Universe. To be temporarily amused by occasional impermanent happiness is all that the material realm can offer to the ordinary  mortals. On the other hand, the spiritually elevated planetary existence is such a fulfilling field which can convert a life of sadness to one of happiness, can transform  a human being  from profane to someone sacred, can transit a life of sorrow to one of immense joy, can overhaul a life of suffering to one of no-suffering and is the only field which can establish us as permanently happy beings till the moment we don’t shed our mortal bodies.

“Why is the spiritual field the only source of abundance and affluence in the entire Cosmos.”

                      It is because the end of human evolution comes through the spiritual growth process and therefore a spiritual evolution, completes the evolutionary process of mankind. This way, we can easily conclude that the Ultimate task and goal of us human beings is to get to realize our deepest Self. All human beings pursue material goals to keep themselves happy and satisfied but sadly happiness comes but arrives in our lives in a temporary manner with a mixture of failure, exhaustion, disappointments, anxieties, tragedies etc. So the normal human beings have no option but to settle  themselves as only temporarily happy human beings. On the other hand, the Ultimate objective of human beings and the spiritual exercise of reinvigorating their dormant human soul and awakening it establishes themselves as permanently happy human beings. Therefore, the goal of all human beings to remain in the happiness state is achieved in a temporary manner through the material medium and permanently through the spiritual field. The goal of human beings to remain permanently happy is only achieved through the spiritual realm, therefore, we can  conclude that the spiritual  field is the only source of abundance and affluence in the entire manifested Cosmos.

                      Now let us look at some spiritual qualities which produces the happiness nature and conclude why the spiritual field is the only source of real abundance and affluence.

                     All Self-realised people transcend the state of desires and achieve freedom from desires. A state of no-desires converts someone into the happiest human being on the planet. The root cause to human suffering and the end to happiness comes when someone clings onto desires and is unable to fulfill them. The inefficiency and incapacity of the incomplete human potential to fulfill their desires produces great sorrow and immense suffering. J.Krishnamurti states that the important point of a spiritual life is to live a life without a single problem. "What gives rise to problems?" Naturally it is desires. "And what is it that gives rise to desires? "It is the  implantation of a seed of thought. So a Yogi who stops fuelling a thought that gives rise to desires is a man without a single problem. So the Self-Realised state of no-desires converts that gent into the happiest being on the planet because he is desireless which naturally implies that he is a man without a single problem. In spiritual terms, less is more and the less you desire the more happier you are. One has to beg for material wealth through the worldly life by slugging, diplomacy or some hard and fast rules. Whereas, the spiritual life is a boon because merely releasing a desire into your awareness is enough to fulfill it and one has the ability to manifest his desires for anything he wants.

                            In the material life, you will need a storehouse of a vast expanse of energy and punishing effort to fulfill your worldy desires, even then all of your desires are not easily fulfilled. The material world is an inefficient medium because it lacks the capacity to fulfill all of your desires. Whereas, the effortless effort of spiritual energy has that rare potential to fulfill any of the desires  that you may have. Temporary happiness can be availed and comes at a cost of having to swim in an ocean of sorrow, hopelessness, suffering, frustration and tragedies. In the spiritual  life, permanent happiness can be contacted without having to invest a single penny. The entire mystery of being established in permanent happiness lies in the spiritual secret of being in the state of no-desires. Even if one has desires, the Infinite field of everlasting Grace endows a spiritual being with the rare capacity to manifest his desires for anything he wants. So we can easily conclude whether it is in exhausting the human physical engine and rotating in a cycle of suffering and not getting anything you want real abundance and affluence or if it is achieving the everlasting source of happiness by being established in a state of no-desires and plus being endowed with the rare spiritual capacity of getting anything you want,  the real and the only source of fulfillment.

                             Human senses blocks permanent happiness into our lives whereas transcending the material sensory tools establishes us into the field of everlasting happiness. Human senses depend on it and objects of its material attraction  for temporary means of happiness whereas going beyond onto the spiritual field employs true love and beauty of great purity for fulfillment. Likewise, identification with the transient and unreal can never establish us as Self-Realised Beings but rather getting totally disidentified with the external world converts us into  torchbearers of Self-Knowledge. Therefore transcending the human senses and the transient and unreal would directly imply we being less sex maniacs but more God natured and being less addictive to luxury and wealth, finding no worth in competing for material gains rather finding meaning in exploring the depths of our soul. So we now know that being free of the clutches of the human senses and that which is transient and unreal is the only medication in establishing ourselves as residents of the superhuman field of permanent happiness. Transcending the human senses and not being attentive to the transient and unreal so as being established in virtuous qualities of goodness, love and being  great admirers of untouched virgin beauty which fills our life with permanent happiness would in other words mean achieving real abundance and true  affluence. (We know it is not money that keeps someone happy but it is satisfaction, the source of happiness which keeps us abundantly and afffuently happy).

                                 When we transcend the human emotions we become independent to the play of the opposite polarities. Therefore, we become free from the effects of emotions like disappointments, sadness, sorrow, tragedies etc. These kinds of emotions stop affecting our lives in the least manner. When we stop being affected by the play of the opposite polarities the natural calm of the state of happiness is added onto our soul awareness with more strength. The dissolving of the human emotions is another added bonus to the happiness state as we are still happy and independent to the   play  of the opposite polarities plus yet another asset in living a life of real abundance and true affluence. Living the non-dual nature and the halt of further mental disturbance would be another milestone in being spiritually abundant and affluent.

                             We all have a great task at hand to make the journey from the known to the unknown or from the state of the dormant human soul to  a fully vibrant one. To be in a desireless state or to be swamped by an Infinity of desires, to let the human senses get a hold onto you to close doors to higher awareness or to be in full control over the human senses and rejuvenate the soul onto superconscious states, to get cornered by the difficulties of human emotions or to transcend them, to evolute materially or spiritually and to enjoy the non-dual thought state or to get forever distracted by mental turbulence, everything is a choice. But in this age of enlightment, living a spiritually abundant and affluent life, perhaps, is the only wise choice since the present moment of consciousness revolution promises great spiritual miracles through the Ultimate Grace of God. Whiling away our precious human life in this period of great spiritual potential is wasting one priceless life by getting deprived of the truly and spiritually,  a genuine abundant and affluent life.

                                  As Mr.Dipak Chopra the great clearly points out,

“There can be no more important task in our life than to get in touch  with our own inner Self, the source of all Being.”

                        -Dipak Chopra 
                                                          (Book:Power Freedom and Grace)

(This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Friday, July 19, 2013

The genuine Yogi

                               To tell you the truth and thinking in practical and realistic terms, people like me and you find it very difficult to live the life of a genuine Yogi. Especially, someone like me who is not yet a clairvoyant and a siddha (there are genuine reasons for it) and someone like you who has petty and trivial matters to attend to than aspiring to be fully God realized. All past and present genuine Yogis has had that rich culture and tradition from innumerable lives that shaped up their spiritual destiny and produced plus refined them into purified God like beings that enabled them to radiate a blaze of light and leave a trail. A life of Paramhansa Yogananda or J.Krishnamurti is exactly how genuine Yogis live their lives. Spiritual success depends a lot on your principle character trait and your daily interview with God as you live your everyday life. Therefore, it wouldn’t be a wonder how God clearly seperates people who uphold anti-God values onto the atheistic stream and God natured habitants onto the theistic realm. Saints who uphold specific moral and spiritual values produce likewise descendants and heirs who propogate their spiritual legacy. Sri Sathya Sai Baba who laid so much emphasis on character has produced thousands of students with strength of character than any saints has produced. Likewise, it is impossible to find such perfect devotees of God like Paramhansa Yogananda’s disciples with spiritually living examples like a Daya Mata, Mr.Roy Eugene Davis and Ram Dass etc. If you want to talk about genuine yogis, no one till date has had the spiritual caliber of someone like Paramhansa Yogananda and J.Krishnamurti. What then are the true qualities of a genuine yogi? Let us look up this matter in detail.

                           A Self-Realised or an Enlightened Being is Self-Referred and not object-referred. A person who is not Self-Realised let alone Enlightened seeks identification through people, things, situations and circumstances. If you listen to their discourses, these object-referred individuals focus the masses attention on themselves, try to defend their point of view, prefer to give specifications that they are spiritually elevated beings (Self-Realised or Enlightened)  and make an effort to capture the limelight and get noticed. In fact, the moment a genuine yogi gets Self-Realised, reaches the state of God consciousness or becomes Enlightened, the entire achievement of being spiritually awakened is forgotten then and there. The moment the state of the highest Supreme Reality is realised, it is kept a secret, the chapter closed and the superhuman feat never dealt with or discussed even once. Everything is forgotten. This superhuman feat of getting spiritually awakened is a blessing from God if kept a secret and a curse of a thousand witches if revealed. Enlightened Beings are not concerned about their Enlightened state rather focus their entire life on serving God and humanity. A Self-Realised or an Enlightened being is identified with the symbol of purity, the soul, and would you care to think if it is necessary for “purity personified” to prove that he is pure? There was a lady saint in India who passed away a few years back. She had a disciple who was taught occult powers to multiply wealth. This particular Nepali disciple used the occult power to increase his wealth many times over and got very wealthy. The next time I hear about him is from his own son who discloses to me that his father goes around claiming that he is a Self-Realised being. Very ironic, ain’t it? How can a subjective reality be claimed to people? The subjective realities starting from the fifth plane is something that is never disclosed. There would be no need at all for a Self-Realised or an Enlightened being to make an effort to get noticed by claiming highly elevated states because he is already a fulfilled being. Being already fulfilled he does not have an identity crisis and does not need to prove rather shies away from being called and claimed  a spiritually elevated being. A Self-Realised or an Enlightened Being does not claim anything.

                            The next in line of the superhuman qualities of a genuine Yogi is the egoless state .Egoless or the state of perfect humility. An egoless state in which he realizes that we are not the doer and none of us are the roles we play. He has realized that the Infinite Will manages the World and executes everything in the Cosmos. He has now known that his will is non-existent and that his so-called will is dependant on the Infinite Will of God. Since he has encountered the stark reality that every thought, word or deed is an act of God and he is but only a divine instrument enacting a role on behalf of the Infinite Being he has surrendered wholeheartedly to the Will of God. Therefore, such a realized being who has known the whole secret behind the mechanism of human existence is a Being established in great peace, harmony and profound humility. You would not find a person established in complete modesty besides a Self-Realised being. To cut short, an egoless being considers his existence insignificant compared to the Being of the Universal Self and sees no need at all to exercise his non-existent will. To exercise and force ones will would be being resistive to the Infinite Will and seeing no need to execute the non-existent will and restraining from using it would mean a state of total surrender to the Supreme Will. Exercising ones non-existent will is not being Self-Realised and adhering to the Infinite Will would mean being established in Self-Knowledge.

                               A genuine Yogi is not a phony and very very authentic because Enlightment is a state of innocence. When the effects and influence of the external World has stopped taking a grip in the life of an Enlightened being the fully restored Self takes over his nature and moulds plus magnifies pure soul qualities into him. When the material World stops having an effect in the Enlightened Being, innocence is born because of the virgin soul qualities. When innocence is born after one is Enlightened he stops modifying his nature as he is no longer drawn by the external World. Therfore, an Enlightened Being starts putting on an authentic nature because of the dawn of innocence in him. When someone gets Enlightened, the soul, a permanent reality, starts emanating real and authentic nature unlike the human habit which has a custom of seeking refuge in hypocrisy every now and then . It wouldn’t be a false assumption to state that since the state of innocence and Enlightment is unaffected by the material World genuine soul qualities sprouts up in that particular being.

                         These three qualities of a genuine yogi are the primary characteristics and there are numerous others. We shall discuss more later on. To wind up this article let us conclude with a quote and see what the Enlightened state of a genuine Yogi really is because the state of Enlightment altogether, does not imply a different lifestyle   from the unenlightened state but only with a heightened state of God awareness from the initial individual human nature to now, one of the image of the Universal Self or God. The great Sufi saints live their life this way,

                            “Before Enlightment chop wood and carry water
                              After Enlightment  chop wood and carry water”
                                                                                                                -Zen Aphorism.
                                    (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Everlasting happinesss

                     There are primarily two kinds of happiness experienced through the temporary and permanent mediums on planet earth. Transitory happiness can be contacted through interaction with the external and material World whereas an everlasting source of happiness can be availed through permanent mediums such as spiritual exercises with the soul and union with God. There is both happiness and sadness, joy and sorrow, a mixture of the opposite polarities, through the experience of the material World. Therefore, the occasional spark of happiness we achieve from the experience of the material World is short lived or transient. On the other hand, the everlasting happiness we contact by restoring the soul with full awareness does not ebb away like the tides and waves on the ocean but remains permanent throughout our entire life. The transitory happiness we achieve through interactions with the material World is normally obscured by the vast burden of suffering we have while living our life in the mortal realm. Happiness experienced through the mortal World comes, but arrives in our lives at a cost. The price of having to constantly spin in the cycle of suffering as the material World is an inefficient realm which cannot fulfill each and every of our desires. At times it may seem to us as if it is really worth putting all the hard labour into our lives and the  fruitless results ends us in great sorrow because of the incapacity of the mortal realm to fulfill each and every human want. On the other hand as Mr.Dipak Chopra says, the transition from the known to the unknown or from the state of the dormant human soul to a fully awake one connects us to the creative power of the Universe. When we have connection to the creative power of the Universe we have the ability to manifest our desires for anything we want. The quality of the fully restored soul to fulfill any kind of need you may have by merely using the ability to manifest your desires is real Power. This is real abundance and affluence. Try how hard one might in the material World, happiness comes but with a heavy price of having to exhaust and stress oneself out completely. In the same way, the happiness we gain through the mortal realm comes but with all the complexities of the opposite polarities such as disappointments, anxiety, failure, shortcomings etc. On the other hand, the effortless effort of a spiritually awake human being can employ his ability to manifest his desires to achieve anything  he wants without investing a single penny and without the need to churn in the ever rotating rotation of exhaustion, stress, anxieties and suffering.

                         On the one hand, the constant suffering of the material World and its incapacity to fulfill each and every human want. On the other hand, the Sat-Chit-Anand or the blissful and elevated state of the spiritual realm and its capacity of being able to fulfill each and every desires of a spiritual aspirant. The never ending effort of the human beings to accomplish their wants and being left unsatisfied and the spiritual planetary existence of spiritually elevated being’s ability to have anything at their command by an effortless effort.

                        The normal human beings depend on the material medium to be happy and therefore has a cause or reason to be elated. There is always a cause or reason for normal human beings to be happy, may it be the performance of their offsprings at school, the added bonus they get through their work every now and then, the purchase of a new vehicle or the inclusion of a newborn into their family etc. Vedic science declares that the happiness we experience in the material World can be taken away from us at any time. But the gift from God of permanent happiness we contact through the spiritual growth process is a blessing from Him and here to stay with us forever.

                           Let me give you an example of how God sometimes snatches happiness from our lives to aid him with his Divine Mission in the Universe or to suit some other purposes. I am an honest man and I will tell you that I was fated to become a doctor. The momentum for an onslaught of a nervous breakdown in my life had been building up at around the end of my first year during my intermediate degree. The momentum reached its height and I suffered  an immediate nervous breakdown during the beginning of my second year in intermediate. The onslaught of the nervous breakdown was added with another attack of the worst form of psychosis, Paranoid Schizophrenia after I returned home. But the blessing from God was that I never regretted all these hard times and instead transformed these difficulties into a permanent happiness state by propelling myself onto the path of meditation. Maybe God believed I would be better at being a Divine instrument than spending hours on the operating table dissecting and putting together human beings. I will tell you that I have succeeded through the blessing of God in realizing my highest spiritual objective and have kickstarted my path of Dharma to suit only one purpose, that of serving God wholeheartedly.

                             The normal human beings depend on the external medium or a cause and reason to be happy. On the other hand, the most prized soul awareness of a spiritually awake being never needs a cause or reason to be happy. A fully awake being does not need to depend on the external medium or a cause and reason to be happy. A spiritually awake being is always in a permanent  state of happiness and is ever happy without an external cause or reason. According to Mr.Dipak Chopra, happiness for no reason is the kind of happiness we want to experience. Material beings always has an external cause to be happy but spiritually elevated beings have no reason at all to be happy. They are all happy by themselves without a cause or reason. All Sat-Chit-Anand’s don’t need money to be happy, the comfort of luxury would not get them carried away and make them more happier and sex is the last thing in the World that would give them complete fulfillment. The everlasting happiness of a fully awake soul being permanent is not affected and obscured by even the most unpleasant disharmony present in the external World. Whether he loses his property to an onrush of a flood or contracts cancer, his state of happiness is permanently intact and unaffected by even the greatest tragedies in his life.

                      Collecting, amassing, hording to get that ounce of satisfaction is not achieving real happiness nor is wealth, luxury and possessing great sexual prowess the source of true and everlasting happiness. Finding and having no reasons to be happy and to be in constant jubilation  and celebration without having to depend on anything to be elated is genuine, real and everlasting happiness. The never ending effort to sustain the wheel of life is suffering but the effortless effort to have anything at your command by merely using the ability to manifest your desires is what the fully restored awareness or the happiness state all  about. The accumulation of luxury and wealth by having to partake in the vicious circle of suffering is not affluence but it is in living the state of Infinite Grace, to be able to achieve anything one could wish for by ones spiritual abilities, real abundance and affluence.The creative power of the Universe is a source which has Infinite resources to fulfill each and every desire of every living being in the entire manifested Cosmos. Being spiritually abundant and affluent is not the moral rather it is in finding fulfillment in God, living righteously and serving God’s cause for a spiritually awake and vibrant Cosmos the only mission of all human beings. 
                                         (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)                

Friday, July 5, 2013

Transitory happiness

                     The lust for and the goals of the material or external World and the temporary means of happiness or satisfaction are interconnected. The constant chugging of the human physical engine to earn that extra dough to provide for our wife, children, ailing parents and sustain the wheel of life gives us no fulfilling dividends than stress, exhaustion, hopelessness, suffering etc with an occasional sense of temporary happiness. The lust and the goals of all material pursuit which is directly guided by the illusory human senses shall keep us spinning in the circle of suffering because the material life and the external World are the exact opposite of our real nature, the soul nature or God nature. As long as the human senses makes us cling onto the material World for an external means of fulfillment we shall never be established as genuinely blissful beings. Since the material life and the external World are a temporary disguise, the happiness we achieve from the mortal realm is also impermanent. At the end of the day, when we sit down to think and rewind the entire affairs of the day, we notice time fleeting by with a mixture of sadness, happiness, disappointments, satisfaction, elation and depression, which makes us think if the effort we put into  our lives is really worth it and we relapse into a state of total unsatisfaction with constant anxieties about meeting the demands of the future.

                             “Why does the material life and the external World leave us temporarily happy and not permanently satisfied?” or “Why is it that any external or material medium cannot give us permanent means of fulfillment?” The satanic human  senses clings us onto the material World making us believe that the external World is a boon because it fulfills the demands of everyday life, provides you money to live a life of luxury and sustain the wheel of life with your partner who provides you sex. And as long as the demands for the two main demanding attractions on the planet, money and sex, are met, no one would even give a second thought about taking that quantum leap onto the spiritual field, which is the only reservoir of permanent happiness and bliss. Since the material life and World is not what reality is all about, since it is the exact opposite of our real nature, the God nature,  the by-product of it is also impermanent happiness which can never settle us as permanently happy and blissful beings. How can atheistic vices, money and sex, and addiction to it which is the exact opposite of our real essence leave us permanently happy and blissful when it is not our authentic nature? Do we think we can feel fulfilled when our material pursuit for happiness has a face to face confrontation with our real essence? The total alignment of our endeavour with an eternal or spiritual quest is what produces genuine and permanent happiness.

                        Our search for happiness through the material life and the World only leaves us temporarily happy. The source of temporary happiness, the external World, produces all kinds of polarities of human emotions like sadnesss, happiness, elation, depression, joy and sorrow etc. At the end the collection of bitterness, sorrow, despair, dissatisfaction with an occasional spark of temporary happiness gives in way for the thirst for more happiness and satisfaction. The thirst for more happiness and satisfaction and the inefficiency or incapacity of the external World to fulfill each and every demand for material abundance creates frustration, tragedies, addictions and great suffering in the lives of human beings. Desires, the source of the hunger for material  fulfillment will go on creating problems as long as one has the intention to collect, achieve, amass and horde. The desire for material pursuit and the incapacity of the mortal realm to fulfill each and every human  want is what creates moments of great unfulfillment. Therfore, the state of temporary happiness comes, but with a price tag, that of having to churn in the wheel of constant suffering.

                      Temporary happiness, because it is short lived cannot reach us to an everlasting state of fulfillment. Some of us may want to own a fast car, a slum dweller may have dreams of building himself a bungalow, some billionaires might be thinking about taking a vacation to the moon, a concerned husband might be worried about his decreasing libido and tensed about how he is to satisfy his wife and still others might be motivated to invest in stock so that they can be millionaires many times over. Since all these material goals we have in life does not give us permanent satisfaction and a state of fulfillment, there is no other way but to remain temporarily amused by impermanent happiness. Meeting material objectives may take us as far as getting temporarily satisfied with life but it comes with  a heavy price of disappointments, despair, hopelessness, anxieties, stress, exhaustion and the constant chugging of the human physical engine to sustain the wheel of life which inevitably invites great suffering into our lives. The truth is that the only affluent and abundant life is that of a spiritually awake human being. It is because only tapping onto our real nature, the soul nature, provides permanent happiness and starting our individual endeavour with the end of human  evolution, a spiritual one, and reinvigorating our dormant soul with full awareness establishes us as genuinely Sat-Chit-Anand’s or blissful beings.

Now, let us know what one of the most greatest saints of our time, Mr.Dipak Chopra, has to say about happiness in his book,"Power, Freedom and Grace".

                       Mr.Dipak Chopra says that the ultimate goal that human beings have through material goals is to keep themselves happy. Human beings pursue material goals because they want to be happy. He says, happiness is the goal of all material goals but people seek happiness through an indirect manner, a roundabout way. Mr.Chopra says he discovered something even more interesting when he pondered about the idea of making happiness  a primary goal instead of trying to attain happiness through material means or the indirect manner. He has stated a quote of Christ which declares,

                 “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added unto you”
                                                                                                                    -Jesus Christ

                    In the above phrase, seeking the Kingdom of Heaven implies having your soul nature awakened. A life of genuine abundance and affluence and most primarily the state of permanent happiness can be achieved by our connection to our Creator, our source or our inner Self. In Mr.Dipak Chopra’s words , fully awakening our dormant soul brings a sense of connection to the creative power of the Universe which fulfills any desires we have in the material World. The power of a fully awake soul awareness which can make us accomplish anything we desire is genuine abundance and affluence and not the temporary happiness and accomplishments we achieve through the material medium.

                We may spend our entire lives in search of material pursuit to achieve happiness but our Worldly objectives would only leave us temporarily satisfied. Genuine abundance and affluence is garnered only when we become permanent residents of the field of everlasting happiness and not by seeking fulfillment through secondhand means like stressing and exhausting the human physical engine to get that meager ounce of satisfaction into our life through material means.
                                                  (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)