Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The real V.V.I.P’s

                         It was about a year ago when I was off to the Tribhuvan International airport at Kathmandu that I remarked the V.V.I.P. lounge at the bullockcart age airstrip. I had a fleeting thought at seeing the V.V.I.P. lounge about who the real V.V.I.P’s of the planet were. I was at a marriage reception of my cousin brother about a week ago when I had the opportunity of witnessing a  comical situation where I saw two gun toting policemen holding  ancient WW II rifles almost at a firing position guarding one of the most corrupt administration officials Nepal has ever come across. This was yet another privilege enjoyed by the so-called V.I.P’s of a failing nation. The flamboyant treatment that the officials and leaders of one of the most hopeless nations on the planet enjoy are quite  a  sight to watch. This article however, is not an ironical statement to other patriotic leaders of the world who love their country and devotedly work and sacrifice their lives for the sake of their nation. Let us leave pitiful things alone and think if it is working things the humanistic way the solution to individual, societal and world problems and ponder if  the world leaders are spiritually eligible enough to solving the challenges of the  world in a permanent manner? In my perspective, everlasting solution to minor and major world problems can only come about when we try to solve things the spiritual way. Therefore, the real V.V.I.P’s of the planet according to my perspective are in fact really those saints who can find enduring spiritual solutions to individual problems because many of us may already be aware that all societal and world issues escalate from the decision a lone human being makes (I beg your pardon if I am mistaken). At the same time many of us may not be aware that it  is only with a mass scale collective growth of consciousness on the planet that can spread permanent peace and feelings of Universal Brotherhood among  the world citizens and help them live happily ever after. Let us discuss this issue further.

                        The solution to a country’s or the major issues of the world can never be solved by being a head of state and finding temporary solutions the humanistic way. Rather, spiritual giants like a Sri Sri Ravishanker has the power to put an end to world problems by instrumenting spiritual solutions to solve our planetary issues. Humanistic solutions are superficial whereas spiritual antidotes are permanent. I repeat one more time! No minor and major problems of the  society and the world can be solved without an expanded growth of consciousness on the planet. My subject matter may be totally irrelevant to most of the world population caught up with atheistic vices into their lives but the stark truth is that the Golden Age which is just around the corner shall start designating the spiritual saints or superheroes , as the real V.V.I.P’s of the planet who will be endowed with powers to totally reorient the world. What is irrelevant today shall be totally relevant  at the Golden Age when there shall be a very magnifying consciousness revolution which will bring about an everlasting solution to all individual, societal and world problems. A very powerful consciousness revolution shall be the demand of the situation  after the human citizens shall be failed from the hands of their respective leaders because of the futility of their efforts to solve problems and issues the humanistic way.

“ Each and every human role is equally important, therefore, professions of any kind cannot be classified.”
                                                                                                           -Ashwas Thapa

                           We may think that we are in command over what we choose to do as amateurs or professionals but the act of getting to choose what we want to do depends only and only upon the Ultimate Will of the most Supreme Godhead. We are only instruments, but the user of the instrument is the Infinite Being Who directs us to do as He Wills and Pleases.  We are working as executives, entrepreneurs of billion dollar empires, the head of state or enjoying the status of the elite not because of the non-existent so-called independent or free will of ours but the stark reality professes the fact that our so-called independent or free will is dependent on the Will of the most Supreme Godhead which bestows on us the privilege of being a powerless plant of God to get to enjoy our high-profile status. As Mr.Dipak Chopra clearly states that we are concentrations of intelligence within the Supreme field of intelligence to play varied roles as designated to us by God, evolute accordingly, and prepare and initiate ourselves to complete the final spiritual evolutionary process. In other words, we are here to play varied roles on behalf of God to aid in His Divine Mission of enlightening the Cosmos with the Light of Lights or with our personally designated elevated states of consciousness. Therefore, there is no work big or small, high or lowly and high or low profile. The inadequate insight of classifying kinds of professions is man-made but the Universal spiritual wisdom of accepting everyone as equal beings and every career, whatever they may be, on equal footing is God-made. So, the role of a pimp hiring out prostitutes to late night clients or a mother busy nursing her newborn  or an office assistant at a private company is equally important as the post of the head of state held by the President of Nepal.  Whether people may be low or high profile amateurs and professionals literally, the term V.V.I.P. is in reality used to designate someone like a Sri Sri Ravishanker who works selflessly day and night, sunshine or rain in true service of God and humanity.

                            The number of likes a rock star, actors, singers and other high-profile personalities have on their sites on the internet has taken me aback on numerous occasions simply for the sole reason that the number of likes spiritual saints have on their sites are very minimal compared to the former category. High profile people may be designated as V.V.I.P’s in the literal sense but in realistic terms it is only the spiritually elevated class who deserve to be honoured with the title because they are the real dignitaries who can instrument the individual, society and the world to take that spiritual quantum leap, change the course of destiny of planet earth, reorient the world and establish everlasting peace on planet earth. The extraordinary and superhuman task of establishing the present burning demand of the planet, of permanent peace, can only be undertaken and accomplished by none other than spiritual superheroes and not by rock stars yelling their throats at a concert and actors shaking their bums on your television screen simply for the sole reason as stated before that the solution to all minor and major world problems lies by aiding the growth of consciousness on the planet by being Awakened Beings. “Awaken to be Awakened Beings”, is the principle message of all devotees of God like Paramhansa Yogananda, a perfect God like Being like J.Krishnamurti and all the saints who have walked planet earth down the ages.

                         Today, thanking google for giving me a free opportunity to host my spiritual blog, I would like to mention some names of unsung heroes who may be very well known amongst their most loved devotees but little are they respected and adored among most of the world community especially among the elite and the atheists who don’t refrain themselves from pointing their upright middle finger whenever they commune about GOD and those who are more than impatient to spit on the holy Bible before taking  oath of their satanic brotherhood.( I prefer to connote the term “Unsung” as these saints are very well known among and adored by their devotees but little are they respected by the  rest of the spiritually asleep world population and even if known are mocked and scorned at by the spiritually unaware people). The incarnation of the most Supreme Being, Sri Brahmaprajapita, the founder of Raj Yog and Om Shanti had Himself incarnated on this planet and left behind a great spiritual legacy as we can notice His disciples radiating a blaze of light anywhere  they go. The greatest Yogi on planet earth, Sri Mahaavtaar Baba, who is still living in the Himalayas is responsible for all the Divine Mission on planet earth and will continue to guide all devotees of God till the most Supreme Godhead’s mission on planet earth is not complete. Sri Aurobindo is another spiritual figurehead who played an instrumental role in putting an end to world war II by making Adolf Hitler hallicunate to attack Russia because the tyrannical dictator was at the brink of extending Gods plan for the world by a thousand years. The name of the founder of the T.M. movement, Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, who produced great spiritual giants like a Sri Sri Ravishanker, a Dr. Wayne. W. Dyer and Mr. Dipak Chopra, those who have guided countless spiritual growth practitioners should be included and not to be missed. Sri Yukteswor Giri for producing the great Son of God, Paramhansa Yogananda, who held the greatest form of spiritual aura ever witnessed by human beings till date and Sri Sathya Sai Baba the dearest for special reasons to this insignificant scribe.

                         Some real V.V.I.P’s of the planet were and are namely:  His Holiness Sri Brahmaprajapita, Mahaavtaar Baba, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sri Sanjaya Sai Baba, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswor Giri, Mr. Roy Eugene Davis, Mr.Ram Dass, Daya Mata, Mr.Eckhart Tolle, Mr.Dipak Chopra, Dr. Wayne W Dyer, Sri Krishna, Sri Rama, Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, Ramana Maharshi, Kripaluji Maharaj, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Paramhansa Yogananda, Aurobindo, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Shivananda, Pilot Baba, Shivapuri Baba, J.Krishnamurti, Sri Sri Ravishanker etc.

                      People like Osho are not V.V.I.P’s but pure manipulators who won spiritual jackpots to fame and success . He was only a puppet of the most Supreme Godhead to establish the Being theory by propogating the  Non-Being one. He knew the tactful art of aligning himself with the atheistic state of mind of people, flowing with the tide of the present demand of the planet and preaching to  people not to suppress but to do and get what they want and he did this by marketing the two main demanding attractions in the world which are sex and wealth. He had an aptitude for marketing atheistic vices and was an expert marketing agent of atheism who marketed himself by selling and preaching about sex and wealth which are two atheistic vices most of the world population cannot do without. When sex and wealth are the greatest source of fulfillment for most of the world population and the greatest demand of  the planet, anybody who sell and preach for their movement by marketing these two atheistic vices are bound to be a hundred percent successful.
                                          (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)


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