Human beings have
been undergoing a series of evolutions since the past few millenniums.Human
beings started evoluting from the Stone Age, moved onto the Agricultural Age,
further transformed into the Industrial Age and took a giant leap onto the
Information\ Knowledge Worker Age. The successful transition to the various
Ages has been possible because of only one thing, the ability of the human
beings to adapt to the ever growing demands and changes around them and
evoluting accordingly. The human intellect is the chief human instrument which
has helped human beings adapt and evolute along the various transitions. “Has
the various phases of transitions throughout the Ages helped human beings
tackle and cope with the various human challenges and problems along the way?” Human
evolution has played a major role in creating a civilized planet, on
infrastructure development and in making human life more efficient and
convenient. “But what about the ever growing magnitude of challenges and
problems?” Human beings were more at peace in the Stone and Agricultural Age. The
more developed the human society has become, the more the challenges are
increasing. “What do we think is the kind of evolution that can create a total
standstill to human problems?” Spiritual evolution, the last of the human
evolution, is the only kind of evolution that can create peace on a permanent
basis on planet earth.
“What is a
spiritual evolution?” The spiritual ability of the human individual to undergo
the spiritual growth process and evolve into a spiritually elevated being is a
spiritual evolution. It is not enough to transform from the sub-conscious level
to the conscious level and stay static at the latter stage but it should be
seen as mandatory to successfully be competent enough for a worthwhile
transition onto the superconscious level. A more feasible transition would be
onto the stage of Self-Realisation, to
the state of God consciousness and more, onto the stage of Enlightment. The
complete spiritual evolution would be achieving the state of the highest
Eternal Bliss, the state of Nirvana. The fourth, fifth or the sixth spiritual
planes can reach us to states of permanent happiness but it is only by transcending the seventh
plane that a successful spiritual evolution is complete. To be fully
God-Realised, liberated, to reach a state of no-suffering, a state of Bliss, to
be complete and total with the unbounded realm of Unmodified
Consciousness-Existence-Being is what is called to evolute spiritually,
successfully, completely and transit the end of human evolution, a spiritual
There are two kinds of spiritual evolutions.
The individual spiritual evolution that happens in minute concentrations
between the gaps of the various consciousness revolutions and secondly,
spiritual evolutions which take place in a great scale and collectively on a
mass basis throughout the various recurring consciousness revolutions. Both of
these kind of spiritual evolutions contribute equally to the spiritual
upgradation of consciousness on the planet. The individual spiritual evolution
magnifies on a slower pace than the collective growth of consciousness on the
planet which takes place in a rapid and a mass scale. By a consciousness
revolution, we normally understand the revolutionary spiritual growth process
of consciousness that happens every few thousand years in which there is a mass
scale of upgradation of spiritual consciousness of people on planet earth. A
consciousness revolution is taking place right now on planet earth, and any
human individual with the right insight equipped with an equally competent and
committed spiritual endeavour shall be successful in helping God’s mission by
being spiritually elevated beings.
It is God’s Will that
every human being on the planet has to undergo a spiritual evolution and
contribute to the completion of the Divine Mother’s mission by being
spiritually elevated beings to serve the cause of expansion of consciousness in
the World and in the entire manifested Universe. You may say, “But I don’t want
to meditate and undergo the spiritual evolution because I find it awfully
boring.” But the truth is that nobody has the free and independent Will to defy
the Will of God. Situations and circumstances shall be arranged in your life in the present and in the innumerable life of
yours in the Cosmos in such a way that you shall undergo the spiritual
evolution to quench your thirst to realize God, to put an end to your immense and intense suffering or to find
permanent solutions to your inquiry into the real meaning and goal of human
existence. Sri Krishna has declared that everybody has to find solutions to
ones problems individually and there can be there no reason why you cant find
one to your own. Whether God instruments you to satisfy your desire to realize
God, to put an end to your suffering or by executing plans for you to devise
ways to end your personal inquiry, each and every human individual has to serve
the course of evolution by undergoing a spiritual one. In other words, it is
God’s Divine Mission for every human individual in the Cosmos to undergo a
spiritual evolution.
Let us all be aware
to the fact that no individual human problems shall come to an end without the
aid of a spiritual evolution and no societal and major World problems shall
dissolve unless and until there is an
expanded growth of consciousness on the
planet. All of us, due to God’s Divine Will and Grace shall undergo a spiritual
evolution in one or many of our lives in the Cosmos. Great God realized beings
have shown us the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, about how a successful
spiritual evolution can be started, employed and completed like a master
craftsman crafts his creation. Why need we wait for still countless number of
lives to evolute spiritually, when we have this present life of ours to undergo
a spiritual evolution and more, with this promising period of the Age of
Enlightment. May we all have the Divine insight, to evolute spiritually, and
serve God’s cause for a spiritual evolution and abide in God forever.
( This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)
( This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)