Monday, January 14, 2013

Two essential human requirements


                           There are innumerous human requirements needed to be  practiced and established for a more peaceful planet. Some hopeless and corrupt nations may be in want of more patriotic and corruption free political leaders, stability in relationships may need more compromises and an end to infidelity, human beings may need start being more responsible and very very  tame, qualities which if not developed may sequentially offshoot  individual, societal and major world problems etc. In my perspective, the only two fundamental human requirements besides developing ourselves a strong spiritual base are being responsible for every act on the thought, word and deed level and not causing any form of violence on the same level.

                            First of all, let us give some thoughts about the law of cause and effect which is a physical, Universal and a spiritual law. What does the law of cause and effect signify? The law of cause and effect mainly stresses the fact that our entire life solely evolves according to the actions we undertake and execute. Our  life shall start being positive and shall start reaping beneficial results depending upon the qualities of actions we undertake which of course should be completely harmonious and compatible with Universally adaptive ways. The moment we go against the laws of nature, existence and the Cosmos we can understand that  we shall be breeding trouble and negative results. This law emphasizes that  we reap what we sow. If  we  sow good actions on the thought, word and deed level we shall be reaping beneficial results. Besides the word and deed level we need  to  be spiritually elevated  beings to have purity of  thought and start performing positive karma from the thought level. To sum it up, your  past karma will have to be taken into account by God but the only factor that stops fuelling further suffering is to  be responsible for your actions and perform only that karma which shall produce no more suffering.

                      If we cannot be responsible human beings and perform good karma this shall  intensify problems on the society and subsequently  magnify problems on the world level. Every major world problem is the culmination of one individual and then a series of irresponsible acts. As long as we don’t help contain the individual irresponsible actions from our side there is nothing that can be done to help curtail major societal and world problems. Every careless  and irresponsible human nature intensifies and magnifies into a major problem. If we cannot aspire to be spiritually elevated  beings we can at least help planet earth by being responsible for even the  most minute action of ours on the word and deed level.

                       On the human level, we shall be having a more competent planet if we convert  ourselves into more responsible human beings. Human relationships may start prospering if we learn to compromise with our soulmates and  put an end to the growing trend of infidelity. Hopeless nations like Nepal may turn over a new leaf if the political leaders develop the true spirit of patriotism and stop feeding their bank accounts with the taxpayers money and stop misusing foreign funds meant for the development of the country. All in all, all the individual, societal and major world problems may start taming down with the sole effort of one lone human individual.

                       The second significant human requirement is putting an end to violence. Violence on the thought level can only be tamed by spiritually elevated beings. Only spiritually evolved beings have purity of thought. For normal human beings, the only compulsory requirement is not converting the thought propelled violence into violence through word or deed. This is the only necessary requirement for a violence free world. If we learn to become responsible and sow good actions there shall be an automatic halt to violence.

                       Let us look at an example at how God or the Infinite Being does not support violence and does not favour people who ignite violence in the world. The Maoists raged the peoples war in Nepal for many years. Innumerable people were rendered homeless, uncountable government infrastructures were demolished and destroyed and still  immeasurable innocent human lives were lost. This fact is not yet affirmed but we may even have lost a very gentlemanly King like the late King Birendra  and his entire family only because of the cause of malpracticed seeds of violence created by the Maoists. The only reason they could not violently overpower the entire Nation was that they could not overthrow the military power present in the capital. They compromised and went for the elections. The results shocked these Maoist leaders who could not get the majority number of votes  by getting only one less vote needed to win the majority. Poor people!!!only wish the great Buddha could have given them the additional extra vote to win the majority number of seats in the constituent assembly. The next drama these people play is seek the advices of some spiritual novices and place Buddhist monks as their constituent assembly members. Even placing Buddhist monks as their representatives could not prove to be a good omen to their successful political tenure. These anti-God Maoist leaders don’t realize that a saint like Buddha is ground zero and point blank whereas God is a full cent percent. Let us pray to the great Buddha and his disciples, the Buddhist monks, that their blessings shall prove to be a good omen to these hopeless people next time for a successful political tenure that will last a full millennium. All of us, peace loving and God-abiding Nepalese people are with the great Shivani Singh Tharu who braved these violent people who held her captive, assaulted  and gave  the worst nightmares." We are with you Shivani!!! Just buck yourself up because Gods blessings is with you. You are a survivor solely due to  Gods Will." God rules the world and not some politically, violently motivated Maoist or spiritually immature novices.

                      Many of us may not have the necessary zeal and enthusiasm to start our spiritual journey, but we may not know that we shall be helping planet earth by being responsible human beings. Being responsible human beings and being positively responsive to the growing demands of the individual, society and the world we can contribute to a more peaceful and competitive planet. All actions of violence shall automatically halt if we only make an effort to be more responsible with our actions. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So shall we  not start acting responsibly and go for an overhaul on the individual level? If we learn sowing good actions individually, this effort shall subsequently prove to be effective on the society and the entire world.

Someone once said “You reap what you sow.Sow good actions so that your suffering shall vanish away forever.”
                                            (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

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