Monday, December 23, 2013

Requirements for spiritual growth

                        There are numerous requirements for spiritual growth. Let us look up these requirements in detail.

                       A spiritual growth aspirant should be a serious reader of metaphysical studies. Metaphysical studies imply a through and thorough knowledge about the spiritual laws, spiritual growth, the code of conduct required of spiritual growth practitioners, information about other spiritual theories and wisdom about the Universe, the most Supreme Godhead and this and that. It is very important for beginners to know how to proceed on the spiritual path. So knowledge about the spiritual growth process is a must for any serious meditators who want to excel on their  spiritual journey. Merely being curious and experimenting  about spiritual growth is not going to take anybody further than only getting stuck in the first three spiritual planes. The Ultimate reality is not about the Non-Being or the Non-Existence stance, therefore, it would be a good idea not to waste precious time going through anti-God theories and knowledge. There are various useful books on spiritual growth and some of them are- Power Freedom and Grace by Dipak Chopra, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and A Master Guide to Meditation and spiritual growth by Roy Eugene Davis. There may be numerous others which is beyond my knowledge. Some very great yogis who have authored spiritual books are, Mr. Dipak Chopra, Dr. Wayne W Dyer, Aurobindo, Ramana Maharshi, Kripaluji, Sri Bramhaprajapita, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Paramhansa Yoganada, Mr. Eckhart Tolle, Swami Vivekanada, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sri Prabhupada, Shivapuri Baba etc. Books on Veda and  the Upanishads are the most insightful.

                              Food is the other factor that plays an important role in the spiritual growth process. It is considered that non-vegetarian food is not recommended for spiritual growth but you don’t have to worry about this as you will be guided about your food during your spiritual growth process. I had thought about abandoning non-vegetarian food when my Kundalini was about to awaken but God guided me that I could stick to my non-vegetarian meals. Remember that great Grace will be showered on you about spiritual growth in this Age of Enlightment. Alcohol and drugs are not recommended for meditators and hinders the spiritual growth process. Cigarettes, tobacco and tea does not hinder the spiritual growth process but do keep some time gap between your consumption of cigarettes, tobacco, tea and meditation.

                         Never  start your spiritual growth process by learning a meditation technique by reading a  book, through the internet and through amateurs. Learn a meditation technique only through a certified meditation instructor. The most ideal time to meditate is during the early morning and during the late evening. Meditation should be practiced two hours after a meal and never meditate  when you  are hungry and when you are tired. Meditation practiced from twelve midnight to three in the morning is not effective at all and does not ensure spiritual growth. Some effective, short and practical meditation techniques are the T.M. technique, Dipak Chopras So-Hum meditation and Sri Sri Ravishanker’s meditation.

                      Activity is very essential for a spiritual growth practitioner. When you lead an active life during your spiritual growth process the awareness that develops with regular contact with your soul gets infused into your activity throughout the entire day and this is how the awareness you develop after the state of Self-Realisation gets into heights of alertness. This way you will be very much aware even if a thug comes and lands a wicked punch onto your face. The level of sharpness of awareness depends on the kind of active life you have led. The activity you do throughout the entire day has to be done with lots of interest and passion. If you are halfhearted while doing your activity it is not going to reap beneficial results. Get yourself active in your own line of work. If you don’t go to the office and you are a housewife or stay at  home all day, do things like going to fetch the groceries, going to the pharmacy to purchase medicines, cleaning the toilet or your kitchen, bathing regularly, washing your clothes, listening to healthy music, reading a book, cooking, gardening  etc. Exercising is another prerequisite for meditators. Maintaining your physical temple while toning up your brain and rejuvenating your soul is of prime importance. Going to the gym and working out is the worst form of exercise. In fact, working out in the gymnasium is nothing but torturing and punishing  your body for which you should take extra care. A brisk walk is the best form of exercise and asanas come next in effectiveness after brisk walks. Press ups, sit ups and pull ups and jogging are also recommended as good exercises for toning up your body.

                    We have seen that whatever we do with an earnest heart and seriousness in the material life reap excellent results. So it is in the spiritual life as well. The rate of growth of consciousness quickens if you meditate with full of interest and if you meditate very very seriously. Forget the enitre world when you sit down for meditation and meditate very seriously and see the results it gives in terms of quickness of growth of consciousness. Never make an effort to hasten spiritual growth process because the more impatient you are for a fast spiritual growth the slower the spiritual growth happens. Take your initiativeness of meditating seriously as only a means for facilitating spiritual growth. Meditating regularly twice a day on a mandatory basis is required for spiritual growth. Skipping meditation sessions frequently will not enhance spiritual growth. If you don’t have a natural realisation about the benefits of spiritual growth, metaphysical studies,  attending regular satsangs,  spiritual discourses and gatherings may prove beneficial. 

                       Satsangs or spiritual communion is considered very essential for spiritual growth practitioners. Going to your meditation centre for single or group spiritual discussions and spiritual communion with your meditation instructor or with an achieved being is considered of prime importance for meditators. An aspirant should normally be under the guidance of an awakened being for competent spiritual guidance if one is to excel in his field of spiritual endeavour. If someone does not prefer satsangs he or she can avail themselves of spiritual knowledge through metaphysical studies. A spiritual aspirant should partake in the right and ideal conversation and not involve themselves in gossip, useless and unfruitful dialogues. Listening to devotional songs can also boost the spiritual morale of meditators.

“ At our innermost level of Being, the real Self of us exists in wholesome purity. Here, untouched by mundane conditions and transitory events, abides undisturbed peace, pure bliss, flawless knowledge, and limitless awareness of absolute freedom. This permanent reality of us can be consciously experienced by the simple, simultaneous acts of acknowledgement and acceptance.”
                                                        -Roy Eugene Davis
                                                 (Book:A Master Guide to Meditation and Spiritual Growth)

                  Accept each and every spiritual development with complete acceptance. Remember! The greater the mental distractions that take place realise that equally immense are the spiritual opprtunities of climbing up to the higher spiritual planes!

“ Why, then, of the millions of seekers of knowledge, do so few awaken to it? It is because many who seek do not look in the right direction. Or, if they do, their resolve does not take their awareness deep enough – into the heart of Reality.”
                                                           -Roy Eugene Davis
                                                 (Book:A Master Guide to Meditation and Spiritual Growth)

                        The heart centre or the Anahat Chakra is the threshold to the state of      Self-Realisation and beyond. Unless you transcend the heart centre your door to spiritual destiny shall be closed forever. The various spiritual exercises to transcend the heart centre,the Anahat chakra,  reach the source of thought , the Unified field, the field of Infinite possibilities are the practice of non-judgement, spending time in silence, spending time in nature and a regular meditation practice. The practice of  non-judgement implies not judging anybody and anything. Spending time in nature means sitting close to a running brook, a stream, a river, in the mountains, near the ocean or in the forest. This can be done for one or two hours. Spending time in silence implies staying in complete silence without the use of speech for one or two hours. Don’t listen to music, don’t watch television  and don’t read while practicing the state of non-speech.  The time duration of silence can be increased according to your convenience. 

                    The Age of  Enlightment is beckoning us to start our Eternal Quest and let us start our spiritual journey right now and this very moment.
                                         (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Monday, December 16, 2013

Mere instruments of God

“ The most Supreme Godhead owns the entire manifested Universe and every micro to macro details in the Cosmos is His Grand Leela or Play.”
                                                             -Ashwas Thapa

                           The entire manifested Cosmos is the sole property of the most Supreme Godhead. Fullstop!!! All of us human beings are ever dancing to the tunes of the Cosmic rhythms. The Universal rhythms is constantly engaging us in its Infinite and Eternal Cosmic dance of life to fulfill God’s plans for us because most of us are right now greatly deluded by the charms of the material world. The Universal rhythms which is the charmer ever sways us into the charms of worldly life for us to finally shed our mortal cloak of worldly pursuit by rejuvenating our dormant spirit to forever transform ourselves into the immortal. We are bound in shackles and chains to  the Universal rhythms until that moment when we don’t become free from the collective human consciousness and become unburdened and free from the mortal coil of suffering from times immemorial. The Universal rhythms which are the various planetary actions and reactions bind us into into the mortal coil of suffering until we don’t realise our true essence as Divine beings and decide for an ultimate overhaul to be liberated from the cycle of birth and death to abide in God forever. Therefore, neither  are we in  control of ourselves nor do we have  control over our life and it is  the Infinite Being Who is controlling us which in actual terms imply, “ We are nothing but only mere instruments of the most Supreme Godhead!!!”

                                           “ We are only instruments of God.”
                                                                          -Sri Sathya Sai Baba

“Do not confuse the instrument with the user of the  instrument. The instrument is the brain; the user of the instrument is the Infinite Being expressing itself in different disguises.”
                                                       -Dipak Chopra
                                                                                           (Book:Power Freedom and Grace)

                         In other words, we are merely actors in this drama of life and God is the  Supreme Director. There is an incident in the Mahabharata in which some statesman inquires Duryodhana the reason for his stupid arrogance, unjust crimes and his life of unrighteousness. God’s instrument Duryodhana replies back relaying the Supreme Wisdom saying, “ I know about Dharma, the path of righteousness, and I am also aware that what I do out of my sheer arrogance is not what has been dictated by laws of virtues but I am being directed to act the unvirtuous way from the depths of my heart by some Divine Being Who guides me to act in accordance with His Divine Will. This is the sole reason for all of my acts of misdemeanour.” “ Such is life!,” utters a famous Australian outlaw before being hanged for his ruthless and unforgivable crimes insighting the Supreme Will as being the inevitable part of the reason of him being sent to the gallows. “ Jindagi mein yoonhi hota hai,” or that “There may be no justifiable reasons for happenings  but life does happens in  the most unexpected manner” penns the famous Indian writer Javed Akhter for the movie Jindagi Na Milegi Dobara. By now we may have concluded that we are being remote controlled every second of the day and night and throughout our entire life span by the most Supreme Godhead to suit and accomplish His Divine plan for the entire manifested Universe. To sum it up in one phrase, “ We are merely the actors  and God is the Supreme Director.”

“ The body that you call yours is really the raw material of the Universe: recycled earth, water and air.”
                                                            -Dipak Chopra
                                                                                               (Book:Power Freedom and Grace)

                           We are only the raw material of the Universe. We may be amazed and shaken off our roots but the Eternal Truth is that there is nothing like the relation of  a father, mother, brother, sister, soulmate, kins, friends, foes,  a granny or a grandpa in reality. You may inquire about this revelation to any Enlightened Master and the reply will be a positive affirmation. We share the intimate human bond of a loving father, a devoted mother, a defensive brother, a supportive sister, a passionate soulmate to fulfill the criteria for the interconnected framework of human relationships on the planet to play our specific roles under the guardianship of the One Divine Umbrella. Therefore, a prostitute who is busy exchanging  sexual favours for her late night client is equal in importance as a divine instrument like your most chaste soulmate who feels for you from the very core of his Anahat. All of us, Divine instruments of the most Supreme Godhead cannot be categorized into the high or low class, the rich or poor, the profane or the sacred and a sinner or a saint. We are not the roles we play, we are all equal in importance as a Divine instrument and no matter who’s who, instruments of the most Supreme Godhead cannot be classified.

Whether you bathe in the holy Ganga or don a tilak
The fated can never be erased
He is the Orchestrator and you are the player
What is fated is bound to happen

Whether you worship or offer the sacred fire to the Gods
The fated can never be erased
He is the Orchestrator and you are the player
What is fated is bound to happen

                                                      -(Song:Ganga Nahaley)
                                                          (Singer:Mohit Chauhan)

                                 The life of each and every Divine instrument of the most Supreme Godhead is already predestined even before they were conceived in their mother’s womb. Neither the most pious religious ritual can erase that which is fated nor being enthroned as a monarch deviate and alter that which is bound to happen. Even Sri Sathya Sai Baba could  not and did not alter the Divine plan the most Supreme Godhead had for the Royal family of King Birendra of Nepal who were His staunch devotees. Even the living Son of God, Jesus Christ, was an insignificant medium of the significant and Infinite Will of God and had to die on the cross. Here, Jesus is termed insignificant compared to the significant Will of God because Christ is only the Divine Mother’s instrument and Brahman executed His Divine Will and even the true Son of God had to meet His fate on the cross.

                                As Divine, precious and privileged children of God we should be harbouring no regrets about our lives as we are only enacting different roles on behalf of the Divine Mother but in case we have one, it would be a worthwhile endeavour to start kicking the trail to be established in Self-Knowledge so that the human mind which had been creating regrets till now shall pave the way for the transformation of a fully restored soul which shall leave no  trails for any regrets.

                                     (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)                                    

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

God Consciousness

                            God Consciousness is the first of the higher states of consciousness. This is the state of consciousness between cosmic consciousness and the state of Enlightment. The perfect example of a saint who has transcended the state of God Consciousness would be Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The dawn of the sixth state of consciousness comes about when an aspirant is extremely attached to an external medium. The cause  of this attachment to an external medium is because the concerned aspirant is greatly deluded by the medium of attachment  and this delusion according to Mr. Roy Eugene Davis, a direct personal disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, happens because the intuitive powers of the spiritual seeker is greatly diminished. Mr. Roy Eugene Davis further clarifies that this is how  awakened beings become involved in the creation process and enact various roles on behalf of the most Supreme Godhead. Therefore, the very initial signs for the dawn of the sixth state of consciousness is one that of great delusion about an external medium and that of great and extreme attachment to the concerned object of delusion. The bodily chakra or the spiritual centre that becomes activated with the dawn of the sixth state of consciousness is the Agya chakra or the third eye. The third eye or the Agya chakra is such a powerful spiritual centre that its full activation can manifest anything you desire instantaneously.

                         “The sixth state spiritual traveller treads the earth gently.”
                                                                                                         -Ashwas Thapa

                       Both the animate and inanimate objects of attention on the planet are on par and there can be no lines of differences between them in reality. In realistic terms, both of their composition, makeup or structure is the “Same.” Both the living and non-living things are composed of electrons, atoms and molecules which can be understood as pure energy. This and that bundle of pure energy in other terms can be understood as pure consciousness or God. Therefore, each and every inanimate or non-living thing is in actuality not non-living but very much alive and vibrant animate things composed of the very same structure of electrons, atoms and molecules as the living beings and is that field of intelligence which in more realistic terms can be understood as pure consciousness or God. So the term non-living or an inanimate thing can only be limited and confined to a biological terminology and not within the only realistic field in the entire manifested Universe, the field of Spiritualism. In the sixth spiritual plane of God consciousness we begin to realise the gentle and living aspect of all non-living things on the planet. A rock is a rock to the naked eye but to the spiritual eye, a piece of rock is that Divine piece of  creation which has all the essence of Divinity in it as the fully awakened spirit of a spiritually elevated being. To understand this more simply, a spiritual traveller of God consciousness begins to comprehend a piece of rock like all living beings and this is the sole reason why a person established in Godhood begins to grasp the gentle and living aspect of all inanimate things. So the God consciousness being begins to love and respect even the non-living things and starts treating the inanimate things very very gently and very very tenderly. If a sixth state spiritual traveller even by chance grazes roughly past an inanimate rock he is careful enough to ask for forgiveness of the rock and even goes as far as gently caressing the inanimate rock for being careless in acting ungentlemanly towards it. Let me give you a few examples.

                        Sri Sathya Sai Baba had  established a custom of distributing tokens of love in the form of sarees, shawls, sweets, fruits, packets of Vibhuti etc to  His devotees on auspicious occasions. During one of these occasions sarees were distributed to His female devotees and some sarees were still remaining in one of the boxes after distribution.  One of His devotees was taken by complete surprise when the box containing the remaining sarees was completely wet, with even the sarees drenched completely by water. The devotee asked Baba why the sarees were wet when there was open sunshine, with no rainfall and with not even a single person soaking the sarees wet with water. Baba in turn replied that even sarees which is non-living have life and that the sarees were weeping because no one had cared to use them. Another example would be with the life of the triple Samadhite, Pilot Baba. Once, one of the leaders of a radical Non-Being movement had gone to pay the highly Enlightened Being, Pilot Baba, a visit who was then living a reclusive and ascetic life in a mountainous cave made up of huge structures of rock. As Pilot Baba welcomed the anti-God saint his body grazed terribly bad against the rock of the  cave and in consequence was wounded very badly with blood oozing out of the deeply cut wound.( Just notice the heights of awareness great Yogis have.) Pilot Baba in return folded His hands before the inanimate rock and asked for forgiveness of the rock for grazing roughly past it and hurting the rock instead. The Non-Being saint was taken by complete surprise because how can an anti-God ideologist who doesn’t believe in the existence of God believe in the  existence of God in an inanimate rock? The Non-Being saint is the chief Master of one of the Non-Being movements which conducts workshops and seminars on the eight-fold path of Buddha.

 “It was not the common light which all flesh can see, nor was it greater yet of the same kind, as if the light of the day were to grow brighter and brighter and flood all space. It was not like this, but different: altogether different from all such things.”
                                                                                                                         -St. Augustine 

                            In the God consciousness state, a Divine and unearthly light is seen infused into all objects of attention. It is an altogether different kind of light  seen pervading all objects around the sixth state spiritual traveller not seen by the ordinary human eye involved in the material world. Maharshi Mahesh Yogi says that everything  is seen as if composed of and pervaded by pure light. This is the kind of Divine light seen by the God aware man.

                             We may have read of cowboys waiting  for hours on end near a watering hole to shoot down a prey. Just imagine the patience of the cowboys of the 1800’s to wait that long to shoot down his most desired meal. This is exactly the kind of patience endowed into the psyche of the sixth state spiritual traveller. The spiritual aspirant who has reached God consciousness has the patience of a hunter and not even him who considers the God aware man his greatest foe can distract and run down his immense reservoir of  the God-gift of his hundred percent patience.

                   The God consciousness state is the spiritual plane of partial or complete God realisation.
                                       (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)


Friday, December 6, 2013

The Unitarian or Absolute plane

                            Mr.Roy Eugene Davis, a direct, personal disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda has described the Unitarian or the Absolute Realm as follows,

           “The unbounded realm of unmodified Consciousness – Existence – Being”
-Roy Eugene Davis
                                       (Book: A Master Guide to meditation and spiritual growth)

                             The Unitarian plane is the realm of unmodified Consciousness. Every modified objects of attention to our naked eye seems to us of different modifications like the various shapes, colour, sizes, etc. The human senses delude us into believing that the objects of material existence are different in shape, colour,sizes etc but in essence they are composed of the same electrons, atoms and molecules, the same energy, pure consciousness or God. When the entire structure of every animate and inanimate composition is composed of the very same energy, pure consciousness or God, how can they have different modifications, be modified structures of different shapes, colour and sizes? Again, the villainous human senses delude us into believing that the world of living and non-living objects and creatures are actually different and instruments the naked eye to make us see these objects of attention as modified things and beings. In actuality there are no modified things and beings and  every particle and every object of attention before our naked eyes is pure unmodified consciousness. The entire Universe being composed of  unmodified consciousness of pure energy,  the Cosmos is nothing but a structure of energy soup and as Mr. Dipak Chopra declares,

                           “The Universe is actually a chaos of energy soup.”
                                                                            -Dipak Chopra
                                                                             (Book:Power Freedom and Grace)

                         The Unitarian or the Absolute plane makes us realise that the Infinite Cosmos is sustained by the leela or play of the most Supreme Godhead till Eternity. The dissolution  process of the Universe at regular intervals are only temporary leela or play of the most Supreme Godhead whereas the permanence of the Infinite Will of God carries on till Eternity with the Universe recreating itself again and again. Energy can never be created nor destroyed, therefore, there is no end or a permanent dissolution of the entire manifested Cosmos. In other words, the Infinite Universe exists till Eternity and the Absolute plane makes us realise that Existence is about being existent and not non-existent.

                     The Unitarian plane is the union with the One Being and that is God. The devotee who has aspired to find fulfillment in God has finally found complete abode in the most Supreme Godhead and the devotee and God are now One.


“ Objects are focal points, or concentrations of intelligence, within the field of intelligence.”
                                            -Dipak Chopra
                                                                                     (Book:Power Freedom and Grace)

                                We get to know by forever uniting with the Absolute plane that the objects of attention within our sight are nothing other than concentrations or reflections of our own spirit. We begin to comprehend the reflection of our spirit in a blade of grass, water running down a brook, in a book, in an inanimate rock, a piece of furniture, in the mountains, in an aeroplane soaring overhead or in a Lion roaming the great African desert. To sum it up, the reflection of our spirit is comprehended both in the animate and the inanimate. Mr.Dipak Chopra  states that objects are concentrations of intelligence within the field of Supreme intelligence. Intelligence, God or pure consciousness, the source of all these animate and inanimate things and beings is the One Supreme Being and that is why Divinity radiates from practically every things or creatures through the fully alive soul of an awakened being. All objects and beings in creation are concentrations of the Divine Spirit and their source is the One Supreme Being.

“Every perception, the sound of every word, the touch of every little particle and the smell of whatever may be, brings a tidal wave from the ocean of eternal bliss. Every rising thought, word or action is a rising of the tide of bliss.”
                                                                    -(Book:The T.M. Technique)

                         Every thought, word or deed is an act of God and the Unitarian or the Absolute plane  is the level of God awareness. The state of Godhood is the state of the most Eternal Bliss and the initial state of Sat-Chit-Anand reaches the highest level of Bliss when we forever get established in the seventh plane. The former stages of happiness and bliss increases many times over till the state of happiness and bliss reaches the heights of  the most Supreme Bliss. An aspirant who is grounded in the most Supreme Bliss experiences every thought, word or deed of his and every experience of perception around him in a most Blissful manner. Every personal perception and the perception around  the Enlightened person is experienced in the most blissful manner.

                         We are all concentrations of the One Universal Spirit. Every tiny particle, the rocky Himalayas to the entire structure of planet earth as a whole as well as every living creature and human beings are concentrations of Divinty or reflection of God’s Spirit. The Lord pervades everything, therefore, all the living entities and all the entirety of planet earth and the  Universe is prevaded by the most Supreme Lord.
                                               “May God Bless everyone.”
                                          (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)


Monday, December 2, 2013

Violence through thought word and deed

                         Violence is inevitable in a world where out of the six billion people of the  world only a mere couple of millions happen to be full time meditators. In fact violence started from the very moment the Daityas (demons) longed for a spiritual supremacy over the Gods. Violence which ignites from the mind leads to all kinds of actions against peace from the individual, to the community, the society and intensifies into the scene of the entire world in the form of terrorism, sectarian conflicts, religious clashes, world wars etc. The very first seed of vengence that sprouts from the human mind that magnifies into catastrophic forms of human degradation happens only and only because of the incapacity of the individuals to grasp the totality of the field of the most Supreme intelligence known as the Unified field. All forms of material violence cannot be curbed as long as human individuals do not awaken to the field of the most Supreme intelligence but there are weird characters who inspite of having claimed to have tapped the abundant source of spiritual reservoir are ever adamant to spread the fire of spiritual violence. Denying the source of all beings, the Reality about  the Infinite and Eternal presence of the most  Supreme Godhead or propogating false theories and contradicting the Truth about “The unbounded realm of unmodified Consciousness- Existence- Being” or the Absolute Reality and making a futile effort to cling onto spiritual supremacy by trying to prove a pseudo and non-existent Non-Existence stance is creating spiritual violence, at least on the thought and ideology level. Preaching half truths and propogating incomplete knowledge about the Non-Being standpoint is keeping spiritual aspirants in the dark and thereby making people harbour spiritually violent ideologies against the most Supreme Godhead to cause spiritual violence. Keeping spiritual aspirants in the dark and preventing them from reaching the Light is causing a form of spiritual violence. As long as each and every spiritually inadequate Non-Being (anti-God) leader ignites an antagonistic ideology against the only permanent Reality in the minds of spiritually immature aspirants, it is  propogating spiritually violent ideologies to cause spiritual violence on the planet because the only real and permanent presence in the entire manifested Universe is that of God and nothing else. We know when there is friction of the bad over the good, the evil over the benevolent, the sinner over the saint, the profane over the sacred, the vices over the virtues, the false over the truth, the atheists over the theists and the propogation of the false, satanic and anti-God theories  over the Infinite and Eternal Reality of God, there is bound to be great unpleasant commotion and violence inflicted on the thought, word and deed level. “Now do we understand how spiritually incompetent and inadequate spiritual charmers  create spiritual violence on the planet?”

                        Violence in all forms happen at the thought, word and deed level. We may not know that violence committed at the word and deed level has its source or origin in a person’s thought. The seed of vengence, feelings of hatred, the harbouring of enmity, jealousy, envy, malice, the desire to cause violence on someone or possibly assasinate and kill somebody, the meanest thought of terrorising people, etc sprout up or starts from a person's thought process. The moment the thought about malice and to create violence is created in someone’s thought process the thought propelled violence gets converted into violence through word or deed. Therefore, actions of violence through word or deed can be stopped if the thought of violence that originates from the mind is stopped from getting fuelled further then and there,  as soon as it is in the embryonic stage. In order to stop violence from happening it has to be rooted out down from the very roots from where it sprung. So, the only process to stop violence from taking place is to terminate the thoughts of violence that arises right at the thought level. The origin of violence which originates at the thought level has to be completely rooted out to stop violence from taking place at the word and deed level.

                    There are two kinds of thoughts, pure and impure. Only spiritually elevated beings who have transcended the heart centre have purity of thought. So the chances of violence at the thought, word and deed level from a spiritually elevated being is nil. This is the sole reason why an expanded growth of consciousness on the planet is the only antidote to permanent peace prevailing in the world. It is because a spiritually elevated individual is the most peaceful being ever found on the planet. The normal human beings have impure thoughts and since the  violent thought process of the ordinary mortals cannot be detected and is totally unknown to others around him there is not much harm that can take place. There is not much harm that can take place as long as the thought propelled violence is controlled and not converted into violence through word and deed.

                          The second most dangerous form of violence committed is the violence carried out through word. The word propelled violence in frequent cases gets converted into violence through deed or action. Verbal form of violence is so catastrophic that it can wreck relationships in an instant and invite enmity between close bonds the rest of their lives. The heights of how catastrophic verbal violence can be has already been experienced by us by the example of the Mahabharata period when Draupadi, the most chaste wife of the Pandavas, called Duryodhana “Blind”. Only this small incident of maligning was enough for Duryodhana to hatch a conspiracy by inviting the Pandavas into a gambling match which led the Kauravas trying to strip Draupadi naked and which undoubtedly led the the Kauravas and Pandavas to the greatest battle known in the whole history of mankind, the Mahabharata War. The ignorant use of one incident of maligning can lead to the consequences of a war. “ Just ponder why the word catastrophic has been coined to describe the consequences of verbal violence here!”

                        We have all seen what action oriented violence is like. Yes, all forms of violence like a heated brawl at a local pub, the murder of a boyfriend of someone’s wife or mistress by the other half,  a community gang fight , shootout between brotherhood members, all acts of terrorism, the September 11 attacks, border dispute wars,  violence about territory claims and the two world wars we have already seen. All forms of action oriented violence has its source in the violent human thoughts and until the thoughts of violence that originates in the mind is not tamed violence committed through action cannot be curbed and will never come under control.

                           There are two methods to put an end to violence on the planet. The temporary solution would be to root out the violence that ignites in the mind by staying disciplined with one’s thoughts and thereby stopping any form of violence on the word and deed level. This is a temporary solution whereas the only permanent key to stop violence from the individual level would be to be spiritual growth practitioners and become spiritually elevated beings. The main responsibility of establishing permanent peace on the planet falls on the shoulders of all world governments, not by wasting financial resources, funds and capital from the state vault on temporary means and measures to curb world problems but by raising awareness among the world citizens about spiritual growth as a permanent means to peace if peace and not violence is the growing demand and need of the planet at the present moment!!!
                                          (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)