Monday, September 30, 2013

We are not the roles we play

                                  Both human and spiritually elevated will is dependent on the Will of God. Some inadequate spiritual charmers may say , “But! Existence is primarily about being non-existent and that God does not exist, so I have the free will to exercise my independent will.” In reality, this is not the case and no one is endowed with an independent or a free will. The human and the spiritually elevated will are both dependent on the Will of God. We are being remote controlled every second of the day and night by the Infinite Will of the Infinite Being. The free will that we say we have to make that extra million bucks, to find ourselves a suitable soulmate, to get married to a lady the size of a coca-cola bottle, to go on a gambling spree in Las Vegas, to go out on a private date with your mistress on your private yatch, or the way the richest man in the World made his fortune is in reality instrumented and executed by the Ultimate Will of God. “ Nothing, absolutely nothing moves against the Divine Will of God! Such is the Divine Will!” Even the event of a fraction of a second of your life is already preplanned beforehand by the Ultimate Will of God. Every blade of grass dances to the tunes of the wind, every orchid blossoms into the cracks of a cliff, every rooster crows at the crack of dawn and every spring signals the end of the long cold winter only and only by the Supreme Will of God.

                                The law of total and complete acceptance is realized and we get grounded in the true spirit of wholehearted surrender to the Infinite Will when we transcend the fifth spiritual plane. Examples of this kind of complete and total  non-resistance would be J.Krishnamurti non objecting in any manner by thought, word or deed when one of his close disciples absconded with his entire multi-million dollar fund, Jesus willingly letting himself be crucified on the cross and Socrates welcoming death by sipping poison when asked to. This kind of fully restored awareness is totally compatible with the positive aspects as well as with the negative and the not so favourable aspects. So if  a thug enters your house in the still of the night and snatches your most prized engagement ring and disappears into thin air there should be room for no objection or complaint. This is what the state of Self-Realisation all about.

                                  Every thought, word or deed is an act of God. “So would you hate a thought thought by Brahman, a word said by God or an action performed by the most Supreme Godhead on your behalf?” We are not the doer but the non-doer and that God is the doer. Therefore resisting anything in our personal lives, at our workplace and during our interaction within the society is resisting the Infinite Will of the Infinite Being. Mr.Dipak Chopra declares that when we resist anything in our lives, we are interfering with the innate intelligence of the Cosmos. The main reason for Enlightened beings being so humble in nature is that they are in a state of total acceptance to the Infinite Will. The other quality of an egoless identity of people established in God awareness sprouts and gets instilled in that particular gent only because of this very same principle. Only spiritually inadequate transsexuals defy the Will of God and not spiritually evolved beings grounded in God awareness. In my perspective, J.Krishnamurti is a perfect living example of a person completely established in total acceptance.

 All the preceding theories imply only one thing,
                                              “We are not the roles we play.”
                                                                                       -Dipak Chopra
                                                                                        (Book:Power Freedom and Grace)

                                When we are not the roles we play,  it is against the Divine Will to judge anyone and anything. Judging people, places, things, situations and circumstances and just about anything would be you pointing a finger at the Infinite Will of God and His piece of creation over which he has Supreme command and authority. Blaming and defending your point of view are two qualities that a person grounded in Self-Knowledge tries to avoid. When you hold a grudge against someone, you are holding a grudge against the leela or play of God. When you hate someone you are hating somebody who has the potentiality of transforming himself into an embodiment of God. Since we are not the doer and since a person established in Self-Awareness performs his actions very very responsibly, he is a person free of guilt. “ Why would he be guilt ridden when he is ever responsive to  the Divine Will, performs every action responsibly and since God instruments every execution for him on the thought, word and deed level?” Since the entire manifested Universe is a play of God, reacting to situations  and circumstances around oneself is another nature totally shunned by a person grounded is a state of total acceptance.

                                     It needs the fully restored awareness to be able to accept the theory that we are not the roles we play. Getting rooted in the world of materialism will only make us go far as accepting this theory on the superficial level and not completely. The fully restored awareness is that superhuman tool which makes us imbibe and apply not only the law of Self-Knowledge but all the preceding and acceding laws of the spiritual growth process on a permanent basis because the fully awake soul makes us aware about the laws of life permanently till that moment when we don’t shed our mortal bodies. You would not be able to imagine the sense of fulfillment we experience when we are restored with full awareness to abide by the laws of life and transform ourselves into good human beings.

                                    Therefore, who do we think instrumented Adolf Hitler to suffocate all those millions of Jews with chemical poison in concentration camps during World War II and who do we think might have commanded the commandos to pump bullets into the bodies of the Nepalese Royal family during the royal massacre at the Narayanhiti royal palace several years back and who do we think guided the bullet from a sniper into the skull of John. F.Kennedy?

                         “Everything and nothing excluded is the Ultimate Will of the most Supreme Authority. We are nothing but instruments of God, as Sri Sathya Sai Baba used to emphasise to His devotees and students of His University at Prashanthi Nilayam and Whitefield. Therefore, would you, my dear readers find it astonishing or do you now believe that- We are not the roles we play?” 
                                         (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)                   

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The essence of human life

                           Most of the human population are caught up with the mortal coil of circling in the wheel of suffering called human life till the moment they don’t shed  their mortal bodies. They get born and live the life of a toddler in which they are consumed with their desire for toys, their love for chocolates and gifts and their attachment to their mothers who gave them birth and introduced them to the world. They reach their teens in which they are on the lookout for potential dates, reach  college and university in which they give their level best to excel in their future careers, then start a lucrative career, get married, have children, start graying into old age and finally shed their mortal bodies without achieving anything of extraordinary  significance. The objective of human life does not lie in making money by the millions and billions, possessing  that passion and powerful libido like that of a black stallion to sexually satisfy your partner, in aspiring to be a famous, well known figure or in having that ambition to be the President of the United States and what do we think is that significant goal of human life that we are all born to achieve? The innumerable past lives of ours on the planet and this present life are only stepping stones or evolutionary processes or  mere rehearsals for the final process  of evolution which is going to be a spiritual evolution. Yes, we have been evoluting since the past innumerable lives to this present life to fulfill Gods mission for us to be complete spiritually fulfilled beings or spiritually elevated beings. Therefore, being spiritually fulfilled beings is the Ultimate objective the Divine Mother has planned for us human beings.

“The essence of human life lies in leading a spiritual life? Let us look into some details and see why.”

                        The development of the Anahatic love that develops from the dawn of the fourth plane is a major milestone in being grounded as spiritually elevated beings and emanating this special bond with every living creature on the planet. This special quality of Anahatic love is the principle contributing factor that aids in making human bond grow stronger because  this special love is that aspect on which the basis or foundation  of all warm human relationships is based. It is because this Anahatic love sees no discrimination between any class of human beings and spreads this kind of a special love to all living creatures equally and alike. You may be a lunatic, a pauper begging on the streets of Manhattan, a transsexual seeking identity by launching various public campaigns, a doting housewife, a loving husband, a multi-millionaire or the President of the United States but the essence of this Anahatic love is - love all human beings as you love your attractive mistress, your favourite stunning actress, the lady of your dreams or your most loyal spouse. It is not the humanistic love but this special Anahatic love the basis of all relationships that helps bind and unite the entire world together as one. Therefore emanating pure, true, unconditional and selfless love is the essence of human life.

                  The human senses get dissolved and attraction to “Untouched Virgin Beauty” or to beauty of great purity gets developed after one transcends the superconscious state of the fourth spiritual plane. The spiritual man of the fourth spiritual plane starts getting less sexual and gets inclined towards pure beauty because till the dawn of the Anahat chakra we had been attracted by sensual experiences and sex which is an illusion had been deluding us into believing that relationships, the conjugal life and the product of these two, sensual pleasures, are the greatest form of fulfillment on the planet. Whereas in fact, when you make love to  your wife, you are actually inserting pure energy which the senses give the form of the male private part into a divine hole which is in actuality nothing but empty space with sensous walls of the most sensual kind of energy which the human senses  gives  the shape of a vagina. Likewise when you grope onto those two gigantic torpedos of your spouse you are actually smooching onto an empty space of pure energy which the senses give the shape of the female breasts. So the fourth spiritual man starts getting less sexual and starts getting attracted to beauty that stands for great purity or towards beauty that can be termed “Untouched Virgin Beauty.”  He is totally detatched from sex and has turned into a pure “Vegetarian” from the dawn of the fourth spiritual plane. Sex is an illusion and clinging to sensual pleasures is not the real essence of being born as human beings.

                          Another quality, that of goodness, is instilled in a person who has transcended the fourth spiritual plane. If you say why  the nature of goodness is mandatory  for us human beings, well I say, God sent us human beings to planet earth to become good human beings and put on the best kind of spiritual behaviour to express goodwill to all fellow human beings. Merely instrumenting  the humanistic form of goodwill and expressing  transient like goodness to your fellow human beings is superficial  but getting grounded in the true spirit of the spiritualistic Spirit and expressing the qualities of a good human being is considered living righteously and thought to be the authentic way. Getting grounded in the true spirit of the spiritualistic Spirit and putting on the perfect nature of a thorough gentleman or a perfect lady is the spiritual and the right way and not displaying the superficial and impermanent goodness which last only as long as the humanistic form of goodwill is delivered. Therefore, it is not putting on great ingenuine acts of superficial goodwill the most contributing factor towards being a good human being but it is in being able to cultivate the true and genuine nature of the spiritualistic goodness by exercising the Spirit and expressing it to all living creatures alike, the real essence of being born as precious human beings. Spiritualistic goodness is a soul quality and one of the important essentials of human life.

                         Ordinary mortals cling onto bondage and attachment to externals and people. Whereas in real life, the spiritual one, there is no bondage and attachment to varied forms of life. The spiritually elevated life without any bondage and attachment is the right kind of life. This is because bondage and attachment to people and relations are only with the tag of relationship attached to it. Therefore, a life of freedom from bondage and attachment to various categories of life is the real essence of human life.

                          Those human beings who are dedicated and devoted to the law of karma become  successful in carving a niche for themselves on this planet where there is cutthroat competition and survival of only the fittest. These people therefore are able to make more than enough money and lead an affluent life simply because they have abided by the law of karma or the laws of nature. Wise are the human beings who early in life realize that there is no gain without pain  and the returns one gets is life depends on the  appropriate investments one makes. For those who live life barely being able to make ends meet and on the minimum sustenance level, I would like to relay a quote by Mahatma Gandhi conveyed to me by one of the wisest of my friends that I have known till date,

       “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need but not every man’s greed.”
                                                                                                    -Mahatma Gandhi

                               This by chance is also the law of sustainability. The above quote basically tries to convey that the minimum basic needs of all human beings like food, shelter and clothing and sometimes medical needs is adequately provided by Mother Earth in times when you are in a dire need of all these basic necessities but things like an insatiable greed which are not basic human requirements are not in the list of priorities that Mother Earth provides to people of planet earth. There are people who go against the laws of Nature and make an effort to make money by hook or crook and these categories of people have to compulsorily pay back their debts to Mother Nature for acting against the Will of God. Let me disclose to you a spiritual secret and it  goes like this - “ The most blessed and the most luckiest human beings are those who don’t plan their lives but who act according to the need of their priorities.”  So now we have seen that the law of sustainability is exactly the same as living  in  a state of no desires because when a Self-Realised man is in a state of no-desires he manifests his desires only for the minimum basic necessities to sustain his life. Sustaining the wheel of life by living satisfied and happy with the basic human necessities like a spiritual man in a state of no-desires is the ideal kind of life and the right life because the real life is the spiritual life, about men and women who live in a state of no-desires and are blissfully happy and fulfilled by living off only basic human requirements. Therefore the state of no-desires is the real essence of a human life.

                          This scribe has given you adequate evidence why the essence of human life lies in leading a spiritual life. Now it is up to you choose whether the ideal life is a material or a spiritual one. There is a quote of Confucious which states, “Only the wisest and stupidest never change”, “Which category among these two do you belong to?”  
                                       (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)                                                  


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The law of cause and effect

                             The law of cause and effect is one of the preliminary laws realized during our spiritual growth process. Eventhough this law is realized in the preliminary phases of spiritual growth, it is a very significant realization which can teach us to develop and grow spiritually mature, help put an end to violence and therefore help uplift peace on the individual, societal and world level, help us learn that the returns we get depends on the type of action we invest, can teach us how to contact and accumulate no more suffering and make us realize that  the fruit of our actions is not something to be desired and that we have no control over the quality of fruit we achieve. Every effect on planet earth has a cause and without a cause there can be no effect. There is always a cause or reason for something to come into creation, develop, come to an end and get renewed once again. Our existence on planet earth has a spiritual cause and even God had a cause to create the entire manifested Universe and that was how the presence of the entire Cosmos came into effect. Every sub-atomic, atomic, molecular, minor and major details or effect in the Cosmos has a cause. For an effect to come into creation there has to be a compulsory cause.

                              We  reap what we sow. For example, if a farmer sows good quality seeds of a certain kind of grain, the harvest will be good quality crop. If the seeds are not of good quality and if there are no investments of good fertilizers and adequate irrigation system, the outcome of the harvest will certainly be poor quality. There may be cases of all the proper farming investments by the farmer but if the crops give way to an onrush of a flood, a tornado etc or if the cattle of one of his neighbours stray into his field and graze it in broad daylight, this implies that his karmic bondage is taking effect. The results or karma of his past life is taking effect into his present life. If one has sowed good actions in his past life the results will be beneficial results or effect in his present life. There has to be a positive, balanced and harmonious karma for succeeding results to be exactly the same. To understand this more simply, the acceding state of affairs in your life only and only depends on all of your preceeding karma in your present and past lives. Therefore, the kind of life that you want and have  solely depends on your choice. So whether you have a positive or a negative life depends on the similar kind of choices you have made in the past.

You are what your deep, driving desire is.
As your desire is, so is your will
As your will is, so is your deed
As your deed is, so is your destiny.
                                                                            -Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 

                                Your entire life gets programmed and shaped towards its destiny the way you have planned and programmed your brain. Whether you want to be happy or unhappy, successful or unsuccessful, rich or poor depends on the kind of desires your mind programmes. We are the way our normal brain functions. Everything is a choice. For example, I knew beforehand that I was about to contract a mental disorder. However, I did not become alert about it and chose not to avert the onslaught of a psychiatric disorder and therefore succumbed to a two decade long bout of Paranoid Scizophrenia. Every sequential events in your life is the outcome of the sub-conscious choices  your brain  made in the past. So in the material life, your brain is the choicemaker whether you will be enjoying a happy or an unhappy, elated or depressed and a rich or poor lifestyle. So if you are not financially well settled or if you are poor don’t blame God that you are a beggar. The human brain plans, programmes, instruments, creates, develops and executes the kind of life that we get to enjoy. Therefore, never think and plan negatively  and always enjoy healthy and competent thought processes.

                             The very first step in contacting no more suffering into our lives is to sow actions that causes no more  suffering. “What has to done if you have sowed good actions but there persists an intense amount of suffering like there was in my life before?” Sri Krishna has declared that everybody has to find solutions to his own problems and there is no reason why you cannot find one to your own life of intense suffering. So it would be worthwhile to realize that the solution to all individual, societal and world suffering can only be availed by undergoing the spiritual evolution or the spiritual growth process. Human suffering cannot be averted by instrumenting the human intellect and the physical body. The dawn of the state of Samadhi, the Absolute or the Unitarian plane or the state of no-suffering is the only existing solution to all kinds of human suffering. Let me make it clear that the state of Samadhi is not transcending the fourth spiritual centre or achieving the state of Self-Realisation like some Non-Being saints have proclaimed but it is in going beyond the Ultimate seventh Unitarian plane. Sow good actions that will accumulate no more suffering but if you contact intense suffering inspite of all your repeated attempts of performing good actions because of your past karmic bondage, realize the essence of the state of no-suffering, be a good boy and start meditating.

                        So the golden rule-“Sow good actions that will create no more suffering.” If there is intense suffering in your life, be wise enough to start the spiritual growth process. The fruit that we achieve out of our daily karma is something that is not to be desired because the quality of fruit that you get depends upon the Will of God. The kind of results you achieve whether they may be minimal, mediocre or maximum depend upon your daily interview with God and don’t find it astonishing to know that everyone is being interviewed everyday on a daily basis by the most Supreme Godhead. One of the greatest advantages of abiding by the law of cause and effect is the ever magnifying peace-effect it has in the individual, society and the entire World just solely because of undergoing a spiritual overhaul through the spiritual growth process. Don’t take this scribes word for granted because great saints have already proven to the world the very great changes that can be brought about by the spiritual growth process in the lives of individual people, the society and the entire world.

                           The whole secret of the state of happiness lies in living a life of balance. So let us strive for a harmonious and balanced life through an interdependent or interactive coordination of all the good and virtuous things in life. The best measure to spring this into effect would be to transform from a material to a spiritual  life. As all the great saints declare that the blossom of spring into our lives can only come  about when we make a U-turn from a material to a spiritual life.
                                           (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)


Thursday, September 12, 2013

The only permanent reality-God

                              We, human beings, shall be able to comprehend the only permanent reality in the Cosmos, God, when we become successful in transcending either the sixth plane or the seventh. We become successful in realizing the Omnipresent Spirit of God, our relation to the most Supreme Godhead, the Infinite and Eternal Will of God that encompasses every living existence, the presence of the Infinite Being in the inanimate and finally the Ultimate Unitarian plane of oneness with the Divine Mother. Until that moment when we don’t realize that the only fulfillment is found in God and transcend    the seventh plane to abide in God forever, our spiritual aspirations of being one with the Infinite and of transforming ourselves into Godlike beings shall only be a distant dream. The spiritual planes below the seventh can  make us aware about the various aspects of the most Supreme Godhead but that Ultimate spiritual peak of uniting with God and being endowed with the superhuman qualities of God and being God ourselves is reserved only for the few who have that intense and deep burning desire to reside in the secret place of the most high. The state of oneness with God is the state of Enlightment  and the inability to grasp the totality of God and to be superstitious about the Non-Existence standpoint is to be extremely deluded.

                               “ Where is God to be found and what is God?” Let us get into details about this matter.

                                          “The Lord pervades everything.”
                                                                                 -Isha Upanishad

                            God is Omnipresent. By the Omnipresent Spirit of God, we normally understand that God is present in each animate creature and every inanimate things and He is everywhere you may go. In other words, the entire totality of the Cosmos, every particle in the Universe, from the smallest living particle, the God particle or the Higgs Boson to the most gigantic planet in the Universe is composed of God. The Omnipresent aspect of God, one of the three primary aspects of God, is realized when we transcend the third spiritual plane. Therefore, God is present in every breath you inhale, he is present in every molecular structure of the shoes you wear, he is present in the deepest ocean bed of  the Pacific, he is present in the Divine bark of your dog as well as in the thundering  Divine roar of an Airbus 380 as it soars through the sky. It is because whether the object of attention be animate or inanimate, the principle structure of all vegetation, animals, humans and non-living things like a piece of rock is a composition of electrons, atoms and molecules. The varying degrees of composition and the atomic make-up of all things, animate or inanimate, give them different shapes, look, colours and sizes. The basic underlying feature of all living and non-living things is the same and they only have different degrees and distribution of composition of atoms that make them stand apart from the rest of the world. So we now know the principle structure of all creation is exactly the same and since every piece of creation is pure consciousness or God, this is the sole reason why God is anywhere and everywhere you go. If we can comprehend ourselves as God after transcending the seventh plane, why cant we have the eyes to see God in a lifeless rock because common sense about their composition tells us that there can be no lines of difference drawn between a God achieved soul and an inanimate rock. This is why Mr.Dipak Chopra says if we could see the entire Universe through the eyes of a physicist everything is essentially the same. The realization of the third spiritual plane enables us to comprehend the Omnipresent Spirit of God in the sub-atomic make-up of distribution of electrons and protons in an oxygen molecule hovering above Seattle, in the atomic make-up of a drop of water on Mars and in the molecular make-up of a tooth of a Siberian Tiger preying on the Siberian territory.

                                Therefore, anywhere you may go, the term to denote the object of attention for a third awareness state spiritual traveler is -God.

                                          “Brahman is pure consciousness.”
                                                                             -Aitareya Upanishad

                            The structure of the entire manifested Universe is pure consciousness and the entire Cosmos in its totality is realized as Brahman or God by God realized beings. Every living and non-living things is composed of only and only pure energy. The human senses convert this and that bundle of pure energy and turn them into a material existence of shapes, look, colour and sizes. The different habitating material existence of the material world is made up of varying degrees of energy which sets the world apart with a green landscape, the distant horizon, the chain of the long and winding snow capped Himalayas, the sparkling star studded sky etc. Pure energy or in more understandable terms - Pure Consciousness or God. Pure consciousness is present in the pebbles and stones that lie lifeless on the banks of a river, in the green vegetation of a vegetable garden, in the wild animals that roam freely in the dense jungles and in the human beings who are the lucky ones who can tap onto their reservoir of pure consciousness, awaken it and establish themselves as spiritually elevated beings. The varying degrees of pure consciousness in a lifeless pebble, vegetation, animals and human beings classifies them into the  unintelligent, not-so intelligent, semi intelligent and the intelligent categories. Even though there may be classifications of varying degrees of compositions of  consciousness, everything and everyone is essentially the same- Pure consciousness or God. According to Mr.Dipak Chopra, everything present in the Cosmos is only the raw material of the Universe and they are undergoing the process of creation-sustenance-renewal for the great leela or play of God to take place. Whether there may be a renewal process of these living and non-living  things and may be renewed back into the same invisible  microscopic  particles like the moment before the creation of the Cosmos, they are still pure consciousness or God because they were created, sustained for a while for Gods leela to take place and gets renewed once their Karmic influence and bondage is over.

                                                    “I am Brahman.”
                                                                        -Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
                                           “You are that-Brahman.”
                                                                         -Chhandogya Upanishad

                             After one transcends the seventh plane, one gets grounded with all the attributes of God Himself. As the qualities and characteristics of God gets infused in a person who has been successful in transcending the seventh plane he has been able to transform himself into a speck, a concentration of God Himself in this vast expanse of Universe. That is why a Rama or Krishna were acclaimed far and wide as living Gods. A fully awake soul is none other than the Supreme Reality himself. This feeling of wholeness and completeness of the totality of God is what makes one Ultimately abide in God forever or Unite with Him. When the spiritual qualities and the awareness of a fully awake soul is similar with that of God or when there are similarities in awareness of a fully awake soul and that of God there is  the realization of oneness and unity with the most Supreme Godhead. As there are no major differences in attributes of a fully awake soul and that of God one is  God realized,  he has attained a oneness with God and he has transformed himself into a speck or a concentration  of God Himself in this Eternal dance of Creation. Therefore, the phrase-“I am Brahman.”, “You are that- Brahman.”

                                                        “The Atman is Brahman.”
                                                                                -Mandukya Upanishad

                                The Atman or the soul is Brahman. “Why?” It is because the soul with a regular spiritual exercise from the behalf of the aspirant starts transforming himself from the sub-conscious to the conscious and finally to the superconscious level of consciousness. As stated earlier, it is the process of spiritual awakening of the soul from the dawn of the superconscious level and finally beyond the seventh plane that grounds a person in total oneness with God. When there is oneness with God or when the fully awake soul of a complete spiritual being has striken a synchronistic balance with that of God, then we can affirm that the fully awake Atman or soul has become God himself. Therfore the phrase-“The Atman is Brahman.”

                           “All this manifested Universe is the Supreme Brahman.”
                                                                                         -Mundaka Upanishad

                            God was there in the form of invisible microscopic particles before the Cosmos was created and will be present after the entire Universe dissolves back into the same unseen particles. As we already know, God pervades everything and everything is pure consciousness or God. The Universe we see today as a collection of asteroids, meteoroids, stars, suns, moons, habitated planets and innumerable galactic systems took shape and came into creation from the collision and reaction of these microscopic particles which is in reality pure consciousness or God. We all know that a something cannot come out of  a nothing, that if God exists today in the form of the entire Cosmos it is because God existed before the entire manifested Universe was created and that for every effect there has to be a cause. Don’t we all think God had a cause or a Divine plan for an effect to come into effect and that was how the entire Cosmos was created and came into being? The entire living reality of the Cosmos is God because God is present anywhere one may go and every grain of sand, every piece of rock, the rocky mountains of the Himalayas as well as every planet that exists in the entire Universe is pure consciousness or God. “All this manifested Universe is the Supreme Brahman”, whether they be in the form of invisible particles before the Cosmos came into being, the state of affairs after the great dissolution process of the Universe and  at the moment when the Cosmos sustains for a while for the great leela or play of God to take place.

                             Let us say a short prayer and see how it describes God.

                             “Here and now, God is. God is around me as a vibrant living presence and as me at my innermost level of being. God is the reality and substance of  everything I see, touch and relate to moment-to-moment.”

                                    (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)             


Wednesday, September 4, 2013


                        The term awareness implies the fully restored consciousness one gets to awaken after transcending the fifth spiritual plane. The state of the fully restored awareness signifies the state of Self-Realisation. All of us except the special few are born into this world as sub-conscious  human beings. When we learn to be aware during our preliminary meditative sessions we start transforming ourselves into conscious human beings. The aware or conscious spiritual states are the first three levels of spiritual planes. When one is aware during his meditative session, it means one is conscious of his object of attention.  As one starts becoming aware and conscious  during ones meditative sessions, the process of observation of the mind by instrumenting meditative techniques through the aware or conscious medium, one normally transcends “The Known” or the area which the brain facilitates and reaches a most tranquil area of stillness and quietness. This area is the source of thought and the threshold through which one capacitates his potential to have his awareness fully restored. In other words, being aware during our meditative sessions is the only key through which awareness is awakened and the state of Self-Realisation established.

                     The gradual spiritual awakening process of being aware and conscious with a hundred percent spiritual commitment makes us go beyond the threshold for a fully restored awareness and it is when we transcend the fifth spiritual plane that we forever get ourselves established into the abundant spiritual realm of Self-Awareness. “What is it that the spiritually affluent Self-Awareness state teach us about?” When we reach the state of Self-Awareness our awareness starts becoming fully aware about the Infinite and Eternal play of the entire manifested Cosmos. The Infinite leela or play of God which is directly responsible for the creation-sustenance-renewal process of us animate beings, the not so intelligent animal creatures and the inanimate things is realized once we transform ourselves into fully aware spiritual beings. The Self-Awareness state is mainly about accepting the Infinite Will of God as they are or to be in a state of total acceptance to the great leela or miracle of God.  “What does the state of total acceptance further signify?” The state of total acceptance further signifies a neutral state or a state of no-reaction to all the significant sub-atomic, atomic , molecular and right up to the greater details that God plans for us. “What is it that a neutral state or a state of no-reaction still further signify?” It further signifies maintaining  a balance, a state of equanimity or a spiritually disciplined state with all of Gods Infinite and Eternal creation. The other aspect that develops is the greatest form of love one has for in the world, and that is towards God. This kind of love that develops towards God cannot be described and put into words. Words are not enough to describe this kind of love that develops towards God.

                     The next in line of awareness is God- awareness. The seeds of God-awareness generates love in you to garner affection and tenderness not only to animate but also to the inanimate as well. We learn to respect the non-living things on an equal footing with the living things. You learn that it is not only with the living things but the non-living things should also be handled with great tenderness, gentleness and respect. Because in reality, both the living and non-living things are composed of pure energy. Therefore, being composed of pure energy both of these categories can be termed as pure consciousness or God. Since both of these categories of creation are composed of pure energy don’t you think the inanimate would be equally hurt and wounded if you snap a lifeless toy with a machete as when you hurtle a rock onto  a passingby beggar? So when you get established in God-awareness you will be careful enough not to graze roughly past even a rock because both the animate and inanimate have equal degrees of gentleness and tenderness in them. This is the sole reason why the spiritually noble ones tread the earth gently.

                         As we transcend the sixth spiritual plane we are forever established in the Unitarian or Absolute-awareness. Being  a torchbearer of the highest Supreme Truth and the Absolute plane, the transformation of the highest form of love, compassion, is generated to help an ailing world gather itself together by undertaking the only humanitarian task in the entire Cosmos, the path of Dharma. So this is not something like a master of some mystery school panicking and misusing his siddhis unnecessarily to dispel the bad omen to his sadgurus movement but to generate and distribute the seeds of compassion and love all beings equally the same. All of us, human beings, are created in the image of God. So we can conclude that we are all reflection of Gods spirit. Realising that we are none other than reflection of Gods spirit is the next and final spiritual evolutionary realization of the seventh Unitarian plane. As Meher Baba states that the future of humanity is in the hands of those who have this vision. Yes!!! the future of humanity is truly in the hands of those who get to realise that “We are none other than  concentrations of one united Universal spirit.”

                         There is a direct realization of the most Supreme Godhead  once we are forever established into the seventh plane and not some cock-eyed theory about the existence of the Non-Existence. Being God realized would mean being Enlightened and the unaware awareness and the kaput theory of the Non-Being, atheistic and the anti-God stance would mean forever being swamped in the unconscious consciousness of a great delusory  delusion. In reality, all these Non-Being spiritual beings are in an indirect manner worshipping the most Supreme Godhead. It is because these people also believe in the role of us human beings as being the non-doer and as the Infinite Being being the doer. In practical and realistic spiritual terms, the doer who is the Infinite Being is none other than the most Supreme Godhead. So whenever  these Non-Being hardliners prostrate to the Infinite Being they are actually prostrating at the Divine feet of the most Supreme Godhead.

                      And we have this Osho who spread the message across that setting about with a  cocktail practice of a game of Dhiki-Chyaun(See-Saw) and meditation can reach anyone to the state of the most highest Supreme Reality. Whereas, the truth is that only celibates have that rare opportunity of getting to realize the most Supreme Truth. And he further tries to clarify that sex is like eating chocolates. “No!!! sex is not like eating chocolates. It is a chaste union between two chaste partners, Fullstop!!!”  We have more of these Oshos  into the world scene and we are going to have even five year olds going around with (contraceptive) condoms and pills stuffed into their pockets.

                        May God shower us all with his Infinite Blessings and Grace so that we all get to realise that it is not wise to stagnate, getting tranquilised by the material because the mortal is us dies but that we should all aspire to transcend onto a higher ground, the spiritual realm  because it is only the soul which is immortal , never dies and lives forever.
                                (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)