Friday, February 22, 2013

God pervades:The existent Existence and the non-existent Non-Existence

                       God was present in the Universe before the beginning of time, at the time when the entire Cosmos sustains for a while and after the end of time when the entire manifested Universe shall dissolve into a state of nothingness. The beginning of time can be used to denote a state of time when time could not be grasped by the  non-existence of personal minds and the end of time can be used to denote the same state when the evolution of all personal minds in the Cosmos shall be complete, when the entire personal minds shall no longer prevail in the Universe to comprehend time. No  spiritually elevated beings have till date been able to conceive and prove of a state in which there was no God before the beginning of time and after the end of time. Some inadequate spiritual charmers have gone to the extent of denying the Infinite and Eternal existence of a Supreme Godhead by getting the message across that Existence is primarily about catapulting into a state of Non-Existence  at the end because the entire Universe is gradually shrinking and that what remains of the Cosmos after the great dissolution process is a vaccumated void, a state of no God. Is this true? Let us look at some theories which supports the Infinite and Eternal existence of this powerful three lettered word and let us conclude if we should have senses revived and driven into these inadequate brains and unfulfilled souls.

                     One of the most preliminary leela or play of God while creating the entire manifested Universe was the creation of the smallest living particle, The God Particle(Higgs Boson), which gradually and finally paved the way for the creation of the entire Cosmos we see today as a collection of the Infinite Galactic systems, innumerous moons, uncountable living and habitated planets, innumerable suns, stars, and an Infinite expanse of a collection of asteroids, meteroids, etc. When we transcend the seventh plane we start comprehending ourselves as Brahman, or the entire manifested Universe, whose creation started from the existence of the smallest living particle, The God Particle. When we conceive  and realise the entire manifested Universe as God, why can’t we further signify the existence of the small living microscopic particles before the creation of the Cosmos and after the dissolution process as the same pure consciousness or God because whether God’s creation be unseen and microscopic or in the form of the majestic Himalayas, it is one and the same. It is pure consciousness or God. The presence of God’s spirit is found in every living particle in the Infinite expanse of Universe, be it in the smallest living particle or to the gigantic stars that hangs in the  sky. The Omnipresent spirit of God is realised in the third plane and the reflection of our spirit which is God’s spirit in every living particle in the seventh . It was the karmic influence starting from The God Particle up to quarks, leptons, electrons, atoms, and further up    to molecules that finally paved the way for the creation and sustenance of the entire Cosmos.

                The God Particle, quarks, leptons, electrons, and atoms due to its karmic influence in the form of collisions and reactions  paved the  way for the creation of the entire Cosmos. The Universe after it sustains for a while for the great leela or play of God to take place dissolves back into the same invisible microscopic particles after its karmic bondage is over. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Energy which was present in the Infinite expanse of the Universe started from the creation of the smallest living particle, The God Particle, quarks, leptons, electrons, atoms, and molecules further up the scale and dissolves back into these same vibrant living God Particles after the great dissolution process. We realise the entire manifested Universe as God or Brahman. Why can’t we conceive of the small microscopic vibrant living particles as pure consciousness or God because the Universe was formerly present in and took the shape from these God Particles? How can a nothingness composed of vibrant living microscopic particles transform itself into God if these minute microscopic particles were not the essence of pure consciousness or God? Why can’t we perceive God in these dissolved microscopic particles after the great dissolution process of the Cosmos because common sense tells us that energy present in the form of the solid Cosmos only transformed and dissolved back into microscopic particles just like the moment before the creation of the Cosmos. For every effect there is a cause. The  law of cause and effect can be best applied to understand the whole mechanism of the state of nothingness before the creation of the Universe, the sustenance of the Cosmos and the minute particles after the great dissolution process.

                                I had the golden opportunity of going through a most astounding article     “ The God     Particle”. Let’s have a great round of applause to those great enduring scientists who toiled hard to prove the existence of the God Particle. Now that we have come to realise that even the most basic and underlying structure of the entire manifested Universe is composed of The God Particle or the most basic living particle that synchronises the sequence of the growth of the entire manifested Universe we can honestly claim that everything is in essence with something of an Existence in it. Science has come a long way from mass, molecules, atoms, electrons, leptons, down to quarks and finally down  to The God Particle. So affirming the misguided notion that the entire Cosmos is relevant only about being Non-Being is like drawing a line on water, just about creating a senseless and meaningless hullabaloo and imply only crap from now on. The theory in itself denotes about being kaput and nothing more.

                                      The God Particle  is the smallest living particle in the Universe. Since there is no sequence of existence smaller than The God Particle, it must have something of an eternal essence to it. Now why can we assume that The God Particle’s existence is eternal? The God Particle is the smallest living particle that exists and no scientific experiments have yet uncovered an existence smaller than The God Particle. Scientists have proved and validated that the smallest existence in the entire Cosmos is that of The God Particle. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. We  have seen that The God Particle contacts, expands, and grows to the expanse of the entire Cosmos and then gets renewed back to the same microscopic structure as before. Since energy cannot be created nor destroyed, The God Particle which is nothing but pure energy never disintegrates and disappears during the creation-sustenance-renewal process of the Cosmos. Therefore we can say that The God Particle, every other living particle, Existence or Gods eternal presence is valid because everything in Existence and Existence itself which is pure energy never disappears into a vaccumated void. I  am not ready to accept the theory from some so-called Non-Being saints that Existence before the creation and after the dissolution process of the Universe composed of tiny microscopic particles is not Existence. Existence arises out of  the unseen and dissolves back into the unseen. The state of nothingness with an Infinite expanse of microscopic particles before the creation and after the dissolution process of the Cosmos are only pre-creation and renewal processes. The pre-creation process with tiny microscopic particles is the pre-creation structure of the Universe and the tiny living particles after the dissolution process are the renewed living particles of the Cosmos. Therefore, we can say Existence never becomes extinct or non-existent but rather is God, which is Infinite and eternal. Energy or The God Particle is Eternal and indestructible because there is no sequence of existence before it  and there is no dissolution process of the God particle after the Universe dissolves, that it has an eternal existence because energy cannot be created nor destroyed.To wind up this theory, we now have adequate proof that Existence is significantly about being existent and not non-existent.

                             Even though the Being or theistic theory has taken a firm grip on our planet and its inhabitants there have been so-called saints who have thought otherwise and adopted the Non-Being theory. Now what is the Non-Being theory all about?

                               The Non-Being theory most significantly claims that the entire manifested Universe is only being like Non-Being in essence or to imply more precisely that it proves the Universe devoid of the most powerful word-God. Now what can we imply by this most significant word called God? God, Brahman, or The Divine Mother in spiritual terms is realised as the entire manifested Cosmos and we can easily verify the existence of living Gods by simply affirming a proof from the meditative growth process. A spiritual aspirant who has climbed the ladder of spiritual success all the way to the sixth state of consciousness is usually claimed as having reached the state of God consciousness. And what is claimed of someone who has reached the state of God consciousness? It is claimed in exacting terms that such a spiritual aspirant has realised or found God or to put it more simply, he has become God himself. Why do we call these people “Gods”? We call them Gods because those who have been successful in transcending the seventh plane are considered as  being successful in transforming themselves spiritually into the image of God or The Universal Self. In other words, these people who are referred to as Gods are tiny spiritual specks or concentrations of the Supreme Self. A living God or God in the form of the Universal Self, it is one and the same.

                                Many images of God or God personified people like the great Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Mahaveer, Mohammed had played the respective roles of God personified beings on planet earth. Why? Simply because these are the very cream of the crop who have sincerely meditated and got themselves so devoted to The Divine Mother by their adept skills in the meditative growth process that they transcended the sixth plane or God Consciousness and were claimed as Gods. Why create an issue at all by denying the existence of God when there have been Gods like these saints walking planet earth from the very inception of the school of spiritualism. And what could be more ironic like a saint who instills the Non-Being or atheistic theory among his disciples, denies the existence  of God and is in turn proclaimed as a God by his very atheistic disciples.

                                    It would be sheer incompetent spiritual ignorance to be in a rat-race to deny the existence of a Supreme Godhead when it is realised in the fifth plane that everything in the Cosmos is the Infinite Will of the Infinite Being. Don’t we readers find it irrational, illogical, and find it realistically hard to believe that God’s Infinite Will which is realised in the fifth plane can be bundled off and discarded the moment one transcends the seventh ? Don’t we think the more higher the planes we transcend the more refined the laws of life are? How can there be a presence of the state of no Ultimate or Supreme power or authority in the seventh when it is already realised in the fifth that God rules and Will’s the Cosmos to dance according to the tune of his fingertips? How can there be an anti-God stance in the seventh plane when one is already God realised, united with God and has become oneself a God in the sixth plane?

                                    If there is no God why does one realise and unite with God? Why is a phrase such as “The only fullfilment is found in God” realised before the state of Enlightment dawns? Why does one get to establish an everlasting union with the Supreme Self and realise that he is none other than a concentration of the Universal Self and further realise that he is none other than the Supreme Reality after transcending the seventh plane? If a Non-Being professor claims that one can choose between the Being and Non-Being stance, the Existence and the Non-Existence standpoint, how can there be such a choice when transcending the seventh plane when God or the Infinite Being is the only Ultimate choice? There is no facility for a choice between the Being and Non-Being stance after transcending the seventh plane! One can adequate the need for subjective proof from any Enlightened being whether there is such  a choice and the answer will be a firm “NO”. How can there be such a choice when Existence is about Infinity and Eternity and no one has till date been able to record evidence of a state of  Non-Existence before the Cosmos prevailed and has not forseen sufficient proof of a Non-Being state after the Universe dissolves? Still, how can one deny the existence of a Supreme Godhead when all of the saints since the pioneering spiritual days has affirmed the existence of a Supreme Godhead except two or three so-called Non-Being saints?A false theory propogated by two or three insane people who denied the existence of a Supreme Godhead has manufactured a whole successsion of fanatic descendants of theirs who are awfully adamant that God does not exist nor his Infinite Will.

                                 Gods leela or play in the entire Cosmos exists out of the co-existence of the opposites, out of the reaction of the positive or the pole and the negative or the  anti-pole. There has to be the anti-pole for the pole to survive and flourish. For example, there is both love and hate in human relationships. A happy man cannot always keep himself happy but occasionally becomes sad as well. When there is joy, there is sorrow as well. The spring blossoms and the autumn withers. The summer scorches and the winter chills. World’s top golfer Tiger Woods doesn’t have success always, he undergoes great downfall as well. A pauper may turn into a millionaire overnight with a million dollar lottery etc etc.

                                   Now that we have validated beliefs and reasonings to get to realise God’s Eternal existence in the Cosmos let us give some more thoughts about what the  Non-Being theory is all about. It will not be surprising to note that the so-called saints who have spearheaded the Non-Being movement on the planet are perhaps only two or three, not more than that. The rest of the Non-Being hardliners are all their descendants or heirs to their legacy. Since the Being theory had to thrive and succeed, the Non-Being theory was planted on planet earth by the Will of God. The anti-pole or the Non-Being theory was needed for the pole or Being theory to prosper, succeed and be established in a permanent manner. This is the whole secret and mechanism behind the existence of the Non-Being stance. So in a way, it will not be a mistake to say that people like Osho were only mere instruments in the hands of God, mere mediums to propogate the Non-Being theory in order to establish the Being theory in an eternal manner. 

                                So can we not claim from now on that the Non-Being theory  is now invalid and that everything is in pure essence down to only one word –God? Can we also not conclude that every Tom, Dick or Harry who has claimed the existence of the  Non-Existence is in totality only and only composed of very Godly, vibrant living particles?

                                   So now we can as well bid a final farewell to the Non-Being theory and firmly stay rooted, full of resolve to claim that the entire manifested Universe is nothing but a mass of living particles which can ultimately denote that the totality of the entire Cosmos is in a realistic manner relevant only about the Being theory.Only about God!

                                    We are all concentrations of one Universal Spirit except the  few, who really are but don’t deserve to be called one, who lack the spiritual insight and exercise to look up at one another as reflections of Gods Spirit and who lack the efficiency to accept the Ultimate Authority of The Infinite Being.

                                  Since we are all created in the image of God and that we are all reflections of one united Universal Spirit I think we start taming ourselves down a bit  to look up at the Divine Mother  with great awe and respect who pinpointed all of us as reflections of one United Supreme Spirit.

                                Instead of competing to prove ones point and get it across to the masses in an unhealthy manner I think its high time that we, Divine beings, be at least Enlightened enough to look up at one another as reflections of one Universal Spirit and let the Infinite Being    decide which theory prevails in the long run of our glorious and divine human civilisation.  
                                            (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)      

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Best Yogic Path-Dhyan Yog

                                                                  Dhyan Yog, Bhakti Yog, Gyan Yog and Karma Yog are four primary yogic paths invented by great yogis, ardent devotees of God, as a medium for purification for human beings. We, being devotees of God choose one among these various yogic paths and live our lives getting disciplined in any of these various yogic paths to purify our lives  and to fulfill that one objective we have been born to fulfill, that of uniting with God. Now! is it possible to totally purify ourselves and to fulfill that superhuman objective of uniting with God by employing  impermanent human tools as the human brain and the physical body? It can be accepted that we can superficially purify and enlighten our lives by doing the necessary homework on the intellectual, action and devotion level by being strict disciplinarians about Gyan, Karma and Bhakti Yog respectively. But do we think it is possible to completely purify and accomplish that ultimate task in our lives, of uniting with God, by instrumenting a bogus aspect  as the human mind and a transient form as the physical body? Many of us may be completely caught offguard if we come to know that it is only after transcending the sixth plane that we become permanently and everlastingly united with God. Aspiring to unite with God and thinking to have united with the various man-made Gods through Bhakti, Gyan or Karma Yog sounds superficial but establishing an everlasting union with the most Supreme Godhead through Dhyan Yog is the correct and valid method. Seeking to realise God through Bhakti, Gyan or Karma Yog is excavating a mine of gold but aspiring for an  permanent realisation of and union with God through Dhyan Yog is stumbling upon an infinite expanse of a mine of diamonds.

                              One can come to a realisation of God through the human intellect, the chief instrument of Gyan Yog, only on a superficial level. What use will there be of the powers of the human intellect when one cannot apply the knowledge to find  permanent solutions fully every time one is faced with adverse situations? How can spiritual knowledge realised by great yogis be applied with the fragile, dualistic and impure human mind and permanent solutions found when the human mind has a habit of getting affected by even the mild of mental disturbances? This would be something like Mahatma Gandhi pouring through the Bhagavad Gita every time he lost his peace of mind. The powers of the permanent laws and knowledge realised through Dhyan Yog is such that one will have instantaneous solutions the very moment one is faced with a crisis. Once the soul  is awakened and awarenes fully restored, it establishes spiritual laws and an infinite source of knowledge in us in a permanent manner. These laws of life makes us so adamant about abiding by it fully that you will have no problems and you will continue loving your wife even if she doublecrosses you and you catch her red-handed making love to another man. Do you think there would be any value for academic degrees when God will instill in you an Infinite source of knowledge the moment you transcend the higher spiritual planes? What more could you ever want when you can realise an Infinite source of knowledge without investing a single penny? You can even be a pioneer in spiritual theories by getting to realise new theories about spiritualism. I myself have realised three theories till date and don’t take this scribes words for granted because you too have that potential and that calibre to become a shining star and confirm a place on Gods walk of fame. This scribe is only making you realise that you too are like a Jesus and Moses and that you too can be like them.

                         The  present day yogi should be an action oriented yogi. Gone are the days when the yogis would retire to the jungles, caves, deep into the mountains and himalayas to meditate. Still, many, lead a married life and it would be great injustice to your soulmate and children if you abandon them for your spiritual pursuits when spiritual goals can be met while continuing a happy, conjugal life. In fact, the intimate physical union you share with your soulmate speeds up spiritual growth if you happen to be a spiritual aspirant. A  passive life with lack of action and an inactive role is not recommended from meditators. Inactivity is akarma. This is the sole reason why meditators lead an active life, because a genuine yogi never abstains from actions, rather binds oneself to karma or action without which human life is unsustainable.  The moment we are born, we are bound to karmic bondage of life and we are compelled to cater to the needs of our life,  the wheel of action. The heights and perfection of the awareness that develops from the fifth plane depends upon the quality of an active life you have led. The more active you are during your meditative growth process the more sharpened your awareness will be. So now we have seen, it is not only with Gyan Yog, but even the qualities of Karma Yog can be cultivated and exercised if one adheres to the path of Dhyan Yog.

                          Genuine devotion to God cannot be developed through Bhakti Yog. The devotion developed from a bogus, impermanent, dualistic and impure aspect as the human mind can in no possible means develop an unflinching, unwavering and authentic devotion needed to devote ourselves to the most Supreme Godhead. The normal human mind which has a false existence is pseudo, is impermanent because it can be transcended through Dhyan Yog, is dualistic because the human brain is dual and this  nature can be transcended and the non-dual nature attained by our spiritual efforts and a hundred percent impure because purity of thought can be only contacted by reaching the source of thought or the fourth plane. So we can conclude, it is only by exercising the powers of Dhyan Yog that we can turn ourselves into genuine devotees of God. Until we don’t become successful in awakening and restoring our most prized awareness, getting devoted to God in a genuine manner will be like a soothsayer forecasting that you will win a trillion dollar jackpot in a casino in Las Vegas. We know that winning a trillion dollar jackpot is nothing but a joke played by an unrealistic bloke. Devotion from an  impermanent human mind is pseudo because the very nature of human mind is false and transient, devotion from the human mind is dualistic and unstable because the very nature of dualism can shatter the devotion of the  so-called most devout devotee the moment great suffering is contacted, and the impure human mind cannot infuse and instill pure devotion in us because the very nature of the human mind is impure and that purity of thought is reserved only for those who realise that they are a ray of God. We have  now seen  that the  quality of Bhakti Yog can be developed in its most purest and genuine form only through Dhyan Yog.

                           The wisest decision any human being can make is opt for Dhyan Yog since all the divine qualities of Gyan, Bhakti and Karma Yog can be exercised and perfected through the most supreme yogic path, Dhyan Yog. Why need we follow a Gyan, Bhakti or Karma Yog when all the qualities and characteristics of these yogic paths are present in and can be developed and perfected through the most superior yogic path, Dhyan Yog.The individual, societal and the major world problems can never be solved without exercising and restoring soul awareness and  Self nature cannot be restored without exercising the powers of Dhyan Yog. This scribe does not need to prove any point and get it across to the masses because the present age of Enlightment and the coming ages will verify that the only means for the survival, upliftment,  completion and success of  human evolution will be through the process and powers of Dhyan Yog. Therfore the present age of Enlightment and the coming future ages is definitely going to prove that the most supreme yogic path is none other than Dhyan Yog. 
                                              (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The one and only Bhakti Marg


                            The Bhakti Yog, Bhakti Marg or the path of devotion is perceived by many as the only superior path to express our heartfelt devotion towards God. Still, many has professed this  path to be the greatest yogic path on planet earth. One Non-Being ideologist had professed long ago that Bhakti Yog is practiced by first grade devotees and the spiritual or meditative path by the last. Is this statement true? Can bhakti or devotion developed with the inadequate human mind develop and instill pure and unwavering devotion from our sides to the most Supreme Godhead? Can devotion developed from a pseudo aspect of the physical body, the human mind, fullfil that criteria for genuine devotion needed to worship the Infinite Being? When the normal human mind can be transcended through the spiritual growth process and the soul awakened, is’nt there this higher spiritual platform from which we can establish ourselves as true and pure devotees of God?

                      The human form of devotion towards the man-made Gods, rituals and religion are dropped the moment we get Self-Realized. When the entire manifested Universe is realized as a leela or play of God, one submits and is wholeheartedly devoted to Him in a permanent manner. It  is at this very stage that an overpowering devotion  towards God develops and it is at the sixth or seventh  stage when one establishes a permanent union with God. Since we are in actual terms God natured divine beings and that awareness or consciousness is one of the permanent realities in the world, we can honestly claim that the only path  to develop pure and unflinching devotion towards God is the spiritual or meditative path. Examples of pure devotion developed towards God is the devotion of that of a Paramhansa Yogananda, J.Krishnamurti, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj or a Sanjaya Sai Baba and it wo’nt take any x,y,z devotee to stop adhering to the path of devotion the moment they start contacting suffering and trouble into their lives.

                                We all  know that the normal human mind is a false existence and that the human mind can be transcended through the spiritual growth process, the soul awakened and this instrument, our soul, establishes the only source of pure bhakti or devotion in our lives to look up to God with great awe and admiration. The existence of human mind is temporary whereas the soul which restores  awareness is permanent. "Can we imagine of a state in which something permanent can arise out of the temporary?" A quality such as pure and genuine devotion can only arise out of the permanent. So we can naturally say that bhakti or devotion developed from the human mind is impermanent and unreal whereas devotion developed from the restoration of soul awareness is permanent. "Is it  possible for the dualistic mind to generate pure devotion towards God?" The dualistic human mind is so fragile, so weak, it can shatter the devotion one  has towards God anytime the moment we come face to face with great tragedies in life. Devotion developed through the human mind is in realistic terms so unstable that it can shatter both the devotee and the product, devotion, the very moment great misfortunes in life are contacted. On the other hand, the awareness developed through the spiritual growth process reinstates and reinforces genuine devotion in a devotee permanently.

                          The means of Bhakti Yog or Bhakti Marg to develop pure and genuine devotion towards God in a permanent manner is a little ironic. It can be developed, but an unflinching and unwavering devotion can never be developed by Bhakti Yog or the Bhakti Marg. It is a false concept to perceive that Bhakti Yog or Bhakti Marg is the path to develop deep devout devotion in our lives. The unflinching and unwavering devotion towards God can be developed only through the spiritual or meditative path. "How can the ever wandering, fragile and temporary human mind generate something which should be of a permanent value such as pure and genuine devotion?" Bhakti Yog or Bhakti Marg is not a fulfilled form of human evolution whereas devotion contacted through the spiritual process is a  complete human evolution or a spiritual evolution.It is because human evolution is complete when the field of everlasting happiness is contacted through the spiritual growth process and devotion is one quality that emanates after the field of happiness is reached.

                      The human mind is impure and purity of thought can only be achieved by awakening the dormant human soul. So we  can say that the human mind is an impure aspect and that a fully awake human soul is a pure one. The human mind with all its impurities cannot develop pure bhakti or pure devotion. So Bhakti Yog or Bhakti Marg, which is practiced on a human and not a spiritual level cannot convert us into true devotees of God and develop genuine devotion in us. Since the fully awakened human soul dissolves all the impurities of the human mind and that purity of thought is established once the human soul is activated we can surmise that the only pure,  holy, pious and the most genuine form of devotion can never be developed and trained through Bhakti Yog or Bhakti Marg but can be generated only through a fully restored human soul. Therefore we can conclude, it is only through the spiritual path or Dhyan Yog and not through Bhakti Yog or Bhakti Marg that we become true  and authentic devotees of God and develop pure and genuine devotion towards Him.

                    This scribe is here to refute the claims of anybody who reinstates the theory that Bhakti Yog or Bhakti Marg is the best yogic path, that it is the greatest path to cultivate genuine devotion and in his perspective, the interconnected network between a devotee, devotion and God can be synchronized, realized and developed in its purest and the most genuine form only through the spiritual, meditative path or Dhyan Yog. Therefore, the spiritual path or Dhyan Yog is the  best yogic path and the one and only Bhakti Marg on the planet.
                                           (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)