Friday, May 31, 2013

Spiritual Evolution


                             Human beings have been undergoing a series of evolutions since the past few millenniums.Human beings started evoluting from the Stone Age, moved onto the Agricultural Age, further transformed into the Industrial Age and took a giant leap onto the Information\ Knowledge Worker Age. The successful transition to the various Ages has been possible because of only one thing, the ability of the human beings to adapt to the ever growing demands and changes around them and evoluting accordingly. The human intellect is the chief human instrument which has helped human beings adapt and evolute along the various transitions. “Has the various phases of transitions throughout the Ages helped human beings tackle and cope with the various human challenges and problems along the way?” Human evolution has played a major role in creating a civilized planet, on infrastructure development and in making human life more efficient and convenient. “But what about the ever growing magnitude of challenges and problems?” Human beings were more at peace in the Stone and Agricultural Age. The more developed the human society has become, the more the challenges are increasing. “What do we think is the kind of evolution that can create a total standstill to human problems?” Spiritual evolution, the last of the human evolution, is the only kind of evolution that can create peace on a permanent basis on planet earth.

                                “What is a spiritual evolution?” The spiritual ability of the human individual to undergo the spiritual growth process and evolve into a spiritually elevated being is a spiritual evolution. It is not enough to transform from the sub-conscious level to the conscious level and stay static at the latter stage but it should be seen as mandatory to successfully be competent enough for a worthwhile transition onto the superconscious level. A more feasible transition would be onto the stage of   Self-Realisation, to the state of God consciousness and more, onto the stage of Enlightment. The complete spiritual evolution would be achieving the state of the highest Eternal Bliss, the state of Nirvana. The fourth, fifth or the sixth spiritual planes can reach us to states of permanent happiness  but it is only by transcending the seventh plane that a successful spiritual evolution is complete. To be fully God-Realised, liberated, to reach a state of no-suffering, a state of Bliss, to be complete and total with the unbounded realm of Unmodified Consciousness-Existence-Being is what is called to evolute spiritually, successfully, completely and transit the end of human evolution, a spiritual evolution.

                             There are two kinds of spiritual evolutions. The individual spiritual evolution that happens in minute concentrations between the gaps of the various consciousness revolutions and secondly, spiritual evolutions which take place in a great scale and collectively on a mass basis throughout the various recurring consciousness revolutions. Both of these kind of spiritual evolutions contribute equally to the spiritual upgradation of consciousness on the planet. The individual spiritual evolution magnifies on a slower pace than the collective growth of consciousness on the planet which takes place in a rapid and a mass scale. By a consciousness revolution, we normally understand the revolutionary spiritual growth process of consciousness that happens every few thousand years in which there is a mass scale of upgradation of spiritual consciousness of people on planet earth. A consciousness revolution is taking place right now on planet earth, and any human individual with the right insight equipped with an equally competent and committed spiritual endeavour shall be successful in helping God’s mission by being spiritually elevated beings.

                             No individual, societal and World problems can come to an end without an expanded growth of consciousness on planet earth. It is because human problems can never be solved through material means but can be tackled and put an end to only by spiritual growth. The only everlasting solution to human challenges is by employing the powers of spiritual growth. Solving problems the humanistic way only dissolves them temporarily but finding permanent solutions to challenges through spiritual means is the correct method. All spiritually elevated beings find permanent solutions to their search for God, an end to their suffering or a solution to their inquiry into human existence. People may have served the cause of evolution individually, in minute concentrations and through  the various revolutionary consciousness  growth processes throughout human history but we need wait for a couple of few thousand years more for an Ultimate Consciousness Revolution which will uplift the level of spiritual consciousness to such great heights that we will be successful, through God’s Will, in establishing the Golden Age on planet earth. The target of the Divine Mother is to transit planet earth onto the Golden Age with a successful completion of a complete spiritual evolution by employing an ultimate  and a very magnifying consciousness revolution.  

                         It is God’s Will that every human being on the planet has to undergo a spiritual evolution and contribute to the completion of the Divine Mother’s mission by being spiritually elevated beings to serve the cause of expansion of consciousness in the World and in the entire manifested Universe. You may say, “But I don’t want to meditate and undergo the spiritual evolution because I find it awfully boring.” But the truth is that nobody has the free and independent Will to defy the Will of God. Situations and circumstances shall be arranged in your life  in the present and in the innumerable life of yours in the Cosmos in such a way that you shall undergo the spiritual evolution to quench your thirst to realize God, to put an end to  your immense and intense suffering or to find permanent solutions to your inquiry into the real meaning and goal of human existence. Sri Krishna has declared that everybody has to find solutions to ones problems individually and there can be there no reason why you cant find one to your own. Whether God instruments you to satisfy your desire to realize God, to put an end to your suffering or by executing plans for you to devise ways to end your personal inquiry, each and every human individual has to serve the course of evolution by undergoing a spiritual one. In other words, it is God’s Divine Mission for every human individual in the Cosmos to undergo a spiritual evolution.

                           Let us all be aware to the fact that no individual human problems shall come to an end without the aid of a spiritual evolution and no societal and major World problems shall dissolve unless and until there is  an expanded growth  of consciousness on the planet. All of us, due to God’s Divine Will and Grace shall undergo a spiritual evolution in one or many of our lives in the Cosmos. Great God realized beings have shown us the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, about how a successful spiritual evolution can be started, employed and completed like a master craftsman crafts his creation. Why need we wait for still countless number of lives to evolute spiritually, when we have this present life of ours to undergo a spiritual evolution and more, with this promising period of the Age of Enlightment. May we all have the Divine insight, to evolute spiritually, and serve God’s cause for a spiritual evolution and abide in God forever.
                                             ( This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)


Friday, May 24, 2013

Our real nature

                         The dominant state of the human mind depends upon the external medium. The various external medium influences the human nature to adopt a happy, sad, joyful or a sorrowful state. It is not independent to the play of the opposite forces such as happiness or sadness and joy or sorrow. The human nature needs to depend on the external medium to remain happy. The human nature cannot be happy without an external cause or reason. Since the human nature depends on external reasons to be happy, this kind of happiness is temporary. This kind of temporary means of happiness is lost once the reason for happiness are taken away from that particular person. The human nature, in other words, contacts both happiness and suffering during its sojourn on planet earth.

                           The spiritual or soul nature on the other hand does not have to depend on the external medium to be happy and is in constant celebration without a single external cause or reason. Since it is independent to the play of opposites, the soul nature remains abundantly happy inspite of the opposite polarities to which it is exposed to. The happiness state which is the dominant quality of the fully awake soul does not diminish or does not get obscured because happiness nature is the primary sign of the fully awake Spirit which does not need an external reason to be happy. The fully awake soul is ever established in permanent happiness. The happiness nature of the fully awake soul is happy without a single external reason. The human nature is a temporary disguise whereas our fully awake soul is of a permanent state. Our permanent state with something of an eternal essence to it, the state of the fully awake soul, is our real nature. Our real nature is our non-material or  the unbounded Self.

                     Our identification with the human senses, with the transient and unreal and with social conditioning is what prevents us from realizing our true nature. When we are unburdened from the clutches of the human senses, get disidentified with the transient and unreal and stop getting affected by social conditioning, we come face to face with our soul nature or that our most prized awareness is fully restored.

                      The human senses play a villainous role in obscuring the reality and getting ourselves identified with unreality. The turn-on we get by the graceful sight of our soulmate, the soft husky voice of your beloved, the touch of her soft and slender hands, the taste of the cappuccino while out dating or the perfumed aromatic odour that emanates off her flesh, every bit of these illusory experiences is converted to the experience of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell by the villainous human senses. Let me enlighten you by relaying the truth that the entire structure of the total manifested Cosmos is nothing but pure energy. It is the human senses which converts all this energy into illusory  experiences of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell and transforms it into material reality. Transcending the human senses by employing the powers of meditation or it  is through transcending the fourth plane that we get disidentified with unreality and start getting identified with the real world or reality of love, goodness, beauty and the truth. The moment we transcend the human senses is the  first step in establishing ourselves as residents of a fully awake soul and therefore the very first quantum leap in getting to realize our real nature, which is our soul nature.

                      The transient and unreal can only get us temporary happiness and not permanent happiness. Money, luxury and sex can be termed transient and unreal because of their nature of unreality. Wealth, luxury and sex are totally atheistic aspects and the opposite of God nature. Aspects which are the exact opposite of God nature draws us away from the Kingdom of God and makes it awfully hard for us to realize the Supreme Truth. Luxury, money and sex are a temporary medium of fulfillment and a person will never get Self-Realised as long as he is drawn by the temporary or the external world. The moment one withdraws himself totally from the external world is the point when Self-Realisation dawns. It is true that sexually active spiritual aspirants have the capacity to quicken the spiritual growth process but the capacity of leading a compatible and a harmonious life with each other  is very rare. The play of the opposite polarities becomes so active that the source of distraction it creates will make it very difficult for a natural and steady spiritual growth process. If an aspirant is single the best option for him would be to remain a solo spiritual  seeker and the dawn of the fourth  plane is going to make him realize that a presence of a soulmate was never necessary and mandatory at all. The disidentification with the transient and unreal and the identification with the non-material  makes it easier for us to realize our real nature and it is only when one completely abstains from the external world that Self-Realisation is actualized.

                           Social conditioning conditions us, human beings, so negatively that we are inclined to believe that the presence of a soulmate in our lives, the support of a wife, the conjugal life and sex are the greatest sources of happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment  on planet earth. The very cream among all the saints who have existed since the pioneering spiritual days have been genuine celibates who worked their souls steadfastedly all the way to the Supreme Truth. When these saints have been the  most happiest human beings till date without having to undergo the societal ritual of tying the knot with anyone, why should we, spiritual aspirants, presume that associations of a close bond or sex are the greatest medium of fulfillment when these saints lived their lives feeling tremendously fulfilled beings by remaining a celibate? The greatest source of happiness and fulfillment is not achieved through human relationships and exercising the sex centre but by reinvigorating our dormant human soul and restoring it with full awareness. The physical body and sensory experiences does not keep us happy and fulfilled  but it is our real essence, happiness or soul nature, which keeps us in constant celebration throughout our entire lives on planet earth.

                       The goal of human life is not in being born, getting shackled by the human senses, getting identified with the transient and unreal, getting swayed by social conditioning, losing a grip onto our prime spiritual objectives and getting temporarily satisfied with impermanent accomplishments. Human life is far too precious to be wasted on material values and pursuits and to shed our mortal bodies without gaining anything of spiritual value. Human nature cannot keep us happy, satisfied and establish ourselves as fulfilled beings rather it is the spiritual or soul nature which permanently fills our life with the greatest form of fulfillment. It is because, human nature which is not our real essence cannot convert us into permanently blissful beings  rather it is the depths of a fully awake soul,  our real nature, which can convert us into someone as blissful as a Sri Sathya Sai Baba or a J.Krishnamurti. Our real essence, the happiness or the soul nature,is the only timely medication to a life filled with the greatest source of fulfillment and a storehouse of permanent bliss ever after.
                                           (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Friday, May 17, 2013


                            Among countless meditators who along their gradual awakening through the spiritual growth process and through their acquaintance with the various Divine and Universal laws of life, only a few through their extremely committed spiritual homework have that rare opportunity of transcending the Absolute or the Unitarian plane. After transcending the seventh plane these devotees of God have that rare opportunity of completely abiding in God forever. The devotees of God who have transformed themselves into the form of the entire manifested Universe have now established themselves as minute concentrations of the Universal Self in the Infinite expanse of the Cosmos. The entire manifested Cosmos and the devotee who is now one with the Absolute are  now one and the same. It is at this stage that one awakens to the Supreme Truth and starts living exemplary lives, following the path of Dharma, aiding God’s mission by enlightening the respective planets they habitate with the Light of Lights. Finding fulfillment only in God and realizing that God is the only permanent reality in the entire Cosmos, considering the stark reality that he is none other than the living truth and therefore being a torchbearer of truth, he sets about the the remaining portion of his life aspiring to be a true son of God, helping his fellow human beings elevate themselves into God realized beings.

                           Out of the countless meditators who are on the search for the Divine, why do only a handful awaken to the Supreme Truth? Like in any other endeavour in human life, one requires the passion and the necessary drive to succeed on the spiritual path. An inborn  devotee of God like a Sri Krishna has that extraordinary capacity of transcending not only the seventh but even the tenth plane. People who are paralysed and handicapped with intense suffering in their lives have that deep burning desire to reach only one goal, to transcend suffering and reach a state of no-suffering. Still there are most of them, who inquire into human existence, find no substance and meaning in their lives, realize that their material goals and objectives are as shallow as the waters of a brook streaming downhill and take that quantum leap into the depths of consciousness, become successful and reserve a place for themselves in the Kingdom of God. Falling among the above three categories of spiritual aspirants is not enough, in fact, being successful on the spiritual path needs like mentioned before, the great enthusiasm and the maximum thrust like the never dying spirit of a warrior like Alexander the Great setting out to conquer the world.

                              Realising the Truth and transcending this plane forever establishes us into the state of no-suffering. The Ultimate state of the stage of permanent happiness further fills our life with a storehouse of everlasting bliss. We, who have been suffering from the onslaught of countless human lives till date have finally been liberated from the vicious cycle of  birth and death forever. The quality of love which had developed earlier transforms into compassion when we awaken to the Supreme Truth.

                            Not being able to realize the Truth would mean a life wasted in coming face to face with the Supreme Reality. A blissless state would imply the seeker without the fruit or a state of incompleteness. Being deprived of realizing the Truth would mean having to wait for another or still countless number of lives to get ourselves acquainted with the Supreme Reality  in order to be liberated from the bondage of human life forever. In other words, the incapacity to get in touch with the Unitarian plane would mean being inadequate or unfulfilled to comprehend the Absolute or not being capable enough to become a complete spiritual being.

                        Roy Eugene Davis, a direct, personal disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda has described the realm of Supreme Truth as follows,

              “The unbounded realm of Unmodified Consciousness- Existence-Being”
                 “Soul awareness is Pure Consciousness, Absolute-Existence-Being”

                   The soul  awareness of Truth seekers who realize the Ultimate Truth is about God, Absolute-Existence-Being. According to one of the Shankara’s of the eight century, God alone is real all else is unreal and temporary. Those who realize the Supreme Truth and get to know the Supreme Reality define Reality as God. Those whose awareness has not been able to capture the seventh Unitarian plane of the Supreme Truth and propogates a false theory that there is no Existence, rather, that there is a presence of the Non-Existence after the dissolution process of the Universe are mistaken because such unfulfilled souls are not enlightened enough to  be able to comprehend  what Reality or God is  all about. The encounter with the Absolute-Existence-Being by those who have realized the Truth simply clarifies and  supports the theory that it is none other than the most Supreme Godhead who is the only living reality and that invalid theories like the existence of the Non-Existence is baseless and holds no ground. We have validated evidence of the existence of God from many who have realized the Supreme Truth such as Buddha, Krishna, Rama, Jesus, Mahaveer, Mohammed etc. When the other mediocore Non-Being saints could not comprehend what Reality or God is all about , when they were not Enlightened in the true sense, how can they be able to justify and validate the existence of God? It needs the knowledge of the Absolute or the Supreme Truth to get to realize God. How can unfulfilled souls who aren’t Enlightened or those who haven’t realized the Supreme Truth get to know what God  is about? All great souls who are God realized are Enlightened beings and those who haven’t chanced to realize God, unenlightened, because the state of Enlightment or the state of the Supreme Truth is about realising and getting to unite with God.The only reason why some Non-Being saints propogate the Non-being theory and claim the existence of the Non-Existence is that they have not come face to face with the Supreme Reality which is God. 

The soul,when it shall have driven away from itself all that is contrary to the Divine Will, becomes transformed in love -the soul then becomes immediately enlightened by and transformed in God.
                                            -Saint John of Cross(16th century) 

                The soul once it realizes that the cause of its existence is God and further awakens to the reality that the only source of fulfillment is found in God  abides in Brahman Forever. We, being born as human beings, have that task of getting disidentified with our material nature and getting ourselves identified with our non-material nature. We may all reach certain destinations during our spiritual growth process upto which we are destined to realize but the one and only objective while on the search for God would be to shed our material nature and become spiritually evolved souls.
                                               (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Saturday, May 11, 2013


                     Goodness is the ability of expressing virtuous qualities to every living particle and every inhabitant of planet earth. The ability of the ordinary human beings to express goodness and the goodness nature of spiritual beings are on different levels. The goodness quality of the ordinary human beings may not be able to withstand the tests and trials throughout ones life, may not be resistant to the various adverse and rigorous situations, may weaken and finally crumble down. A spiritually advanced being on the other hand has the superhuman nature of a permanent goodwill with each and every living particle and inhabitant on planet earth. The goodness nature radiated from his persona is permanent since he is a spiritually  evolved being. Whether it be a porter, rickshaw driver, vegetable vendor, a labourer or a financially well off stock broker, doctor or a spiritualist, the system of goodness and goodwill is established with  people of all quarters. He has a goodness criteria established with the pine forests along the hill stations or the concrete structures in the city, he has positive vibes radiating, treading the Arizona desert under the scorching sun and is in equally good spirits with the snowy glaciers while mountain climbing up the Himalayan peaks, he treats prostitutes and perfect ladies alike and is on equal terms with a pauper and the richest man in the world. In other words, the goodness nature of a spiritually evolved being is complete and flawless.

                         The standard of goodness level  depends upon the level of consciousness a spiritual aspirant is in. The gradual refinement of goodness develops as one travels higher and higher into upper levels of consciousness. The ability to grasp the goodness quality starts with the gradual goodness nature established with the Omnipresent spirit of God  and reaches a crescendo with virtuous etiquette developed through a unison with the Ultimate, Unitarian plane. Preliminary goodness quality develops from love generated for the Omnipresent aspect of God, further gets enhanced with less sexual and more beauty-referred priorities, gets sharpened through a phonyless and genuinely egoless state, reaches a higher plane with goodness vibes even for the non-living things and finally lays firm on the Supreme Peak with the goodness quality that starts emanating from spiritual  nature as compassion. We can surmise from the above accounts, that primary and permanent goodness can only start emanating from the gradual restoration of awareness into our souls. Goodness developed through a weather beaten human awareness is good but virtuousness , cultivated,sharpened and practiced through soul awareness is best.

                            A firm goodness nature is the quality of love and tenderness expressed to each and every living particle everywhere you go. The concrete structure of your house is loved equally as the lush green hedge around your garden, a beggar feasting on leftovers thrown on to the dumping container or the richest man sipping on a glass of the most expensive champagne are both seen as reflections of pure consciousness, a rusty rickety pick-up swerving around the bumpy road bends of a mountain or a Ferrari gliding along the streets of Manhattan, everything everywhere you go is pure consciousness or God. This preliminary quality of goodness is showered on everything animate or inanimate, good or evil, a sinner or a saint, a satan or a living God as everything that encompasses existence or the entire manifested Universe is the sum and substance of God and no lines of discrimination is drawn between the various living and non-living categories of life. He is oblivious to a world of Godlessness and sees the entire Cosmos as a living entirety of God and nothing else. The unusual unrealisation during his normal human adventure is now transformed into a usual, permanent spiritual insight in his spiritual life as God being the living reality among all particles, animate and inanimate.

                                  Good code of conduct transcends another milestone when we start being great admirers of beauty. The ability to start exercising abundant love instead of  getting attached to your soulmate sensually makes you realize goodness in internal beauty rather than evaluating goodness sexually. The goodness feature that makes you abstain from anything obscene or profane or that does not suit your soul nature or a true son of God, gets developed and instilled in you permanently. “Everybody is an embodiment of God” is the goodness philosophy of the Anahat philosopher. The goodness insight to strike a perfect harmony with your best friend as well as your greatest foe should be seen as another stepping stone in establishing the seeds of brotherhood deep into your psyche. The perfect Anahatic love without a tinge of sexuality is expressed equally to a prostitute from the slums or to a perfect lady, to a fag or a lesbian, to a pauper or a millionaire, to a sinner or a saint and to a satan or a living God. The Anahatic goodness turns a ruffian into a thorough gentleman and a prostitute of the last category into a perfect lady.
                         The God-consciousness state endows one with the capacity  to comprehend the animate and inanimate on equal footing. The Divine nature to grasp the gentle and tender aspect of non-living things and see the inanimate things composed of the same vibrant energy as the living things endows one with the capacity to love even the things which are not living very much and hold them very close to his heart. The goodness generated feelings one starts to develop for the inanimate objects is another  feather in the cap for the highly devoted spiritual aspirant. He may end up hurting himself but he does not think about hurting the non-living things. In other words, whether it be animate or inanimate, everything is God to him.
                    The goodness quality reaches a crescendo and transforms into heights of genuine compassion for the most minute sub-atomic particles to the greater details which are all reflection of his own spirit. The realization that he is the living truth transforms him into a perfectionist with the perfect nature of goodness. 

                       The goodness nature expressed to the Omnipresent spirit of God in every living particle, the goodwill exercised equally amongst your friends and foes, the perfect Anahatic love distributed equally among different human natures, the goodness nature of being a thorough gentleman or a perfect lady, the goodness insight to love the animate and inanimate on equal footing and the goodness quality of the Absolute perfectionist to express compassion to all of Gods creation are the permanent features of the Universal Unitarian spiritualist. We know we are not judged by the  vast expanse of land we own, not by the amount of gold we have in stock at the gold vault in the bank, not by the strikingly good features we have, not by the kind of attire we don nor by the number of women who capture us into their hearts but solely and only by the characteristic goodness trait we have in our hearts.It is again I would like to emphasize on the importance of spiritual growth to get endowed with the superhuman capacity of the principle character trait ,“Goodness” ,deep into our souls.
                                               (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Friday, May 3, 2013


                          We live in a beautiful world and the things that signify and stand for beauty may be of different categories. The instantaneous, short-lived and temporary beauty and the ever green and permanent beauty are mainly two classes of beauty. The external or temporary means of beauty does not hold attraction for long and captures our heart only for a while whereas the eternal and  permanent sources of beauty enraptures our life and everlastingly reside’s in our hearts till the moment we don’t shed our bodies and travel into other realms. External or temporary sources of beauty which if lost a grip on to may leave us in states of  sorrow and despair whereas beauty which is eternal, which naturally signifies reality, leaves us no ground for a single complaint. Permanent and eternal sources of beauty stands for Reality whereas external and temporary sources of beauty signifies unreality. This is the sole reason why materialists face moments of great tragedy when the temporary means of beauty and attraction they value so much is suddenly taken away from them or when they lose control over their so much desired object of attraction. On the other hand, spiritually advanced beings who have realized the beauty of the human soul are in constant and around the clock moment’s of jubilation and great celebration.

                          The materialists may define beauty by owning a fast car, getting into a relationship with a stunning and attractive woman, earning big bucks by hook or crook and meeting bank accounts that meet the multi-million dollar mark, taking a ride on a private yatch to cruise around the world, maybe owning a private jet  or having extra marital affairs with a string of women. Money, women and sex may be all that beauty stands for an atheist whereas a young man who has reached the highest state of the most Supreme Reality and has beautified  his soul may be in constant jubilation and celebration every second of the day and every second of the night. Luxury, money women and sex signifies beauty for the materialists and the atheists whereas the beauty of being in complete union with God is what real beauty and attraction stands for the spiritually advanced beings. “What kind of beauty does God want human’s to rejoice in?” All beauty that stands for the non-material existence is the kind of beauty to which God want’s to draw the lone individual to and a life with great beauty through a love theme is what God want’s to draw married couples to. In other words, God think’s the human intellect and the ordinary human heart are inadequate to get to know what genuine beauty is all about but rather thinks the soul is an efficient tool because real beauty cannot be evaluated by and praised by the human brain and the ordinary human heart but can only be gauged and admired by the depths of a fully awake soul.

                          Admiring medium of beauty which is unrealistic is superficial because such sources of beauty is not what Reality is all about and does not give permanent happiness whereas in fact everlasting happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment is only gained when one becomes great admirers of sources of  Realistic beauty . Means of beauty which is external, unrealistic and temporary provide’s short lived happiness and satisfaction whereas sources of beauty which is realistic, internal and permanent establishes us in an everlasting reservoir of happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment. Everything that the human mind shackles us to does not give us real joy but the unlimited and Infinite expanse of beauty that the fully awake soul captures gives us permanent bliss ever after.

                              We start being great admirers of genuine beauty when we become successful in transcending that which is transient. Genuine beauty is God and we start being great and authentic devotees of beauty when we are lucky enough to transcend the fourth spiritual centre or Anahat chakra. Till the fourth spiritual centre we have been depending on passion, lust, women, a powerful libido, sex etc falsely assuming that these are the areas where great attraction and beauty lie but after we are spiritually efficient enough to transcend the transient field, we start comprehending the word beauty very very Realistically. The superhuman attraction to “Untouched Virgin Beauty” is the primary feature from this field onwards. The overpowering pull of the sex centre which were making us slaves to sex had cast our eyelids closed to the real world of genuine beauty but now that the transient has been transcended, we have been successful in establishing ourselves as great devotees of beauty, love and goodness.

                             Physical features and physical beauty such as a long flowing blonde hair, perfectly chiseled features, a six foot frame, a muscular body, dark tanned or a fair complexion, a feminine body the size of a coca-cola bottle, dark deep eyes, a flawless masculine or a feminine feature is not what real beauty all about. Nor are the male and female physical proportions or structures and the various relatives of sex what genuine beauty all about. According to spiritual vocabulary, the male and female physical proportions and the word sex is not what beauty and Reality all about but these are in actual terms, material, external or atheistic aspects and exactly the opposite contexts of a spiritual aspirant, spiritualism, soul  nature, Enlightment and God. In other words, the word physical beauty, is only skin deep and it would not be a mistake to profess physical and sexual attachment as “God Detatchment”.

                           "What is the criteria that one should look in a potential soulmate?" A competent individual looks for the correct combination of beauty, brains and the heart if that person is looking for a stable and steady relationship instead of a very short fling desired to obtain temporary accomplishments. By beauty, we may imply not physically attractive beauty but inner beauty of everlasting value’s like some deep devout feelings she may have for God, maybe an innocent or modest nature or the ideology of chastity she has in her, especially reserved for her future soulmate. A competent brain implies being wise enough to be fully prepared for her upcoming future life and its challenges with her soulmate. Endowed with an equally good heart ensures virtuous qualities for an exact life with her soulmate. In my perspective, inner beauty, with a mixture of the beauty of the mind and the beauty of the heart is what is required for an ideal relationship. If we want to figure out what is it that gives such a perfect combination, it is only the spiritual growth process and nothing else. A quality of all these attributes in a normal human being is very rare because purified humanistic qualities, purity of thought and purity of the heart can  be perfected only and only through a committed spiritual practice.

                          We start becoming  great admirers of natural beauty, Mother Nature, along our gradual awakening process to the state of Ultimate Reality. Our heart skips a beat when we pause for a moment to admire the sheer splendour of Mother Nature. Real beauty to a highly advanced spiritual aspirant would be a brook streaming through bits and pieces of rocks, the dense foliage and the lush green vegetation of forests along the mountain ranges which fills him with so much energy, the Alps and the snow capped Himalayas with its snow peaks soaring up to enormous heights or the flight of the handsome migrating cranes across the sky. The untouched virgin beauty of Mother Nature is a great delight to the spiritual man and admiring the natural architecture of nature is a favourite pastime to him. Beauty to him is God and he captures and realise’s God’s Omnipresent spirit in each and every beautifying existence of our most beautiful, Mother Nature.

                        The beauty of the Infinite and Eternal Existence, the entire manifested Universe, is another source of attraction to the spiritual man. He arranges enough time during the late evenings to romance with the stars overhead, the glow of the full moon humbles him more than enough to applaud the  significant creation of God and the setting crimson sun casting the evening sky with orange pattern’s makes him realize that he would not be without the presence of the Sun God. The stars, moon and the sun which are an expanded form of his individual Self makes him realize that one would not be without the other and the unsynchronisation of the Universal planetary system would mean the expanse of the Cosmos devoid of God’s creation.

                      Internal, non-material and Realistic beauty can only be comprehended by the soul abilities of the spiritual man. That which fluctuates, wavers and gives us occasional suffering is not real beauty and cannot give us complete fulfillment but instead we should aspire to reach that state of perfection from which level we can establish ourselves as Enlightened beings so that we can grasp Enlightened beauty completely. May we all, beautiful people, learn to abide by theistic and beautiful aspects so that we will be able to comprehend beauty in its totality during this very precious life of ours on planet earth.
                                               (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)