Friday, May 24, 2013

Our real nature

                         The dominant state of the human mind depends upon the external medium. The various external medium influences the human nature to adopt a happy, sad, joyful or a sorrowful state. It is not independent to the play of the opposite forces such as happiness or sadness and joy or sorrow. The human nature needs to depend on the external medium to remain happy. The human nature cannot be happy without an external cause or reason. Since the human nature depends on external reasons to be happy, this kind of happiness is temporary. This kind of temporary means of happiness is lost once the reason for happiness are taken away from that particular person. The human nature, in other words, contacts both happiness and suffering during its sojourn on planet earth.

                           The spiritual or soul nature on the other hand does not have to depend on the external medium to be happy and is in constant celebration without a single external cause or reason. Since it is independent to the play of opposites, the soul nature remains abundantly happy inspite of the opposite polarities to which it is exposed to. The happiness state which is the dominant quality of the fully awake soul does not diminish or does not get obscured because happiness nature is the primary sign of the fully awake Spirit which does not need an external reason to be happy. The fully awake soul is ever established in permanent happiness. The happiness nature of the fully awake soul is happy without a single external reason. The human nature is a temporary disguise whereas our fully awake soul is of a permanent state. Our permanent state with something of an eternal essence to it, the state of the fully awake soul, is our real nature. Our real nature is our non-material or  the unbounded Self.

                     Our identification with the human senses, with the transient and unreal and with social conditioning is what prevents us from realizing our true nature. When we are unburdened from the clutches of the human senses, get disidentified with the transient and unreal and stop getting affected by social conditioning, we come face to face with our soul nature or that our most prized awareness is fully restored.

                      The human senses play a villainous role in obscuring the reality and getting ourselves identified with unreality. The turn-on we get by the graceful sight of our soulmate, the soft husky voice of your beloved, the touch of her soft and slender hands, the taste of the cappuccino while out dating or the perfumed aromatic odour that emanates off her flesh, every bit of these illusory experiences is converted to the experience of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell by the villainous human senses. Let me enlighten you by relaying the truth that the entire structure of the total manifested Cosmos is nothing but pure energy. It is the human senses which converts all this energy into illusory  experiences of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell and transforms it into material reality. Transcending the human senses by employing the powers of meditation or it  is through transcending the fourth plane that we get disidentified with unreality and start getting identified with the real world or reality of love, goodness, beauty and the truth. The moment we transcend the human senses is the  first step in establishing ourselves as residents of a fully awake soul and therefore the very first quantum leap in getting to realize our real nature, which is our soul nature.

                      The transient and unreal can only get us temporary happiness and not permanent happiness. Money, luxury and sex can be termed transient and unreal because of their nature of unreality. Wealth, luxury and sex are totally atheistic aspects and the opposite of God nature. Aspects which are the exact opposite of God nature draws us away from the Kingdom of God and makes it awfully hard for us to realize the Supreme Truth. Luxury, money and sex are a temporary medium of fulfillment and a person will never get Self-Realised as long as he is drawn by the temporary or the external world. The moment one withdraws himself totally from the external world is the point when Self-Realisation dawns. It is true that sexually active spiritual aspirants have the capacity to quicken the spiritual growth process but the capacity of leading a compatible and a harmonious life with each other  is very rare. The play of the opposite polarities becomes so active that the source of distraction it creates will make it very difficult for a natural and steady spiritual growth process. If an aspirant is single the best option for him would be to remain a solo spiritual  seeker and the dawn of the fourth  plane is going to make him realize that a presence of a soulmate was never necessary and mandatory at all. The disidentification with the transient and unreal and the identification with the non-material  makes it easier for us to realize our real nature and it is only when one completely abstains from the external world that Self-Realisation is actualized.

                           Social conditioning conditions us, human beings, so negatively that we are inclined to believe that the presence of a soulmate in our lives, the support of a wife, the conjugal life and sex are the greatest sources of happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment  on planet earth. The very cream among all the saints who have existed since the pioneering spiritual days have been genuine celibates who worked their souls steadfastedly all the way to the Supreme Truth. When these saints have been the  most happiest human beings till date without having to undergo the societal ritual of tying the knot with anyone, why should we, spiritual aspirants, presume that associations of a close bond or sex are the greatest medium of fulfillment when these saints lived their lives feeling tremendously fulfilled beings by remaining a celibate? The greatest source of happiness and fulfillment is not achieved through human relationships and exercising the sex centre but by reinvigorating our dormant human soul and restoring it with full awareness. The physical body and sensory experiences does not keep us happy and fulfilled  but it is our real essence, happiness or soul nature, which keeps us in constant celebration throughout our entire lives on planet earth.

                       The goal of human life is not in being born, getting shackled by the human senses, getting identified with the transient and unreal, getting swayed by social conditioning, losing a grip onto our prime spiritual objectives and getting temporarily satisfied with impermanent accomplishments. Human life is far too precious to be wasted on material values and pursuits and to shed our mortal bodies without gaining anything of spiritual value. Human nature cannot keep us happy, satisfied and establish ourselves as fulfilled beings rather it is the spiritual or soul nature which permanently fills our life with the greatest form of fulfillment. It is because, human nature which is not our real essence cannot convert us into permanently blissful beings  rather it is the depths of a fully awake soul,  our real nature, which can convert us into someone as blissful as a Sri Sathya Sai Baba or a J.Krishnamurti. Our real essence, the happiness or the soul nature,is the only timely medication to a life filled with the greatest source of fulfillment and a storehouse of permanent bliss ever after.
                                           (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)

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