Human beings are
consumed with desires for various things from the moment they are born.
Children crave for chocolates and toys during their childhood years, teens give
their level best to excel in their studies to pursue college, university to
settle down with a suitable career, youths
are on the constant hunt for a lady the size of a coca-cola bottle, then comes
a time when youths think about tying the
conjugal knot, married couples then plan to have children, the partners then
slug their physical engine to educate their children and to provide for their
families, the pair married in the prime of their youth then start graying into
old age and finally shed their mortal coil without gaining anything of
significant value. The endless line of desires that human beings have does not
come without any cost. Being efficient enough to be able to fulfill one’s
material desires is not plain sailing and comes at a cost of having to constantly
circle in the vicious cycle of suffering like stress, exhaustion, illness,
misfortune, tragedies, dissapointments, anxiety, failure, bankrupcy, accidents,
loss of life and having to undergo a bumpy and rickety ride of the biggest
hurdles and challenges. It is completely the other way around for spiritual
aspirants who have transcended the superconscious states. The superconscious
spiritual travellers have the rare capacity to possess anything they want
according to the tune of their
fingertips without having to constantly rotate in the cycle of suffering, without investing a single penny and that too for free.
“Your essential being
is the source of all being - the field of pure consciousness that manifests as
the entire universe. In this very moment, pure consciousness illuminates and
animates your mind and body, and it is powerful, invincible, unbounded, and
free. When you know yourself as this field of consciousness, you have power to
manifest your desires, you have freedom from fear and limitations, and you live
in grace, which is that state of consciousness
where things flow and your desires are easily fulfilled.”
-Dipak Chopra
(Book:Power Freedom and Grace)
A spiritual aspirant starts living in
the field of Infinite Grace after he transcends the first of the superconscious
states, the Anahat chakra or the fourth spiritual centre . According to Mr.Dipak Chopra, to live in the field of
Infinite Grace is to find ourselves in the right place at the right time, to
have the support of the laws of nature, or “Good luck”. It is this very good
luck factor that gives you the ability to possess anything you want, without
investing a single penny and absolutely for free. Unlike the material world
where one has to make tremendous effort to fulfill one’s desires, the
superconscious states of the spiritual existence exercises the effortless
effort of the fully awake soul to have anything at your command about simply
anything you would crave for and desire. Tremendous effort at huge costs is the
criteria to fulfill one’s desire in the material life but there is absolutely
no effort needed to fulfill your desires in the spiritual life of the
superconscious states. Just the release of the notion of anything you desire
into your fully awake awareness is ample to have your desires fulfilled. The
only compulsory requirement for your desires to manifest with the effortless
effort of your fully awake soul as
simple as Pele scoring fantastic goals
into the goalpost is - to have your soul nature awakened. Trying to manifest
your desires without transcending the first of the superconscious states is
like making an effort to conquer Mt.Everest with a thousand ton weight on your
“But seek you first
fulfillment in God, and live righteously, and all these(material and
circumstancial) things shall be provided for you.”
- The Gospel According to Saint Matthew 6:33
There are two
mandatory requirements for fulfilling your desires. The first is finding
fulfillment in God alone and not in transient and unreal medium like
materialism. Finding fulfillment in God most simply means being spiritually
interested enough to at least reach the field of everlasting happiness, the
Unified Field, the field of pure potentiality, the superconscious state, the
unkown, the Anahat or the heart centre. Without finding fulfillment in the
abundant field of God, your destiny to the realisation of the abundant desires
that you may have shall never be a living reality. Therefore, to know the door
to the manifestation of desires is for you to be able to know the door to God. “Find
fulfillment in God alone and not like the infamous Non-Being hardliner, Osho, who preaches to the whole world to find fulfillment by making love to
a divine hole.” And unless you follow a righteous life your desires are not
going to manifest. To live a righteous life and to live righteously most
significantly implies to abide by the Divine laws of life. The master key to
the manifestation of desires is strictly adhering to the Divine laws of life
realised during your spiritual growth process. And if you want to lead yourself
astray and merry and go back to mangalman to the same adulterated world of wine,
dice and a filthy sexual vice one more time it will be like the world famous heavy rock band, Iron Maiden, singing, “Infinite dreams, I can’t deny them. Infinite
dreams, its hard to comprehend.” Follow your awareness and your awareness is
going to submit to each and every demand
of yours because an adulterated awareness finds it awfully difficult to obey
your commands and most importantly, making an effort to manifest your desires
from the aid of an adulterated awareness is something like swindling the most
Supreme Godhead of His Infinite resources He has for mankind.
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every
man’s need but not every man’s greed”
-Mahatma Gandhi
The above statement
is true and applies very well with the material world and so it is in the spiritual
life as well. Impossible desires that a spiritual aspirant has can never be
fulfilled and will never see the day of it’s fulfillment. Any desires that a
spiritual aspirant has needs the Ultimate Grace of the most Supreme Godhead to
be fulfilled. Desires should not be extravagant and not more than the minimum
necessary. Especially, according to Mr. Roy Eugene Davis, a direct personal
disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, a spiritual aspirant who is a genuine yogi
should take extra care not to make an effort to manifest insatiable desires. A
genuine yogi is very cautious enough to manifest his desires only for the
minimum basic necessities or in other words to put his body and soul together.The
minimum basic necessities are food, shelter and clothing. And now, as we
already know that our material requirements shall be taken care of by the field
of Infinite Grace after we are able to meet God’s expectations from us,
spiritual beings, let us be very careful about our desires so as not to get
carried away by greed, unwanted wants and infinite expectations.
Abundance in the material
life clearly implies abundant worldy possessions. The more the amount of
material abundance the more a person is thought to be affluent and happily
settled. Whereas, the spiritual life has a different story to tell. The lesser
the desires for worldy comfort and possessions a spiritually elevated Being has
the more happy and affluent he is perceived to be because permanent happiness,
abundance and affluence in the spiritually elevated life is not measured by
material affluence and worldly abundance which naturally harbours a lot of
complaints but evaluated by having no qualms about life. "Less is more " in the
spiritually elevated life. So the lesser number of desires a spiritually
evolved Being has the more blissful and happy he is. Therefore, everlasting
happiness, abundance and affluence in the spiritual life depends on the amount
of desires you have. Naturally, if you are spiritually evolved and long for the
fleet of Mercedes, Jaguar and BMW’s that Sri
Sathya Sai Baba used to take rides in around His universities and
ashrams and don’t succeed in achieving it, you are naturally bound to feel
miserable and suffer. The success of the manifestation of your desires also
depends upon your karmic inheritance.
The most genuine saint the
world has ever seen, J.Krishnamurti, says that the most important thing in life
is to live a life without a single problem. And what is it that continuously
creates problems? The only thing that makes you suffer and continuously creates
problems is the infinity of desires that you have. Desires makes one suffer and
the end to desires terminates sorrow then and there. This scribe concluded by
reading J.Krishnamurti’s philosophy about desires and the continuation of
sorrow and the importance of living a life without a single problem that the most significant thing in life is
not being Enlightened but living a life without a single desire and therefore
without a single problem.
“Seek first the kingdom of heaven,
and all else will be added unto you.”
-Jesus Christ
“Now that we
know the secret of living in the field of Infinite Grace and the mechanics behind fulfillment of desires, shall we
not kickstart our spiritual obligations towards God and take that quantum leap
into the field of the unknown so that the most Supreme Godhead’s expectation
from us, human beings, shall see the light of the day and prove to be a living reality?”
(This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)