The entire manifested
Universe exists out of the co-existence of the opposite polarities. According
to the pole and anti-pole theory of the Universe, for every positive side there
has to be a negative side to it as well. In other words, the entire manifested
Cosmos is facets or an inter-related mixture of a collection of the opposing
forces of life. Without the anti-pole or the negative, the pole or the positive
cannot exist, the positive sides of life only and only exists out of the
reaction of the negative along with it. Let us look at some living examples to
see if this theory is really true. The Spring blossoms and the Autumn withers,
the Summer scorches and the Winter chills, we have the boiling temperature and
we have the freezing temperature, some women look ugly while some look
extremely beautiful, we have the sweet and tasty water of the river up the
Himalayas and we have the salty water of the ocean, we have the steamy hot and
humid weather of Africa and we have the freezing ice-sheets and the weather of
Antarctica, we have atheistic spiritual movements in the world and we have
theistic spiritual movements as well, the world is made up of both the sinners
and the saints, we have the profane and we have the sacred etc. Now let us
relate the theory of the opposite polarities or the pole and anti-pole theory
to the earthly existence of the human emotions. The human life is inhabitated
by human beings who experience a mixed bag and the exact opposite human
emotions while living their everyday life. We have happiness and we have
sadness, we have joy and we have sorrow, there is both bliss and suffering in
human life, one who is elated can also be depressed, we don’t only have
comedies but we have tragedies as well, one who experiences love can also
experience hatred, some people may be filled with thoughts of violence while
other may want perfect peace etc. So now we have seen that planet earth exists
out of the co-existence of the
opposite forces or that normal ordinary mortals have their life filled with the
exact opposite and contradictory human emotions. To sum it up in one phrase, “Gods
leela or play in the Universe exists out of the inter relation of the opposite
We are constantly
reminded time and again by the villainous play of the human emotions or the
opposite polarities that human life is not a roller-coaster ride all life long.
The play of the anti-pole or negative human emotions is the sole reason why we
don’t get to experience permanent happiness throughout our life and have to
stay satisfied with only occasional temporary happiness. Human life which
normally would have remained permanently in great states of joy and happiness
if spiritually exercised has to stay
stagnant with even our temporary source of happiness completely obscured by the
interplay of the opposite human emotions. The amount of frustration fuelled
even more by the addition of misery collected by having to continuously churn
in ones daily line of work to keep the belly full and for sustenance makes life
even more worse. At least, this is the way life goes for a normal human being
rooted in materialism, added more by the onslaught of the play of the opposite
human emotions. Let us go through a quote by Mr.Dipak Chopra and compare
between the opposite polarities, which are the time-bound features of
materialism and the field of the fully awakened spirit, a field of permanent
happiness, the worthwhile quality of the field independent to the play of
"Joy and sorrow,
happiness and suffering, are the play of opposites; they are transient because
they are time-bound. Spirit, the essential you, is independent of the play of
opposites; it dwells in the silent bliss of the eternal. That’s why the key to
happiness is to identify with the unchanging essence of your inner self - to
live and play in the field of intelligence
that is beyond positive and negative. This field is your source, and it
is magical, holy, joyful, and free."
-Dipak Chopra
(Book:Power, Freedom and Grace)
There is only one remedy
to become free from the clutches of the opposing forces and get ourselves
grounded into the permanent field of happiness forever and that is to undergo a
spiritual exercise and awaken our asleep human souls by becoming fully awakened beings. The fully awake soul
or the spirit is independent to the play of the opposing forces and the dormant powers
of the soul can be awakened only when we become successful in transcending the
fourth spiritual centre or the Anahat chakra. There will never be moments of
repulsion because of the negative emotions and chances of getting carried away
by or attraction as a result of the positive forces are nil once we are lucky
to reach the source of thought or to a place of total mental stillness. We
start becoming totally resistant to even the negative disharmony after becoming
residents of the fourth spiritual centre. Our soul maintains a state of total
resistive balance to the opposite polarities and starts equating us with total
harmonious equation both with the positive forces as well as the negative
polarities. We start getting unaffected by the play of the opposing forces -
this is what happens when we abide
forever in the area of the heart.
The question
is , “ Do we want to go on rotating in the cycle of human suffering when we
have the golden opportunity of getting ourselves grounded into the field of
everlasting and permanent happiness ?” The present age of Enlightment promises
great miracles to those who have an intense and deep burning desire to know
God, to those who make an effort to inquire into the real meaning of human
existence and to those who want to start their eternal quest to put an end to
their suffering and get established into the field of everlasting bliss. The
only thing we need to do of importance is to take an about turn from the
external to the internal world, tap onto our dormant human souls and become
fully awakened beings. “Why need we continue suffer when have our whole life
ahead, may be a couple of scores of years left before us which shall be more
than ample to get started to excel, be excellent enough to become fully
awakened beings and live in excellence by living your worth in great selfless
service for the cause of humanity and the
most Supreme Godhead?” To continue to suffer or live a life of permanent
happiness and bliss, to become slaves to sex or to transcend the state of
desires for sex, to shed our mortal bodies without gaining anything of
significant value or to be forever immortal - you get to choose! And the choice
you make decides whether you are to get cast into another human role of
suffering next life or whether you shall be liberated from the bondage of the
cycle of birth and death, into the state
of Sat-Chit-Anand or Eternal Bliss and get to abide in God forever. “I sure do
hope that all of you shall make the right choice!!!”
(This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)