Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The necessity to love God


                         We, ordinary human beings, are born on this planet and are destined to play various roles as executed for us by the Divine Mother. Fulfilling our emotional need for love is one of the most prime requirements. We have reasons to love one another. There is always a reason why people fall for one another if we look at this from a material or human perspective. The human senses play a villainous role in obscuring the true and pure  love we should have for our soulmates that we tend to assume that we indeed love our soulmates from the very core of our heart whereas in fact we have very  personal reasons for loving our soulmates. This is because there is a realization before the Self-Realisation state dawns where you  realize you are completely alone in this world. Eventhough you may have a soulmate  who loves you far more than the entire world you will come to a realization that they  have very personal reasons for loving you. There is no such thing as true and pure love on the human level. According to Mr.Eckhart Tolle the  only true and pure love that starts emanating for your soulmate is after you chance to transcend the Anahat chakra through the spiritual growth process. The Anahat chakra is the fourth spiritual centre which emanates true and  pure love because your senses get dissolved after the dawn of the fourth plane. According to spiritual wisdom, sex and love are not interdependent but true love is such a pure aspect which should not have any sexual hassles around it. Pure love and sex are poles apart. Sex is animal and pure love is divine. There is still a higher level above the fourth plane, at the Self-Realisation state, in which there is a further realization. In this state, an overpowering love for God develops and you realise the greatest form of love one has for in the entire world is the love one realizes towards God. It is because the one and only permanent reality in the entire expanse  of the Universe is that of God and nothing else. God  alone is real, all else is unreal and temporary.

                               As we start our spiritual journey and gradually climb up the spiritual ladder we start getting less sexual, qualities like attraction to love, truth, goodness and beauty starts emanating and love towards God develops almost in an immediate instant. Once the love for God develops one immediately stops adhering to the path of violence. One feels like abstaining from actions that does not suit the nature of a true son of God. Animal instincts like obscenity and profanity are bade a final farewell forever. You would always want to stick to the  path of goodness,virtuousness and righteousness solely for the sole reason that you have started loving God. You  will start being so responsible that you will start to carry your own backpack and not ask for a plastic bag while going shopping because you will not want to pollute the environment and you will start abstaining from actions that harm the planet. Things like riding a bicycle to commute to places to save  planet earth from pollution and owning an electric vehicle  to stop carbon emission will  strike your mind. You will start admiring mother nature and your heart will skip a beat at the sheer beauty of mother nature. Your life  will be without a single problem because there will not be a  single desire in your life after you get Self-Realised, not even the desire for sex. You will be so detatched from the external world that not even the greatest tragedy in your life will affect you in the slightest manner. What more can you crave for when you can get anything you want by using your spiritual ability to manifest your desires. The ability to manifest your desires develops after the fourth plane but you will be so desireless that you will manifest your desires only for your basic needs. We can be in a state where we can read our soulmates thoughts telepathically and fulfill their desires instantaneously. There is a stage where we can be learned of all the languages of the world and know the past, present and future of anybody.

                     The necessity to love God or to reach the state of Enlightment is not to have these abundant spiritual luxuries and qualities into our lives but we as real God natured spiritual beings have that ultimate task to fulfill in our lives, of realising and being God ourselves. The spiritual excellence reached by saints like a Rama or Krishna can also be exercised and reached by anyone with a willing mind and a committed approach. The     most  priceless of material treasures and luxuries can be possessed which even the world’s richest man cannot possess by merely using the ability to manifest ones desires. The entire kingdom of heaven gained is getting to have anything of material value at your disposal by merely manifesting your desires but whiling away your entire life in material pursuits would mean getting stuck in a quagmire of human suffering till the day we die.

                          "As precious children of God why is it necessary that we love God?" We may not have that  intuitive instinct to comprehend what God’s will is all about but if you ask this scribe, he believes that it is Gods miracle right up from the  greater details down to the most minute sub-atomic details. God is that special someone who makes your soulmate give you a tender  scrub in the bathroom tub, God is indeed very great to make you snooze the entire night and make your hubby spend night after night tending to your newborn child, eventhough you and your soulmate have a tough time making ends meet it is God who makes you both invest that meager amount in insurance policies so that both of you have a very  secure life, and it is God who after your children are settled and both of you start graying into old age, makes you spend the entire evenings on rocking chairs on the porch, holding hands and romancing with the stars overhead.

                      On a mass scale it is God who instruments the American president to give commands to drop the atomic bombs during World War II so that human beings can be aware of the devastation weapons of mass destruction can create. It is God who eases a bullet through Adolf Hitler’s temple so that he is stopped from extending God’s plan for planet earth by a thousand years. It is the Divine Mother who makes the humans execute plans to save Mother Nature and that is how snow  again starts heaping in plentiful onto the snow glaciers in the Himalayas. Dictators like Saddam Hussein have a noose eased around the neck by God so that the world citizens no longer have to live under the rules of a tyranny.

                   Don’t you all think we should love God whose will it is that is responsible for the tiniest fleck of dust that rises through the air to the huge balls of mushroom created from the atomic bombs which rose through the Japanese sky.
                                             (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)


Friday, January 25, 2013

The state of no-resistance


                       The state of no-resistance or the state of Self-Realisation is such a state which makes us not  resist a single thing in our lives. What does it imply  to resist the various situations, circumstances, things and people in our lives? According to Mr.Dipak Chopra, resisting anything in our personal lives means to interfere with the intelligence of the Cosmos. Why is it that we interfere with the intelligence of the Universe when we resist anything in our personal lives? It is because no one is responsible for a single thing that happens in their lives. Not only us ordinary mortals, even the so-called will of the Enlightened beings is not responsible for a single thing in our lives. Even the  so-called will of the Enlightened beings are dependent on the will of God, the Divine Mother or Brahman. None of the Enlightened beings are endowed with any independent will.

                               According to what we realize in the state of Self-Realisation everything that happens in the entire expanse of Universe is a leela or play of the infinite and eternal Cosmos, the Infinite Being or God. We may say, "Then who is responsible for all the negative disharmonies in the world?" Well, we can honestly claim that even the negative aspect of our lives is the Infinite Will of God. We may then inquire, "Then why do these negative things happen?" We can again say that the entire Universe exists out of the co-existence of the opposites, the positive or the pole and the negative or the anti-pole. For the positive to thrive and continue the negative has to exist to balance it and allow the positive to continue. All the Self-Realised beings have the adequate insight to accept even the negative influences as the Infinite Will of God. This is the sole and only reason why all the Self-Realised beings are in a state of no resistance even about the negative disharmonies. Every thought, word or deed is an act of God. God is thinking for us, speaking for us and doing for us. "Would you hate a thought thought by God, a  word said by God and a deed performed by God on our behalf?" In other words, we are only mere instruments in the hands of God. We can further say we are not the doer, that God is doing for us and we are not the roles we play, that God is enacting our roles for us. Since God is the doer on our behalf on every thought, word or deed level we are not in any position to judge  other people. Judging other people would directly imply judging the Infinite Will of God. Since it is the Infinite Will of God responsible for every action of ours right from the sub-atomic details to the greater details it will be a great blunder from our part to blame other people for our shortcomings. Even the most sinful and unjust of any kinds of human act cannot be judged. This does not imply that you can shoot anyone point blank with a gun whenever you want. We responsible human beings should perform every act of ours in a very responsible manner, but if there is an act that is out of your responsible control, no one should be judged for the accident.

                    Every action from the minute sub-atomic details to the greater details is the Infinite Will of God. So it is recommended as a very responsible act not to resist a single thing in our lives. Self-Realised people offer no resistance to anything that happens in their personal lives and to lives around them. What would it mean to resist the present moment in  our lives? Resisting the present moment in our lives would  most significantly mean not submitting to the Will of the Infinite Being. It would directly mean, that resisting any moment is interfering with the intelligence of the Cosmos. It would further mean not willing to surrender wholeheartedly to the Will of God. If we tend to lose faith  along the way, it is recommended that we should accept the Will of God in  a very positive manner. I myself lost faith several times along my spiritual journey, but God guided me to accept his Will very positively. Once I started accepting the Infinite Will positively i stopped losing faith in God.

                               What is the most significant  change that happens in the  planet because of the state of no-resistance? It is most importantly, adding to the  peace and  growth of consciousness in the world. For example, what happens when a Self-Realised being who is in a state of  no-resistance wholeheartedly accepts a wicked punch thrown onto his nose by a violent thug? There will be no counter attack and subsequently a very heated brawl and possibly injury and loss of life can be avoided by the most divine act of no-resistance presented before by the Self-Realised gent. What happens when human beings stop fuelling the seeds of vengence in their hearts when encountered with injustice? The answer again will be that acts of violence cannot be instigated  to propel further violence. The result is we shall have more peace to the already growing world peace process.

                   Unwilling to  accept the Infinite Will of God would mean adding further to the instability of our individual life, the society and the entire world. We can help stabilize the individual, societal and world  problems by merely applying the fifth law realized in the state of Self-Realisation. Only one violenceless and  peaceful act from a spiritually elevated being can mean a lot to curtailing the violence culture in the world. What does it mean to have the addition of one peaceful being and a growth of a sequential series of people who follow the path of no-resistance? It would mean the growth of a peaceful planet starting from the peaceful effort of one lone individual, then the peace exercised from the society and finally the entire world initiating the world peace process. You can see the difference it can make with the honest contribution that starts from the effort of one single individual. Now, can we not see why humans can excel and not reach a dead-end and can contribute to the dawn of the golden age? Similarly the same sequencial process happens with the  spiritual undertaking of one lone individual, the society and the entire world.

                   The  state of no-resistance helps us make peace with our personal life and with the world around us. We can see this living example in the life of a Dr.Ashok Banskota and a Jeevan Basnet who are utterly at great peace and harmony not only with themselves but with the entire world. Realising the state of no-resistance and applying the law in our personal lives can magnify peace on a mass scale. So, let us all strive to reach that state of excellence in which we, divine beings, can radiate that glow of peace we need to enlighten the entire planet with.
                                            (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Eternal Quest


                        We, human beings ,have temporary goals while we are on this human journey on planet earth. This scribe prefers to  call our short-term and long-term goals as temporary because these goals,whatever they may be ,does not have something of an eternal  in it. These goals can be called impermanent because these goals don’t meet an objective and fulfillment that has something of an eternity in it. We have goals of getting a good education, pursuing a successful career ,goals of seeking ourselves a suitable soulmate,having children and finally in the end we pass away to travel  into other realms. So do we think we accomplish that super-human goal for which God has sent us for while getting entangled in ordinary human pursuits?Eternal is something we used to denote an infinite expanse of time which has no beginning and no ending and by quest , we understand an objective or a goal. So what is the only human quest that has the essence of eternity in it? Many of us at the present day may be totally unaware about it but the only journey that is of the most significant value because of the implication of the infinite and eternal in it is a spiritual one. A spiritual journey is not enough , rather it is mandatory that we as divine beings enjoy a very committed and devoted spiritual homework that can get us to elevated spiritual heights of the greatest ecstasy and bliss. Accomplishing such a worthwhile state , we can then understand that the eternal quest for which we have all been born for is finally over. 

                Realizing our eternal quest and working with determination along our spiritual journey will be like a rainbow of the most vibrant colours encircling our lives. Innumerable saints have surfaced on planet earth to awaken us from our heavy snoring sleep and make us travel beautiful spiritual sojourns to enlighten us about God. The extraordinary and out of the world examples they have set for us to guide us help follow them all the way to the kingdom of God will be completely worthless unless we realize that how much they have toiled to make planet earth alight with their message from the Infinite being. These genuine messengers of God are here to make us realize us that we indeed are not living the real life we have been born to lead but only stagnating ourselves because of our materialistic pursuits.

                         There are basically two methods of realization to realize God. Some are inborn devotees of God who have a deep burning desire to realize God and the other class aspires to realize God because of the intense pain and suffering in their lives. If you don’t fall among these two lucky classes there is still another class,  a class which can start their inward journey by their personal method of inquiry. An inquiry to understand and realize the reason behind their existence as precious and priceless human beings. Falling into any of these categories can start your most precious journey and ambition , the eternal quest. When this lucky strike sparks off your deep and intense spiritual longing realize that the eternal quest has begun.

         When you pass away from the mortal realms thinking you have achieved the whole world without achieving anything of  spiritual value, realize that you have died a beggar!Nothing of any materialistic value  to  your possession can make your life a complete fulfillment. We realise the  phrase “ the only fulfillment is found in God”before becoming enlightened.If you fall among that lucky class  who has realized such a phrase , that you have transcended the seventh state and have been liberated,  know and realize that you have died an emperor.

                      Let us look at an example about how  unclear some unenlightened so-called “Babas”are about the eternal quest. I  was in an atheistic movement before and there was an unlucky chap ,a friend of mine,who could never hear the divine sound(their meditation  technique) So this friend of mine went up to this so-called Baba who runs Pathik Foundation these days, to inquire why he was so unlucky with the divine sound. Then  this so-called Baba who is thought to be so highly enlightened confides to my friend that he could not hear the divine sound because he was a great sinner in his past birth. Dont  you, my dear readers, think it is  quite astonishing for someone who does not believe in God to believe in the concept of heaven and hell? What  does this so-called Baba perceive himself to be,  to undermine the authorized authority of God that the Kingdom of Heaven is open for anyone who wishes to enter it.

                   Realising that there is much more about our lives than only mere material pursuits is the greatest blessing of our lives. It  is a very sorry state to shed our mortal bodies from planet earth without achieving anything of significant value and that something significant is achieved when we as divine beings realize our true essence and start the eternal quest.The ever growing demand around the world at the present moment to fulfill the eternal quest  needs to be pondered about.Realizing why millions around the world are on a spiritual awakening journey these days might add meaning to your own personal inquiry.We need not look at the lives of countless failures but only need inquire at the extraordinary lives of achieved beings who were and are here to make us realize that bliss is a state reserved for any aspiring human being,who wish to unburden their materialistic suffering and reside in that most astounding state,the eternal state forever.Realizing that a story of a Rama or Krishna can be your own story and therefore starting your personal spiritual story,understand that the eternal quest has begun.

                                               (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Two essential spiritual characteristics


                                  Being called an Enlightened being is not adequate and does not alone justify being claimed an Enlightened being. An Enlightened being should be able to stand for and justify being called and claimed an Enlightened being. The genuine and authentic nature of the individual soul nature is awakened when one gets spiritually elevated. When the individual soul nature gets awakened secondary human nature gets diminished and one starts awaking to God  nature. The elevated soul then stops being attentive to object-referral and starts more and more getting identified with self-referral.  The  human soul after being awake stops seeking happiness from external means and is independently and abundantly happy without a cause or reason, all by oneself . What then should be the two among the most prime qualities of a fully awake soul?  Who are the people that can be called authentically achieved souls and genuinely Enlightened beings? Two among the most important qualities that develops after one gets Self-Realised  are, one does not get driven by ones ego and one starts being genuine. Humility and authenticity are two signs of greatness and superhuman qualities that develops after one is awakened. We can gauge the depths of a so-called Self-Realised being by evaluating his so-called egoless state and the roots of hypocrisy in him/her.The Divine Mother does not appreciate to see an egoistic and a hypocritical blend of nature in so-called evolved souls who are claimed to be Self-Realized or Enlightened.

                                     Being an egoist and a hypocrite are  two human qualities that dissolves after one gets Self-Realized. A truly Self-Realised being is not an egoist to begin with. The Self-Realized state dissolves the human ego. So the next time you come across a so-called Self-Realized being who wants to get noticed by publishing news in the daily paper that he has become Self-Realized or some so-called Enlightened being who  is so caught up with the idea of being the chairman of a particular commune that he has a heated verbal dispute with one of his  associates, know and realize that these so-called spiritually achieved beings are not genuinely, spiritually evolved at all. A genuine God  and a truly Enlightened being is someone like J.Krishnamurti who had no problems at all even if one of his close disciples fleed with his fund of close to one billilon dollars. This incident really happened and J.Krishnamurti did not even object to the happening in  any manner. He never said a word against the act. So the next time you come across spiritual con-men who get driven by their ego realize that these   so-called achieved beings are not achieved at all.

                                      According to Mr. Dipak Chopra a Self-Realized person is totally    self-referred and not object-referred. What does it mean to be object-referred?     Object-referral means one depending on external things, situations, opinions, judgements, circumstances and the views of others to understand oneself. So know that when a so-called Self-Realized being wants  to get noticed and cling on to power he has not been able to justify the claims of being called a Self-Realized being, let alone  Enlightened.

                                         The second most significant quality that develops after the state of Self-Realization is the quality of being  an authentic and a genuine person. So naturally a Self-Realized person is not someone who wears tattered clothes, acts like a Sadhu or an Ascetic and when the opportune moment strikes puts half of the funds meant for his naturopathy hospital for the future welfare fund of his unemployed, insecure and spiritually inclined son and for his wife’s makeover expenses. A phony is someone who run’s a Pathik Foundation and makes his disciples call him a “Baba”. The amazing point is, he has no superhuman qualities to justify his claims that he should be called a “Baba”. In my perspective, one should have the necessary qualities  to be called a “Baba”. A Baba is someone like the Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Meher Baba who have no identity crisis  and still the whole world, by their own calling, adore and refer to them as a Baba. A spiritual con-man is a coward  someone who fears for his Masters identity and misuses the powers of his siddhis, someone like the chairman of Pathik Foundation, to try to obstruct devotees of God from carving themselves a niche in  a spiritual career and from serving God wholeheartedly.

                                Spiritual con-men are easily noticeable from the rare crowd of the cream of the crop, the truly Enlightened beings. We as God loving and God-inclined beings should look up with  great awe and respect at great and genuine yogis and trample the usual crowd of hypocritical spiritual charmers. Dont get swayed by the usual spiritual charmers and the next time you hear one of their pleasing and soothing discourses blow them right out through the other ear. So the next time you come across a so-called yogi who wants  to get noticed and cling on to power don’t spend the next one hour offering a one thousand and eight padnamashkars (prostrations) at  their worthless feet. If you really want to offer your heartfelt prostrations, prostrate before a Sri Sri Ravishanker or a Paramhansa Yogananda.

                                The two dud qualities of being an egoist and a hypocrite dissolves after one gets Self-Realized. These two humanistic qualities no longer remain after one is spiritually evolved  and is fully overpowered by the overpowering features of a fully evolved soul. Coercing oneself to be humble and genuine is the wrong method but rather exploring  the depths of  your human soul and making it fully awake is the right method to develop the seeds of humility and originality. Being a truly Self-Realized human being develops these two superhuman qualities and not by being someone who stands on the steps of his Pathik Foundation, distributing blankets to people who have enough  winterwear to last a lifetime.
                                            (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Two essential human requirements


                           There are innumerous human requirements needed to be  practiced and established for a more peaceful planet. Some hopeless and corrupt nations may be in want of more patriotic and corruption free political leaders, stability in relationships may need more compromises and an end to infidelity, human beings may need start being more responsible and very very  tame, qualities which if not developed may sequentially offshoot  individual, societal and major world problems etc. In my perspective, the only two fundamental human requirements besides developing ourselves a strong spiritual base are being responsible for every act on the thought, word and deed level and not causing any form of violence on the same level.

                            First of all, let us give some thoughts about the law of cause and effect which is a physical, Universal and a spiritual law. What does the law of cause and effect signify? The law of cause and effect mainly stresses the fact that our entire life solely evolves according to the actions we undertake and execute. Our  life shall start being positive and shall start reaping beneficial results depending upon the qualities of actions we undertake which of course should be completely harmonious and compatible with Universally adaptive ways. The moment we go against the laws of nature, existence and the Cosmos we can understand that  we shall be breeding trouble and negative results. This law emphasizes that  we reap what we sow. If  we  sow good actions on the thought, word and deed level we shall be reaping beneficial results. Besides the word and deed level we need  to  be spiritually elevated  beings to have purity of  thought and start performing positive karma from the thought level. To sum it up, your  past karma will have to be taken into account by God but the only factor that stops fuelling further suffering is to  be responsible for your actions and perform only that karma which shall produce no more suffering.

                      If we cannot be responsible human beings and perform good karma this shall  intensify problems on the society and subsequently  magnify problems on the world level. Every major world problem is the culmination of one individual and then a series of irresponsible acts. As long as we don’t help contain the individual irresponsible actions from our side there is nothing that can be done to help curtail major societal and world problems. Every careless  and irresponsible human nature intensifies and magnifies into a major problem. If we cannot aspire to be spiritually elevated  beings we can at least help planet earth by being responsible for even the  most minute action of ours on the word and deed level.

                       On the human level, we shall be having a more competent planet if we convert  ourselves into more responsible human beings. Human relationships may start prospering if we learn to compromise with our soulmates and  put an end to the growing trend of infidelity. Hopeless nations like Nepal may turn over a new leaf if the political leaders develop the true spirit of patriotism and stop feeding their bank accounts with the taxpayers money and stop misusing foreign funds meant for the development of the country. All in all, all the individual, societal and major world problems may start taming down with the sole effort of one lone human individual.

                       The second significant human requirement is putting an end to violence. Violence on the thought level can only be tamed by spiritually elevated beings. Only spiritually evolved beings have purity of thought. For normal human beings, the only compulsory requirement is not converting the thought propelled violence into violence through word or deed. This is the only necessary requirement for a violence free world. If we learn to become responsible and sow good actions there shall be an automatic halt to violence.

                       Let us look at an example at how God or the Infinite Being does not support violence and does not favour people who ignite violence in the world. The Maoists raged the peoples war in Nepal for many years. Innumerable people were rendered homeless, uncountable government infrastructures were demolished and destroyed and still  immeasurable innocent human lives were lost. This fact is not yet affirmed but we may even have lost a very gentlemanly King like the late King Birendra  and his entire family only because of the cause of malpracticed seeds of violence created by the Maoists. The only reason they could not violently overpower the entire Nation was that they could not overthrow the military power present in the capital. They compromised and went for the elections. The results shocked these Maoist leaders who could not get the majority number of votes  by getting only one less vote needed to win the majority. Poor people!!!only wish the great Buddha could have given them the additional extra vote to win the majority number of seats in the constituent assembly. The next drama these people play is seek the advices of some spiritual novices and place Buddhist monks as their constituent assembly members. Even placing Buddhist monks as their representatives could not prove to be a good omen to their successful political tenure. These anti-God Maoist leaders don’t realize that a saint like Buddha is ground zero and point blank whereas God is a full cent percent. Let us pray to the great Buddha and his disciples, the Buddhist monks, that their blessings shall prove to be a good omen to these hopeless people next time for a successful political tenure that will last a full millennium. All of us, peace loving and God-abiding Nepalese people are with the great Shivani Singh Tharu who braved these violent people who held her captive, assaulted  and gave  the worst nightmares." We are with you Shivani!!! Just buck yourself up because Gods blessings is with you. You are a survivor solely due to  Gods Will." God rules the world and not some politically, violently motivated Maoist or spiritually immature novices.

                      Many of us may not have the necessary zeal and enthusiasm to start our spiritual journey, but we may not know that we shall be helping planet earth by being responsible human beings. Being responsible human beings and being positively responsive to the growing demands of the individual, society and the world we can contribute to a more peaceful and competitive planet. All actions of violence shall automatically halt if we only make an effort to be more responsible with our actions. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So shall we  not start acting responsibly and go for an overhaul on the individual level? If we learn sowing good actions individually, this effort shall subsequently prove to be effective on the society and the entire world.

Someone once said “You reap what you sow.Sow good actions so that your suffering shall vanish away forever.”
                                            (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)