Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Five Primary Virtues

                             The most significant, primary and the virtues of the most prime importance are goodness, being an admirer of beauty, the qualities of your non-ego Self, the love embedded Self and the qualities developed by realizing the most Supreme Truth. Virtues developed through the human nature is not everlasting because human nature is not permanent. The only permanent feature of our Divine Being which has an everlasting nature is the presence of our fully aware soul. We are defeated time and again when we cannot perfectly apply the virtuous qualities which are developed through our mortal nature to suit the various situations and circumstances in our life. On the other hand, the virtuous qualities which are developed through the powers of spiritual growth can be perfectly applied to suit the various situations and circumstances in our lives.The only reason why human virtues do not meet the criteria of perfect application to suit the various tests of our lives is that human nature has a temporary existence and cannot withstand the trials of God because human conduct is not strong and sturdy which implies that it might not be our real etiquette. Our real nature which is Divine can withstand the various tests and trials of God in the most tranquil and serene manner.

                                   The first of the virtuous qualities, goodness, develops after we transcend one of our first highly elevating spiritual centres. The moment we get to realize that we are none other than a child of God and start perceiving the embodiment of God in every human being, we start sowing this superhuman quality of goodness deep into our souls. When we start being good to every living creature on the planet another automatic, superhuman seed is sowed deep into our Divine nature, that of being a righteous person who always sticks to the path of righteousness. Favouring one person from the other and discriminating a Mr.Wrong from Mr.Right are bygones and a thing of the past now because the first of the highly elevating centres is such that you would not abstain yourself from hammering the hammer for justice on your intimate soulmate to save a Mr.Right from justice being established on all quarters with that particular person. You will not judge rather, you will always stick to the path of goodness, righteousness and virtuousness. Being good to every living creature on the planet and to Mother Nature is the very first step in  establishing ourselves as true children of God, a quality which starts emanating after you start becoming Anahatic. Anahatic, which implies a person who has transcended the Anahat Chakra or the fourth spiritual centre.

                                     Being a great admirer of beauty, you have stumbled upon yet another step on the Infinite and Eternal spiritual highway with you now getting to establish yourself into a more Godly and soul inclined nature. Once the human senses are transcended you now start becoming less sexual and more and more God natured which means you are now no longer attracted by the senses and sex but that only people, things and Mother Nature which personifies great beauty are the only means of attraction for you.The attraction to the highs and lows of the human body have now faded and disappeared and you now exult in great delight at the sight of the migrating cranes through the sky, you jubilate at the great beauty of the lush green mountains and the snow-capped Himalayas and you simply rejoice when the late evenings welcome the dark sky with sparkling stars and the glow of the full moon.A rare combination of  inner beauty,  brains and the heart is what you look for in a potential soulmate rather than preferring to select a potential one by evaluating the outlines of her physical body."Untouched virgin beauty" of people, things and Mother Nature is the main attraction when you start being a great admirer of beauty.

                                  The demands of the human ego have now dissolved and now you have established yourself as an egolessly driven individual.You are now one and united with the Will of the entire manifested Cosmos. Maintaining a very receptive and non-resistive nature to the Infinite play of the Cosmos, you have now stopped interfering, intercepting and intervening with the Will of the Cosmos and in Mr.Dipak Chopras own words, with the innate intelligence of the Cosmos. You get God's visiting card whenever you encounter an enemy, have to compete with a competitor or when you have to market for your  private company with your adversaries stalking your moves and closing in. In other words, even the negative aspects of life which is the Infinite Will of God is now accepted with great equanimity.

                                      Love, Truth, Goodness and Beauty is God. These qualities are developed once we start awakening our soul nature. Love, another quality which develops after our soul nature is awakened is limited not only within certain boundaries like our soulmate, our family or our near and dear ones but is expressed with the inhabitants of the entire planet and with every living composition of the entire manifested Universe. Therefore, even your greatest enemy is on par for you as your best friend and the most haughtiest transsexual on earth dearer to you as your own soulmate which implies you love everybody on equal terms and on equal footing.

                                   The Supreme Truth which one realizes when one transcends the Absolute means something like “Thou art the Reality”. The soul starts generating compassionate qualities when one gets to realize that he is the living truth. The qualities of the Universal Self or God is permanently embedded deep into our souls once we awaken to the Supreme Truth. An ideal example of this living truth is someone like a J.Krishnamurti who had all the qualities of a perfect Enlightened Being. The state of the  Absolute is such a state which has all the qualities of the most Supreme Godhead because one who is  complete has established a permanent union with the most Supreme Being.

                                         It should be seen as  mandatory to develop virtues on a permanent basis through the spiritual growth process because the only permanent reality of us human beings is our psyche nature and not human nature. Even the human virtues cultivated and developed by a great Mahatma like Gandhi could not permanently help him as he had a habit of taking a refuge in the BhagavadGita whenever he lost his peace of mind. So even a virtuously trained Mahatma like Gandhi could not tame human problems with the virtues he had developed and may God save the plight of other ordinary mortals who have a habit of relying on addictive behaviours to drown their sorrows, suffering and problems. " Now do we see finally, why it is very essential to establish spiritual faith and practice in our lives when we have realized that human virtues shall be of no avail in tackling human suffering?" Let us all persevere with our spiritual efforts to establish an everlasting Union with God which shall make us realize that spiritual virtues, because it is permanent has an everlasting solution to human suffering and not human virtues, which is of a temporary nature and does not give permanent solutions to human suffering.
                                             (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Friday, March 22, 2013



                               Human conditioning are the conditions exposed to human beings which shape their nature and gets them used to certain situations and circumstances accordingly.Childhood upbringing, education, the role of our soulmates, media, society and the world are the various influential mediums that may characterize different individuals into the present state they are in.We are taught different manners and behaviour to present ourselves in a certain way during childhood by our parents, the education we get during our schooling, college and University levels,programmes us maybe not into the real role models we want to be, we may start behaving differently and start putting on great acts to suit our soulmates nature after we get married, the media may adapt our life into a completely hi-fi and modernized one and the society and the demands of the world may still need us to present ourselves in a completely different manner.The  only obstruction  that these mediums play is not getting us to shape up our real nature and not  getting ourselves into our own kind of genuine individuals we want to be.

                                   Let us look at what human conditioning can do to our lives and to the state of affairs in the beautiful planet we live in. Human conditioning either makes or breaks. To put it into more simpler terms, it either helps in the upliftment of the individual, society and the world or degenerates and harms the sole, society and the entire planetary system. I have seen a complete country bumpkin turn into a live-in relationship ideologist overnight because of the effect television had on her right in my house.It may harm the relationship of a Divine pair when one of them perceives that getting physical is the only source of fulfillment whereas the other one champions true and pure love as a means of fuelling the relationship, human conditioning may propel the Islamists and Muslims to launch a Jihad on the lives of innocent people whereas Prophet Mohammed was really implying to launch the real Jihad on the individual human ego, conditioning can even start a second World War with Adolf Hitler trying to build a majority of the human race with the blood of the courageous and battle loving Aryan people whereas God was targetting  a spiritually feasible planet with a total rein on world violence.

                        On the positive side, a Mahatma Gandhi drives away the British colonial rule waging a movement adopting the path of non-violence. A Lionel Messi is born and takes over all the soccer attention who perceives that being a good human being is far more important to him than being voted the best soccer player in the world. Nuclear strong nations see the growing nuclear proliferation issue and the growing need for world peace and effect a treaty stopping the further development of nuclear weapons. The search for the eternal quest produces spiritual super heroes like a Dr. Wayne.W. Dyer, Dipak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle and the great Sri Sri Ravishanker.

                             We have now seen what conditioning can do to our individual lives, and to the priceless lives around us. The great spiritual giants like a Sri Sri Ravishanker are doing terrific work on the spiritual level and in my perspective, there should be an awareness among people at how negative conditioning can totally decapacitate and create a havoc in individual lives, the society and our most beautiful planet earth.The parents should train their children correctly, the education system should do the necessary front while educating their students, human relationships ought to be unconditional and true love need to be established only with compatible soulmates, the media needs to be positively enriching and overpoweringly healthy and the role of the society shall modify accordingly with the positive modification of the individual people.

                             Let me give you an example of a conditioning about a so-called spiritual legacy left behind by a Non-Being saint (Osho) who was and is still believed by many superstitious people to take over the reins of the World teacher.This particular spiritual teacher underwent a terrible hallucination about the existence of the Non-Existence whereas the only valid reality about the entire Cosmos is the prevalent Being or the Existence theory.This Non-Being saint spearheaded his Non-Being movement in the world with sex and wealth as the main thrust. He professed that sex is an effective medium to reach an aspirant to the state of Enlightment or the state of Samadhi and we have these poor innocent disciples of his going ding-dong like a pendulum between two strokes of life and death, shooting their semi-automatics into their respective firing ranges never even getting an inkling what the Ultimate state of Nirvana is about their entire spiritual careers. “Oh my good gosh! What’s happening! A whole succession of spiritual fanatics aspiring to get Enlightened by engaging in a practice as playing a game of marbles.” Only true celibates like a J.Krishnamurti have that rare capacity to get Enlightened, not sex maniacs. Now, don’t we, my dear readers think it to be quite an astonishing idea to conceive of the state of the most Supreme Reality to be attained by instrumenting a total unreality, an unrealistic medium as sex? How can a spiritual exercise exercised at the sex center elevate an individual to the Ultimate spiritual peak, the state of Nirvana? These poor innocent disciples of his don’t realize that his spiritual legacy is only an effort to build a very magnifying movement around him and if possible the entire world swept  to his feet by conniving to become a World teacher with sex as the prime instrument. Why? Because sex is the greatest demand in the world after money, a favourite pastime which almost every individual would think of like spending every second of the day and night if given the chance.This is just an example of what conditioning can do to peoples lives.

                          What do we now think is the only nature without any conditioning? The only nature without any conditioning is the spiritual, soul or God nature because the psyche nature is about being a genuine nature. Now would we think the real nature of humans which is only about reality would be with any sort of conditioning attached to it? Conditioning and the real nature or authenticity are separate fields. How can conditioning ever tag along with our real nature which is pure God? This is the only reason why achieved souls are authentic and without any conditioning.

                       As my article is now finished I would want to retire to bed. I have only one well rehearsed prayer to God before dozing off to sleep. “Dear God! In all of my innumerable future lives to lead in the Cosmos you may condition me accordingly to suit your mission in the Universe. But tonight, I fervently pray to you that you become compassionate enough for me so that this child of yours shall never be conditioned by your Will to become an atheist in his future lives in the Cosmos but shall always be conditioned by your Will to live to be your most greatest devotee. Thank you, God,” and I sincerely pray to God that this be the very prayer while lying ailing on my deathbed.
                                             (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Transient and Unreal

                            We, as human beings, get  born, get a sound education, fall in love and finally fulfill that societal ritual of tying the knot with our respective soulmates. The conjugal life then begins and the emotional bond that sparked off earlier magnifies into an intimate physical union. There are very rare cases where both the partners exchange and share a balanced emotional and physical bond and transcend what we call the satisfaction criteria. Only in rare cases. The rest of the couples stagnate along the way and get lost and don’t find find permanent solutions to their already wrecked married life. Most of the human relationships which primarily thrive on both of the partners competent libido which if lacks in capacity would normally imply either one or both of the partners staying with an unsatisfied and unfulfilled desire for a close physical bond the rest of their lives. Human relationships which automatically would have excelled and reached great heights of ecstasy by leaps and bounds if spiritually exercised would normally stay static and unfulfilled if human tools and instruments are instrumented as a medium to gain happiness and satisfaction. The same case applies in emotional bonds. Human relationships either shape up or wreck peoples lives. I have seen the lives of innumerable people who have had their entire career and lives wrecked because of shattered and broken dreams.

                       So what do we think is the cause of great tragedies in human life which normally catapults by the issue of the incapacities of emotional and physical bonds? Mr.Dipak Chopra declares in his book Power, Freedom and Grace that one of main causes of human suffering is clinging onto that which is transient and unreal. The human senses and social conditioning hypnotizes us into believing that human relationships, sex and the conjugal life are one of the greatest medium of gratification on the planet.  The human body which is nothing but pure energy is converted into various contours and shapes by one of the most villainous instruments in the entire world, the human senses. The human social conditioning adds more fuel to the fire of delusion by making us believe that trivial issues like sex, relationships and marriage are a necessary means for an outlet to insanity, for great sources of satisfaction and happiness, for feelings of security and for fulfillment etc.

                       The only permanent presence of human aspect on planet earth is that of our non-material or soul nature. So when our physical and human mind can be transcended through the spiritual growth process, do we think the physical and mental frame of the human body has a realistic essence? What makes us suffer when we repeatedly get identified with  transient and unreal aspects as the physical body and sex? When the physical and mental aspects can be transcended we now know that sex and the physical body are unreal. They are not what reality is all about. When we get identified with unreality and not with our real nature the only thing that is produced is temporary happiness and frequent suffering. The main drawback that prevents one from being Self-Realised is continually getting identified with unreal, material or the external world. The moment a spiritual  aspirant  withdraws  from  the  unreal  or external  world Self-Realisation is actualized. So now it  can be affirmed now that sex and the human physical body which is in actuality transient and unreal is one of the main causes of human suffering.

                             So what is the best measure that should be taken to stop getting identified with the transient and unreal and stop the suffering contacted from the effects of it? Transcending the transient and unreal is the only way to contain the adverse effects and the extreme suffering it creates. Exercising the powers of consciousness and transcending the fourth spiritual plane is the first step in alleviating human suffering from our lives. One of the most significant developments that happens when you transcend the Anahat or your fourth spiritual centre is that your senses gets dissolved. You shall start getting attracted towards beauty and not towards sexuality from this point onwards. There is no need to worry because your senses getting dissolved does not imply that you have become impotent. Only that you have started becoming less sexual and more soul or God natured. There is a natural state of ease and relaxation when one no longer starts getting distracted by one of the most disturbing and demanding attractions on the planet, sex. Maintaining a state of no desires for sex, you are gradually shaping your life into a more balanced and Godly nature. The development of the state of happiness from this point onwards is such that even sexual fulfillment is not necessary and mandatory to remain happy. You are happy without a cause or reason.

                       Maintaining a perfectly balanced material and spiritual life is the best bet for a harmonious life. The best option to escape from the hassles of effects the transient and unreal can create is starting a regular and dedicated spiritual practice. It becomes easier for married couples to succeed on the spiritual path more easily and quickly than the solo spiritual aspirants. Physical union speeds up spiritual growth but there should be complete harmonious compatibility with your soulmate on all levels. Once the Anahat chakra becomes active, the married couples will start living their lives loving each other depending more on the love theme than on the sex theme. True and pure love starts emanating for each other and the married couples will no longer have to depend on sex for fulfillment.

                             Let us all realize before its too late that like in accidental cases, one of the causes of human suffering, clinging onto that which is transient and unreal, can completely shatter our lives down to the very roots. As the famous saying goes," A stitch in time saves nine". So before it starts getting too late, let us all awaken to the only medication to save us from the effects of the transient and unreal, transcending that which is transient and unreal and living a life of everlasting bliss ever after."God Bless Us All."
                                             (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Equal Beings


                                  All of us human beings inhabit planet earth as sub-conscious, conscious and superconscious human beings. Most of us live our lives and shed our mortal bodies in the same sub-conscious levels that we are born in.The conscious people are meditators who don’t reap beneficial fruits from spiritual growth and are stuck in the first three levels of consciousness, the conscious level.The lucky class of  people are the ones who have entered the superconscious level and have fulfilled that objective for which they were born as human beings. Most people who have low self-esteem or because they are ignorant perceive that people can normally be classified into the high class, the middle class and the low class. Is there any class of distinction between the rich and poor, the spiritual and the unspiritual, the lucky and the unlucky or the intelligent and  the unintelligent in the eyes of God? The truth is that the richest man from Mexico or the poorest man in the world, an arrogant dictator like Adolf Hitler or the compassionate Mother Teresa, a Sri Sri Ravishanker or a devotee of Lord Shiva- a Mr.Ram, a Karl Marx or Carl Jung, everyone is equal in the eyes of God.When we look back at our source and try to evaluate who we are, all of us are none other than pure consciousness or God according to the great saint Mr. Dipak Chopra. As  we are all pure consciousness or God, in reality, there is no class of distinction between any of the human beings who inhabit planet earth. Even sub-conscious and conscious beings are equal in the eyes of God as superconscious human beings. Therefore subconscious, conscious or superconscious human beings, everybody is equal in the eyes of God. So if you have a habit of perceiving that an Enlightened being is superior than you, you’ve got yourself  wrong. You are on par with that particular Enlightened  being and listen careful!, “Superiority” is one quality we can only use to denote the  nature of God, nobody else!

                               Why do normal human beings see distinction between the various class of people and what is it that is lacking in our inability to perceive everybody as pure consciousness or concentrations of one United Universal spirit? Labeling people started from the very moment of the dawn of human civilization. Categorizing and classifying  the human race will continue as long as there is no promotion of the individual human mind into a spiritualistic, Divine mind. The normal human mind,  as long as it does not undergo a process of spiritual evolution will continue labeling, classifying and categorizing people.   No act of individual human degredation shall dissolve unless and until there is a spiritual overhaul of the inadequate human mind. The normal human brain which makes use of the human intellect to survive and adapt cannot in reality undergo the genuine adaptation because the normal human mind which is an impermanent tool can only go far as solving problems superficially and not spiritually. The super human ability to perceive everybody as pure consciousness shall not materialize until that very moment when we make use of the human intellect as a medium for human adaptation.

                                   It is only the fully awake human soul which develops in us the capacity to perceive everybody on equal footing and as pure consciousness or God. Getting stuck in the lower spiritual planes will be of no avail rather it is when we as spiritual beings be devoted enough to transcend the higher spiritual planes that we are fulfilled with an overpowering capacity to evaluate each and every human being on an equal footing. We realize ourselves as a ray of God's consciousness in the fourth plane, and it is only when we transcend the seventh plane that we develop in  us the capacity to look up at one another as a reflection of our own Spirit. A more significant realization dawns after the seventh stage when we realize everybody as a concentration of the Universal spirit. An effort to weed out false theories is an act of God  but being hell bent on propagating a false theory and creating a spiritual confusion is an act of  the Satan. How can somebody whose whole life revolves around a pseudo theory develop that capacity to do that Godly act of seeing everybody as a concentration of the Universal spirit or accepting the Infinite will wholeheartedly when that particular person  is centered on  falsehood? How can one particular Non-Being saint who is an anti-Christ because he supports immoral activities like polygamous unions uphold the Eternal values and theories established by the most Supreme Godhead?

                                     When you transcend the body, mind, and emotions and along the gradual process of maintaining an equilibrium state of the body, mind and spirit you start perceiving Divinity in every human being and get to realize that all of us are none other than pure consciousness or God which in direct term implies that everybody is equal in the eyes of God. Forget about the body and mind, because when your spirit or soul is regenerated your body and mind starts maintaining a perfect balance. It is when the Spirit is reinvigorated  with spiritual energy through meditation that we get to realise the truth as we, human beings, being divine, special, and very privileged children of God. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to offer a thousand and eight padnamashkars (prostrations) at the feet of some so-called Enlightened beings who perceive themselves to be on a higher par than the rest of the spiritually asleep human beings. There is no need to act like a cute sissy little puppy and lick the feet of some    so-called Enlightened beings, taking them to be as if there has never been anyone like them before. In reality, there are no perfect disciples and true devotees of God on the human level. Enacting the manners of a sissy like prostrating at the feet of some  so-called Enlightened beings are seeds of hypocrisy. In fact, even getting Enlightened depends upon the grace of God and not on the grace of your Master. Your deepest burning desire to get Enlightened is the instrument to get you to the state of the highest Eternal Bliss and God is the executor of that state of the highest human salvation.

                                       We are all Divine, special, and privileged bacchas (children) of the most compassionate and the only perfectionist in the entire expanse of Mother Universe we know as the most Supreme Godhead. We are minute specks or concentrations of the vast expanse of the  Universal Self born to help make alight the entire manifested Cosmos with full vibrant consciousness. Feeling inferior and holding a low self-esteem would mean we not considering ourselves as Divine and as reflection of God's spirit  and the feelings of superiority will not last too long as we can learn to devise ways to awaken our asleep human souls and establish ourselves as authentically Enlightened beings. Next time you come across a so-called spiritual Master who tries to act the Big Boss and tries to dictate his authoritarian dictatorship over you, like the chairman of Pathik Foundation, immediately enliven and electrify his loudmouth with a thousand volt live electric wire. True Masters are very compassionate and very very modest, like a Madhav Aryal, and not arrogant.

                                  In the end, sub-conscious, conscious or superconscious human beings, we are all equally adored and loved by God. Let this feeling of equality generate peace in the world and be an added inspiration to all potential spiritual aspirants to head towards their appointed spiritual destiny with lots of devotion, firm faith and complete dedication.
                                          (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)