Saturday, June 29, 2013

Channelling the facets of happiness

                     We, human beings, spend the most relaxed nine months in our mother’s womb, get born, pursue a sound education, start a career, fall in love with a soulmate, get married and have children, start graying into old age and finally shed our mortal bodies without achieving anything of significant value. The essence of being born as human beings, the transition from the mortal to the immortal or the channelling a life of suffering to one of no-suffering is not thought about in the least as we are ever consumed with an intense desire to succeed materially and amass that mass of wealth to piece our life together. But is being financially efficient, being a multi-millionaire, owning a fast car, squandering money in the casinos, satisfying the voracious sexual appetite of your partner, mistress or wife real success? Tell me of one human being apart from spiritually elevated beings who says he or she has been completely satisfied throughout their entire sojourn on planet earth and I shall end my life right in front of you with a bullet through my temple. Let’s think about it , better than this, start a debate amongst yourself and try to conclude why is it that any means of temporary or external means of fulfillment hasn’t left any human beings satisfied till date and consigned them as permanently happy.

                      There is sadness where there is happiness, one does not have ecstatic moments always but one starts crying when one starts giving in to  pangs of emotions like despair, hopelessness, suffering or sorrow. Life is a mixture of tragedies and comedies as well as elation and depression. We can say this is the way life goes for a tiny tot who is extremely happy with his toys and starts lamenting when a bully thrashes his playthings to pieces or to Tiger Woods who directs his wife not to smile when he win’s  a tournament because he thinks he is always born to win and experiences a great downfall in his career due to his encounter with women when God sees the need to tame his ego. Human beings  who are consumed with attachment to toys and chocolates during childhood, the  passion and the intense libido to satisfy their partners along  the prime of their life and the unpleasant cacophonies into retirement age when they are uncared for, do not feel fulfilled and have that spark of impermanent fulfillment because of the play of the opposite polarities in their life. Here, the play of the opposite polarities imply the role of the pole and anti-pole emotions.

                              The transition of temporary happiness into a permanent one shall not be a reality as long as we continue to rotate between the ruthless rotation of the play of the opposites. Transiting into the permanent field of happiness from a temporary one would mean having to be in a spiritual position to be independent to the play of the opposites. The moment we transcend the field of the opposites and be independent to the play of the opposites is that significant dawn  of everlasting bliss, joy, happiness, contentment and fulfillment in our lives. To be permanently established as such beings is thought to be in the state of Sat-Chit-Anand. So what then are the hindrances to be removed to reach the state of Sat-Chit-Anand  or obstructions to avoid to make that heroic transition from temporary to permanent happiness? The role of the human senses obstructs the light from the dark, clinging onto that which is transient and unreal slows down realization and finally social conditioning gets us forever swamped in a quagmire of the false rather than establishing us as torchbearers  of truth.

                              The power of the human senses can get you addicted to sensory experiences not only throughout a single lifespan but getting overpowered by the human senses and the objects of its attraction can make you go on circling in  the wheel of suffering for innumerable lives in the Cosmos. Instead of realising our essence as Divine Beings and opting for a spiritual overhaul we will not be able to evolute into the Ultimate evolution but spend innumerable lives counting flies and swinging to and fro between two strokes of life and death like that of  the clockwork of a clock’s pendulum. The human sensory tools which  are the eyes, ear, nose, mouth and hands are only modifications of energy and the sensory experiences it creates are instruments to get you attached to the mortal realm. The illusory external World which is converted into material reality by the villainous senses has to be disidentified with, which is the only way the  door to an everlasting reservoir of happiness is opened and union with the  Self-Realisation state established. As long as we are drawn by the material or external World we shall never awaken to the field of everlasting happiness and spiritually elevated states beyond this level.

                        Things which are transient and unreal cannot fetch us permanent happiness. The happiness garnered from the source of transient and unreal are like leaves withering in a tree during Autumn. The leaves may sprout again the following Spring but the dawn of yet another Autumn wither’s the leaves again. The happiness  or soul nature which blossoms out of the identification with the real cannot develop by getting identified with the external or material medium which is temporary and a total unreality. The destiny to the permanent and real can only manifest by getting ourselves  identified with the everlasting or the realistic medium. Many human lives have gone waste by petty efforts for some useless gold rush and countless life energy has been squandered by chanelling it unwisely only to suit one’s sexual pursuit. The chanelling of valuable life energy from stressing oneself out to meet the multi-million dollar mark or to squander it only sexually to one of total command over the transient and unreal and complete mastery over the human senses is what is recommended for human beings. Identification with the transient and unreal directly signifies the disclosure that the attainment of the state of permanent happiness is closed forever.

                       Social conditioning sticks us to the belief that relationships, sex and the married life are the greatest source of fulfillment in human life. It is not so but the complete opposite way around. Unrealistic aspects such as relationships, sex and the conjugal life are not the source of fulfillment in human life, rather, it is the exact opposite of it which is God nature the only fulfilling criteria of a mortal coil. Finding fulfillment in God and therefore uniting with the most Supreme Godhead is the only means of completeness in our lives.

                         To conclude, the chanelling from temporary happiness to  one of extraordinary happiness can only be chanelled by disidentification with the human senses, the transient and unreal and social conditioning. If you perceive  that you shall pass away a pauper or die the death of a lonesome virgin, let us give some thoughts to the following saying,

“But seek you first fulfillment in God, and live righteously,and all these(material and circumstantial) things shall be provided for you.”
                                                                  -The Gospel According  to Saint Matthew6:33.
                                              (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)


Thursday, June 20, 2013


                       What is it to excel, to be excellent and live with excellence? Most of the unaware World population who are swamped in a quagmire of illusion perceive that achieving success in the Worldly life is to excel, that a materially affluent lifestyle is excellent and a lifespan that fulfills the satisfaction criteria of mortal life is achieving excellence. Why are most of the World population stagnating without fulfillment and why aren’t they satisfied and permanently happy by getting endowed with material abundance into their lives? The material nature which has a habit of seeking the source of temporary happiness from Worldy pursuit has not left any mortals  fulfilled till date because of their ignorance and incapacity of not getting to tap onto their real nature. As long as mortals cling onto the transient and unreal, seek means of gratification from the impermanent sources of satisfaction such as luxury, sex and decide that that relationships, sex and the conjugal life are the greatest sources of fulfillment in the Worldly life, the door to an everlasting reservoir of permanent fulfillment is closed forever. Till that very moment when we depend on the human senses for an illusory means of fulfillment and that time when we get blindly conditioned through social conditioning to believe that the rituals of mortal life are a permanent medium to the state of happiness, getting to experience even an ounce of joy which is real affluence is only like dreaming oysters producing that magical pearl lying in the midst of the scorching sand beds of the Sahara.

                          Our real nature, the soul nature, and the immense necessity to restore it with full awareness is realized by the wise who after experiencing immense suffering in their lives see the need for a spiritual exercise, by the blessed who inquire into their worthless and meaningless lives and opt for a spiritual overhaul and the inborn devotees of God like Paramhansa Yogananda who are fully aware about the existence of the most Supreme Godhead early during childhood and start the eternal quest for God. The mortals  have the necessity to realize that our real nature is soul nature, that the only worthwhile journey in the entire manifested Universe is a spiritual one and that uniting with God the only existing and Ultimate human objective. To be the World’s richest man and not to be spiritually awakened is to live the life of a beggar which is a curse. Not to have a single penny but at the same time to be spiritually elevated is to live the life of an Emperor which is a boon. The one and only Ultimate task in our lives is to awaken to our deepest Self. To realize our soul nature, the real human nature, to start our eternal quest and evolve into spiritually elevated beings is to excel, to be blissfully and permanently established in God is to be excellent and not having an identity crisis and not making an effort to prove that  you are an Enlightened Being but living the perfect example of a spiritually elevated Being like J.Krishnamurti is to achieve genuine excellence.

                        If you ask why we can only excel, be as much as excellent and mere strive to achieve excellence and not reach the state of perfection, well!, I would like to declare that not even Enlightened Beings are perfect. Only the most Supreme Godhead or Brahman is perfect, who empowers the atheistic materialists to enact the role of fools and instruments the anti-God spiritualists, the superstitious Non-Being saints, to play the role of idiots and puppets. No human beings, not even Enlightened Beings except in an exceptional case like that of a J.Krishnamurti have yet excelled to reach the state of perfection. Brahman, God, The Divine Mother or the Infinite Being, whatever you may call the most Supreme Godhead, only the Infinite and Eternal is the only existing perfectionist in this vast expanse of the entire manifested Universe. Nobody else.

 “What is it to live a life of excellence?”

                   It is in being able to comprehend the sub-atomic structure of Higgs Boson(The God Particle) on par with the atomic make up of every fraction of oxygen you inhale as well as with the mega atomic structure of the huge balls of mushroom created by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagashaki. It is to feel that the essence of the giant nails that punched Jesus onto the cross, the guillotine that snapped the French King’s neck is the same in significance as the sleek metallic Jaguar in which Sri Sathya Sai Baba used to take rides around his Whitefield ashram and very much in equal importance as the silver palanquin in which Sri Shirdi Sai Baba used to be hoisted for a great procession around Shirdi. It is to know that every drop of water that flows down the Ganga is as holy as every drop of tear that streams down the eyes of an inmate at Death Row.

                           Living a life of excellence is in making frequent telephone calls to someone who considers you his greatest foe like you regularly call your greatest companion and never bother about the hike in telephone bills at the end of the month. It is that  Anahatic love you have for a woman just because she is a great devotee of God and not because you feel like enjoying great romps on the bed with her. It is in the energy radiating equally for an alcoholic lying unconscious in the sewage, for a sub-conscious prostitute busy exchanging sexual favours for her late night client  as well as for a conscious meditator  meditating somewhere in the Himalayan caves or a superconscious God-like Being like J.Krishnamurti.

                      A person established in excellence may be in an Anahatic love with a devotee of Pashupatinath just because of the out of the World beauty she carries around her solely due to her devotion to her adored Lord and  he ponders what an added source of inspiration and blessing it would be by her inclusion into his life. A spiritual aspirant who has excelled in his life is someone whose whole persona enters an area of mental stillness and quietness when he captures the majestic sight of the Himalayas and the beautiful lakes and who gapes in wonder at the moonlit and starlit sky pondering how indeed beautiful God's creation really is.

                       To live in excellence would be carrying with you an aura of a thorough gentleman or a perfect lady, radiating a blaze of goodwill not only with your family, relatives, friends or colleagues but even with the strangers and adversaries you meet in your life.

                       A humble and genuine soul nature potrays excellence. Excellence is defined by the tenderness and gentleness one has not only to the animate but also to the inanimate. A person who strives to lead a life of excellence is not someone who tries to show off that he is an Enlightened Being but someone who constantly reminds himself to follow the life of a perfect living spiritual example. It is tough and needs a lot of spiritual discipline to radiate a blaze of light like Sri Sathya Sai Baba, J.Krishnamurti, Sanjaya Sai Baba or a Paramhansa Yogananda but a genuine Enlightened Being never strives to prove that he is  Enlightened  but tries to shy away from being claimed an Enlightened Being and instead lives the perfect living example of an Enlightened Being . Just like J.Krishnamurti. Lastly, a person established in excellence realizes, cultivates, develops and magnifies the Unitarian theory-“Everybody is a concentration of the Universal Spirit.”

                       There is only one existing path of genuine endeavour to excel, be excellent and live in excellence and that is the spiritual path because the Ultimate goal of human beings is to get to realize our deepest Self. To realize, travel and make that magical sojourn onto the superconscious states is to excel, to be established in God awareness is to be excellent and it is in living the perfect example of an Enlightened Being the real essence of being established in excellence. May we all excel, prove our soul nature excellent and live a life of great excellence by exercising the only worthwhile endeavour in human life- A Spiritual Adventure.
                                                  (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)


Friday, June 14, 2013

Spiritual insight

                          According to one of the Siddhas I met along my spiritual journey, life is a constant struggle and full of compromises. A constant struggle because, to buy happiness one must struggle. One has to slug and pay for everything one receives in life. Everyone has to toil and slug hard to sustain the wheel of life with their partner and provide for their children. Full of compromises, because, one cannot fulfill each and every desire one has in life. One does not achieve everything one desires in life. In the material life, a life of satisfaction cannot be met without the constant chugging of the law of Karma(Action). Likewise, in the spiritual life, a state of no-suffering cannot be contacted without undergoing a rigorous spiritual exercise with the dormant human soul. The constant gold rush by exercising the human physical body and the brain five days a week, exhausting oneself out completely, to earn the gold or currency one wants to buy satisfaction and happiness to one’s soulmate and family is the material life. On the other hand, the constant trial and challenges along one’s spiritual journey for exercising and trying to rejuvenate one’s dormant human soul and restoring it with full awareness to ultimately lead one to the state of no-suffering is the spiritual life. No pain no gain. Either one slugs or one does not get the desired fruit. You need to exercise your physical body and the brain for the Worldy life and for the spiritual life, it is in exercising the asleep human soul.

                           How can we cope with the challenges, difficulties, sorrow and tragedies of human life? There are no problems with a spiritual seeker the moment one transcends desires or reaches the state of Self-Knowledge. The spiritual aspirant who has transcended the fifth plane is without a single problem in life because he is a man of no desires. When there are no desires in one’s life, how can there be any problems? On the other hand, in the material World, there is a  need for a realistically trained and weather beaten human brain to take the highs and lows of one’s life with great equanimity.

“If you live on the knife-edge reality of things, the mind becomes a beautifully tuned instrument”
                                                                                                                   -Louis Lamour

                         The other way to adapt and evolute along the various trials of human life would be to be spiritually wise enough to transcend the various challenging and difficult situations.

                                              “Wisdom is the principle thing”

                            Superficial material wisdom can help, but a person filled with spiritual insight can guide one’s life through troubled waters like a lighthouse that guide’s ships to their respective ports. Surface level material wisdom can only go as far as solving problems the inefficient and temporary way but the human intellect equipped with Universal and spiritual insights can make a person wise enough to apply the principles and everlasting solutions to the concerned human crisis and live a life of great peace and harmony. The various storehouses of spiritual wisdom is through metaphysical studies, through spiritual communions or satsangs, the medium of Infinite source of knowledge gained by transcending the higher spiritual planes or by getting ourselves acquainted with the laws of life along our gradual spiritual awakening process.

                            Metaphysical studies has the power to convert a life of darkness to one of vibrant light. A life without a single ray of hope can radiate with the visionary insights of an Enlightened Being if one is a reader of spiritual wisdom. The most incurable of human ailments like an onset of the most dangerous form of psychosis can be healed by being an ardent follower of Gyan Yog or by reading the profound spiritual knowledge conveyed to us by God realized beings who have visited planet earth down the ages. All great leaders and statesman have been voracious readers, but the wisest insights one can get to disperse the heavy dark clouds or sufferings in one’s life is through spiritual reading. Solutions to all kinds of Worldly problems can be found through Universal and spiritual laws dictated in spiritual books.

“When doubts haunt me, when disappointments stare me in the face, and I see not one ray of hope on the horizon, I turn to Bhagavad Gita and find a verse to comfort me; and I immediately  begin to smile in the midst of overwhelming  sorrow. Those who meditate on the Gita will derive fresh joy and new meanings from it every day.”
                                                                                                                  -Mahatma Gandhi

                       Some recommended saints who have written spiritual classics are Sri Sathya Sai Baba, J.Krishnamurti, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda, Paramhansa Yogananda, Nisargadatta  Maharaj, Ramana Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo, Buddha, Shivapuri Baba, Kripaluji, Sri Chinmoy, Mr.Eckhart Tolle, Mr.Dipak Chopra, Dr,Wayne. W. Dyer, Sri Sri Ravishanker etc.

                         Being a regular participant of spiritual communions and spiritual television shows can boost your spirit and morale to great heights. The sum and substance of spiritual television shows, spiritual communions or satsangs and reading metaphysical literature is just about the same. All of these spiritual sources gets one tuned with Universal and spiritual laws which can compose and collect oneself to give one great spiritual highs or a great peace of mind. Getting close to God  natured beings and devotees of God, seeking deep, profound insights on valid spiritual doctrines from them, making spiritual friends and participating in spiritual dialogues, listening to spiritual and devotional songs, living a balanced life based on moral and spiritual values, going to temples, mosques and churches with overpowering spiritual energy, and if you don’t want to be spiritual , by being religious enough to participate in daily worship, prayer to your respective man-made Gods which can fill yourself with an overpowering strength, devotion and the faith needed to carry on with your life are some of the things which can make us extremely positive, make us realize that human life is a boon and something more than we deserve and give us great glimpses,  hope and optimism that mortal life is  worth living to the fullest and not to be taken for granted.

                           All the Divine theories you read in spiritual books are the knowledge realized by highly evolved spiritual beings by transcending  the higher spiritual planes. Somewhere in the spiritual capital, India, a Sri Sathya Sai Baba, a Ramana Maharshi, a Paramhansa Yogananda, a Sri Sri Ravishanker, a Sri Aurobindo, a Swami Vivekananda, a Kripaluji is born and spread spiritual knowledge to people in order to help them from their hopeless plight. In the Western countries and in the U.S.A., God sees the need to help the completely stressed out Westerners and Americans and when God sees the need to curb down the atheistic values spreading and propogating within the Western boundaries, He create’s great saints in the form of a Dr.Wayne.W.Dyer., Mr.Dipak Chopra and Mr.Eckhart Tolle to help a God abiding country like U.S.A. and the surrounding countries with spiritual wisdom and spiritual exercises to de-stress them.  But, all of this is happening to fulfill the demands of the consciousness revolution that is going on in the World right now. The vast source of spiritual knowledge present in books dictated by these saints is a must read, both for the material and spiritual seekers. To maneuver one’s life with a level headed approach for the materialists  and to guide ones  spiritual life to the appointed spiritual destiny for the spiritualists.

                         Among the four sources of spiritual wisdom mentioned above the only source of insight to establish oneself in spiritual perfection of permanent bliss would be to get acquainted with the Divine laws of life by restoring ones Self with full awareness. Until that moment when one does not transcend the human ego and emotions by getting established in Self-Knowledge and realizing the Divine laws of life, tackling material issues with spiritual knowledge will be like taking an Aspirin  to treat your Migraine.  Until one does not get to realize the Divine laws of life, and does not dissolve one’s ego and emotions by transcending them totally  by getting to the superconscious planes one cannot stumble upon permanent and everlasting solutions to human problems. The individual human ego and emotions is bound to make you falter time and again and make you suffer no matter how wise you are. In other words, finding everlasting solutions to all individual human suffering is by transcending the superconscious states or more better, by reaching the Nirvanic state  and getting oneself well acquainted with the Divine laws of life.

                          Let me give you a few examples of how powerful spiritual knowledge and insights are. Several years ago, I dreaded the thought of being around meditators, Siddhas and spiritually evolved Beings. I would be filled with anxiety, fear and be a bundle of nerves just being around them and while communing with them, because I knew they could read my anxious  thoughts. Suddenly, one day, I came across this spiritual line-“You are not your mind”. I stopped getting scared after getting to imbibe this spiritual teaching no matter what obscene and profane thoughts crossed my mind while interacting with these spiritual Beings.

                       I am a lover of strong tea and cigarettes. I am a chain smoker. A few years ago, I pondered that this habit would soon take a toll on my health and that I had to be careful. Just about that time, I came across the following lines in Power,Freedom and Grace, a book by Mr.Dipak Chopra.

“With each breath we inhale billions of atoms that ultimately end up as heart cells, kidney cells, brain cells, and so on. With each breath we exhale bits and pieces of our tissues and organs and exchange them with the atmosphere of this planet. Radioactive isotope studies show that the body replaces 98 percent of all its atoms in less than one year. The body makes a new stomach lining every five days, a new skin once every month, a new liver every six weeks, and a new skeleton every three months. Even our DNA, the genetic material that holds memories of billion of years of evolution, wasn’t the same six weeks ago”.

                                                                                            -Dipak Chopra
                                                                                             (Book:Power Freedom and Grace)

                        If I thought I would die of colon cancer by the harmful chemicals of strong tea deposited on it,  I had gotten myself wrong because the cells and walls of my colon is renewed every few days. If I perceived I would be a lunger, contract Asthma or die of lung cancer, the truth is that I get a new lung every few weeks. We don’t die young or untimely because of the various unnatural conditions we are exposed to but  we shed our mortal bodies and pass away into other realms only after our evolutionary  process and mission on planet earth is over. This does not mean you can do anything you want. Have fun the responsible way. For example, if I have a habit of taking cigarettes I should sweat my body out through exercises, take a rich diet, eat more vegetables and fruits and things like taking lots of green tea if I want to beat off the threats of contracting cancer.

                       I had the habit of getting identified with the opposite sex and the transient and unreal along my spiritual journey. There came a moment when I was at the spiritual threshold and got into a face-to-face confrontation with the unknown because I got so much drawn by sex that I was terrified of the onset of the dawn of Samadhi and started feeling repulsive about the Nirvanic state. I sought the advise of my T.M. instructor and he told me to go through Power, Freedom and Grace. I purchased the book and by the turn of the second chapter got to realize that which clings us to the transient and unreal, the human senses, is what causes suffering. I, then further realised that until one does not transcend the human senses one is forever into the field of suffering, restricted from the permanent field of happiness and the doors to higher states of consciousness closed forever. I moved on to the third  chapter and got to realize that social conditioning conditions and blinds us into believing that relationships, sex and the conjugal life are the greatest sources of fulfillment in human life whereas the only source of fulfillment lies in being a spiritually awakened being . After being Enlightened enough by Mr.Dipak Chopra’s book, Power Freedom and Grace, I immediately took a U-Turn, bade a farewell to transient and unreal aspects, the physical body, sex, relationships, the thoughts of getting married and here I am today, blackmailing all of you to start your spiritual endeavours  and reach the Kingdom of God.

                           If  we find the material World fascinating, fine !,but let us not forget to stack the small shelves of our bedroom with spiritually rich books, pouring through a few lines everyday before going to sleep so that great spiritual insights shall come to us as solutions to unburden the vast suffering and challenges in our lives. The more wiser option would be to inquire into the real meaning and goal of human existence, get to realize that the only worthwhile objective is to awaken to our deepest Self, never while away a single moment and start our eternal quest not one, five or ten years from now but right now and this very instant. It is in striving to reach perfection, the state of the highest Eternal Bliss, the state of Sat-Chit-Anand, the Ultimate goal of us human beings and not in whiling  away our entire lives tending to petty material matters. May we all abide in the Kingdom of God in one or many of our lives in the Cosmos. 
                                                (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)       

Friday, June 7, 2013

The essence of Self-Realisation

                         To be established in Self Knowledge is a worthwhile goal and to live the perfect example of a Self-Realised being is equally important.The Divine Light that shone from the lives of Self-Realised beings are examples enough for us to realize that the blaze of light that radiates from the state of Self-Realisation has the ability to transform each and every lone individual with the Light of Lights. The life of a Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sanjaya Sai Baba, Paramhansa Yogananda, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, J.Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, Aurobindo, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda, Shivapuri Baba and of the present age someone like a Sri Sri Ravishanker,Mr. Eckhart Tolle, Dr.Wayne.W.Dyer, Mr.Dipak Chopra has proven that the state of Self-Realisation can transform a life of sadness to happiness, a life of sorrow to joy, can overhaul someone profane to sacred, has the powers to convert a sinner to a saint and is the only antibiotic on the planet to help a failing world by healing it completely. The light that shines from the state of Self-Realisation, from the phase of God consciousness and from the Ultimate Unitarian plane is the only available antidote to unite our shattered planet and to help heal the world.

                                 A person established in Self Knowledge realizes that for every effect there is a cause. He has understood that the end to human suffering can be availed by putting an end to actions that causes any more suffering. He knows that inflicting violence through word or deed on other human beings shall boomerang into his own life. He fully comprehends the Universal and spiritual principle that one cannot escape the law of cause and effect unless and until one transcends the seventh plane to achieve freedom from the collective human consciousness of the planet.

                               A Self-Realised person is someone who is drawn by beauty that stands for great purity rather than by sensuality. Since he has transcended the human senses and has awakened to stark reality the transient and unreal can create, he has become a great admirer of beauty. That kind of beauty which is untouched, virgin and which signifies God. The beauty of a devotee of Pashupatinath, of devotees of God, of Mother Nature and of the entire manifested Universe is a great source of attraction to him.

                             The ability to grasp the Omnipresent spirit of God in the tiniest fleck of dust that rises through the air to the great majestic stars that hangs in the sky is another superhuman quality of a person established in Self Knowledge. Each and every particle of breath that he inhales and exhales through his mouth, every drop of water that flows from the Ganges down to the bay of Bengal, the metallic structure of an electric car to the steely frame of a Supersonic Concorde, each and every fibre of the tattered clothes of a pauper to the dark blue suit  the American President  dons, everything is defined by one word- Pure Consciousness. Pure Consciousness or in direct terms-God.

                    The perfect Anahatic love that emanates from the depth of a fully awake soul of a Self-Realised being draws no discriminatory lines between any individual on planet earth. His love is equally distributed to each and every living inhabitant in the World. Drawing lines of demarcation between classes and categories of people is not his cup of tea. Therefore he sees no difference between a friend or a foe, a sinner or a saint, a gigolo or a thorough gentleman, a prostitute or a perfect lady, a pauper or the richest man, the profane or sacred and a dweller living in the slums to a person living in an expensive suite in the Empire State building.

                                Realising that one is a Son of God is the next spiritual evolutionary process along the state of Self-Awareness. A person established in Self-Awareness grasps what it means to be a true Son of God and abstains from anything that does not suit the nature of a Ray of God. Realising that he is none other than a Son of God he sees the same reflection of the embodiment of God in a Bihari swindler as well as in the presence of a saint as Dr.Wayne.W.Dyer. An example of a true Son of God is someone as the image of a perfect living God like J.Krishnamurti.

                                  Next in line of the superhuman qualities of a person established in       Self-Awareness is the egoless state. He is a phonyless and an awfully genuine human being. He is no longer carried away by opposite polarities like happiness or sadness, sorrow or joy, suffering or bliss. He is already into the field of permanent and everlasting happiness with the ability to manifest his desires for anything he wants. The Soul and God, are the only two permanent reality in the entire manifested Universe  to him and an overpowering surge in love towards the One who is Infinite and Eternal is developed from this plane.  Being totally detatched from the World and not attached to it in any manner he is a man free from desires, free from even the desires for sex.

                           The quality of the most prime importance that develops from the dawn of Self-Realisation is the fully restored soul awareness. A kind of soul awareness in which he surrenders and offers no resistance to the Infinite Will of God  and accepts laughter or cry, elation or depression, tragedy or comedy in his life with the calm of his most prized soul awareness. The fully awake soul abundance of accepting everything as the Infinite Will of God converts him into the most peaceful being in the Universe. He is so fully aware that his awareness is fully intact and very alert even in the hustle and bustle and the busy traffic of Manhattan.

                       The permanent qualities of a person established in Self-Awareness makes his life everlastingly happy and fills it with great harmony. We all have a great  task at hand to awake to the unreality and strive to reach the state of the most Supreme Reality by realizing that the mortal in us dissolves, but the immortal, the human soul never dies. Our soul nature which can be reinvigorated by instrumenting spiritual exercises with the soul can reach us to the state of Self-Realisation and beyond and promise treasures unimagined of. Self-Realisation, the only goal of spiritual seekers is a worthwhile goal. Let us all strive to be loving, phonyless, genuine, free of attachment, desireless, admirers of beauty, happy and an egolessly driven individual, qualities, which after being Self-Realised might make us feel that Self-Realisation has been a goal worth attaining.
                                                  (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)