Thursday, February 20, 2014

Finding solace in God

                        We, human beings, make an effort to find comfort or relief from our sorrow, suffering, sadness, grief, tragedies, shortcomings through various means. We go on a vacation after we become completely exhausted and stressed out from our ten to five job for months on end, we become engrossed in deep contemplation when we come face to face with the onslaught of a crisis, we try very hard to divert our attention and keep ourselves busy when there is an onset of mental turbulence and a neurosis or psychosis because that is what the doctor has advised as a way to restore our sanity, women see the need to find comfort in some other man when their most prized relationship crumbles down, we see the need to gain sympathy from near and dear ones after a rough tumble from the hands of the ever manipulative and selfish companionships, while others see the need for recreation and outdoor adventure to boost temporary happiness and satisfaction in their lives. Why then in spite of so many medium of temporary escapes do humans find it impossible to find permanent happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment and comfort, relief or solace or that magical piece of mind on an everlasting basis? It is because the only comfort, relief or solace is found in the field of everlasting or permanent happiness which is God and nothing else. Let us get into some details and see why.

                   Innumerable human beings make an excuse to treat Mother Nature as the One and make an effort to escape from the idea of the most Supreme Godhead or the miracle or magnificence of God. The truth is, Mother Nature is only a medium to know God and the totality and the leela or play of the most Supreme Godhead can only be grasped when a human being has evoluted to the role  of a spiritual aspirant and becomes one with Mother Nature, which is an image of God, through the final evolutionary spiritual growth process. The Absolute awareness about God cannot be gotten or achieved only by admiring Mother Nature as there is the absence of the Unitarian consciousness to be able to comprehend what God is about and realising the Infinite and Ultimate One. Mother Nature can only be a rung on the ladder or a stepping stone to know the most Supreme Godhead and ultimately  uniting with Him and your effort to comprehend the Absolute consciousness of the most Supreme Godhead in Mother Nature by employing emotional means shall only last as long as you sit on the terrace of a resort of a hill station clapping hands in great delight and gaping in wonder at the beautiful sight of the majestic Himalayas. Mother Nature can only play the role of a temporary tranquilizer to boost up your spirits and give you a high but the permanent antidote to give you everlasting comfort and joy would be abiding in the Kingdom of Heaven forever. 

                      Many human beings follow rituals and religion as a means to worship and get themselves devoted to God. Great saints and staunch devotees of God have professed that adhering to rituals and religion  reaps beneficial results and yields positive fruits. The human beings who adhere to rituals and religion instrument the body and mind to get themselves devoted to various man-made Gods. The real fact is that they  have not evoluted themselves to the final evolutionary process and is only one step away from the Kingdom of God. Since they employ the human body and mind  to execute their devotion to God, they are in the preliminary level or on the threshold to the field of the unbounded Self or the Kingdom of heaven. Spiritual aspirants who are Self-Realised stop following rituals and religion and start their unflinching and unwavering devotion to the most Supreme Godhead and any spiritual aspirant who are on their final evolutionary process will tell you that following rituals and religion by employing the human body and mind  are not a direct means to realise and know God. Therefore, it would be worthwhile for people who follow rituals and religion to realise that the only true, pure, selfless and unconditional form of devotion to the most Supreme Godhead can be generated by getting into the final evolutionary process, a spiritual growth exercise, awakening our dormant soul, restoring our most prized Self with full awareness, and abiding in the Kingdom of Heaven forever. The Ultimate comfort and relief to religious followers from their vast burden of suffering can only come about when they transform themselves from a religious life to a truly spiritual one.

                          The knowledge of the most Supreme Godhead through Gyan, Bhakti and Karma Yog can only make you knowledgeable about God on a superficial level. Genuine knowledge about God can only be realised through the most Supreme Yogic path which is Dhyan Yog or the spiritual growth process. The implementation of the human intellect through Gyan Yog is an ineffective medium to know God. The knowledge of the most Supreme Godhead through Gyan Yog can only make you limited about the surface level knowledge of God within the confines of the human intellect or the brain, not further than this. Since the impermanent human medium, the intellect, is a bogus aspect of the human frame, the genuine realisation of the most Supreme Godhead, which is gotten  through the Absolute or Unitarian knowledge, is but an impossible dream through the instrumentation of the pseudo subjective aspect, the human brain. True, pure, selfless, unconditional and the most staunch, the greatest form of love form for the most Supreme Godhead is realised when we become established in Self-Knowledge through Dhyan Yog and not through Bhakti Yog. What is the use of devotion developed through Bhakti Yog when the devout feelings towards God gets shattered the moment great misfortune and tragedies are met in life. The devotion generated through Bhakti Yog is something like a great Mahatma having to pour through the Bhagavad Gita the moment his state of mind starts getting turbulent. The devotion developed through Bhakti Yog is not unflinching, unwavering and is impermanent because the human mind which generates devotion or Bhakti through Bhakti Yog is not a permanent medium to produce genuine Bhakti or devotion. The  essence of Karma Yog  for you to lead a karmic life to attain transcendental knowledge of the Self and the Supreme can be achieved but in an indirect manner. Once again, transcendental knowledge about the most Supreme Godhead can be achieved only on a superficial level and not on a permanent or a genuine level through Karma Yog because it would not be stupidity to state for the third time that this Yogic path too instruments the impermanent and false mediums as the human body and the brain to get to know God. The true essence of all these three yogic paths can be exercised through Dhyan Yog or the spiritual growth process. An infinite source of knowledge, a staunch devotion and an action oriented life can all be incorporated into your life through the most Supreme Yogic path which is Dhyan Yog. Superficial comfort or relief can be achieved through Gyan, Bhakti and Karma Yog because of the impermanent and bogus tools and instruments they employ but the Ultimate solace can only be generated through the spiritual growth process or Dhyan Yog.

                 Transcending the fourth spiritual plane can make you the master of your senses and not slaves to it, and it can instill in you the primary virtuous qualities like goodness, pure love and transform you into a great  great adherent of Untouched Virgin Beauty. Permanent happiness is established once we are residents of the heart centre. Being established in Self-Knowledge can restore your unbounded, humble and egoless Self with full awareness and make you wholeheartedly receptive to the Infinite Will of the most Supreme Godhead. Getting yourself grounded in God consciousness can transform you into the state of Godhood in such a manner that you start perceiving God in not only the animate but also the inanimate and you have found the abode of God and have succeeded in uniting with Him when you become One with the Absolute.

                 If you feel you will get relief if you have the libido to physically satisfy your wife you have got yourself wrong because genuine relief is achieved only by being a master of the human senses. Perhaps, you mistakenly assume that achieving success in the material life can give you immense happiness but you may not know that this kind of happiness is transient and permanent happiness can only be established by transcending the Anahat or the fourth spiritual plane. You may feel that peace can be attained by taming the human mind but the truth is that the most peaceful Being in the entire manifested Universe is someone who has been successful in taming his Soul. There are mistaken beliefs that salvation and liberation can be attained by taking strong religious vows and abiding by certain rituals but the reality is that genuine salvation and liberation can only be achieved by transcending  God and Absolute consciousness. The abundant storehouse and source of all comfort and relief cannot be found anywhere you may go on the planet and by any means but can be gotten  only by awakening the asleep human soul. In other words, true solace can only be attained by getting ourselves established anywhere above the fourth spiritual plane or into the field of God. Therefore, genuine solace can only be gotten hold of by getting to know the most Supreme Godhead. 
                                                   (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

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