Monday, October 28, 2013

The Omnipresent Spirit of God

                           The word Omnipresent means present everywhere at the same time. The most Supreme Godhead is present in the Infinite expanse of the Universe, is everywhere in the Cosmos and at the same the  time. It is very difficult for normal human beings to be able to comprehend the presence of the most Supreme Godhead in the presence of the most sub-atomic to the most gigantic planet which may be a million times greater than planet earth, but this is the truth. To tell you more, the presence of the most Supreme Godhead in every particle of the Universe will continue to exist till Eternity because God’s creation is not to exist only for a limited period of time but will be existent till Eternity because even though there is a creation, sustenance and renewal process of the Cosmos the leela or play of God is Infinite and Eternal. In other words, God’s cause for creation shall continue till Eternity. The only cause for the Universe to undergo a permanent dissolution would be the implementation of God’s Will for such a  possibility which shall not happen in any manner because God’s leela or play is about Infinity and Eternity. Therefore, the most Supreme Godhead is present in the tiniest God Particle (Higgs Boson) to the gigantic rocky structure of the Himalayas.

                      The Omnipresent Spirit of the most Supreme Godhead in every living particle is realised in the third state of consciousness. The most important contribution of being able to comprehend the Omnipresent Spirit of God in everything you see and everywhere you may go is the spiritual insight  of being able to grasp the presence of God in every living creature, whether they may be animate or inanimate or whether the object of attention be a positive or a negative aspect. When a spiritual aspirant is able to comprehend the embodiment of God everywhere he may go or anything he may see, he grasps the presence of Divinity everywhere, anyplace and anytime. The capacity of seeing the aspect of Divinity within the confines, boundaries or the parameters of one’s visionary sight instills love on a tremendous amount on the object of  attention. The only thing of prime importance for a third state spiritual traveller is to shower abundant love on all of God’s Infinite and Eternal creation. The other quality that develops in the consciousness of the third state spiritual traveller is the ever magnifying peace effect it has  not only in his not so fully awake soul but also around the community, society and the entire world. The third state spiritual traveller starts showering abundant love to all of God’s creation and he has turned into an official peace ambassador for God.

                       The Omnipresent Spirit of God is present in both the animate and the inanimate. The materialists who doesn’t have the spiritual insight to grasp the presence of pure energy, pure consciousness or God  in the inanimate creation of God may not be aware that both the living and non-living things are composed of exactly the same, atoms, electrons and molecules. Therefore, even the inanimate things are composed of vibrant and very much alive chemical composition as the chemical makeup of living things. So it is not a blunder at all to claim that there are no inanimate things on the planet and the entire Cosmos and that the term non-living things or the inanimate can be only be confined to a biological terminology. Since the non-living things are on equal par with the living things and that both are essentially the very same in structure, composed of vibrant and alive atoms, electrons and molecules and since the essence of both can be believed to be pure  energy, pure consciousness or God, we can come to a final conclusion that  everything and the object of attention everywhere you may go is –God.

                    God is Omnipresent in both the positive  and the negative aspects of life on the planet and in the entire Universe. Spiritual aspirants who have transcended at least the third spiritual plane realize that it is not only with the positive facets of life but that even the negative sides of life is infused with the Divine, Ultimate and the Supreme Will of God. Therefore, it is the most Supreme Godhead’s Will, whether we may be subject to a positive harmony or a negative disharmony. “Every thought, word or deed is an act of God.” So whether it be the most compassionate mission of Mother Teresa, the non-violence movement of Mahatma Gandhi to drive away the British Colonial rule, the humanitarian efforts of Sri Sathya Sai Baba or the dictatorial, tyrannical and the violent injustice of Adolf Hitler on the Jews during World War II,  both the positive harmony and the negative disharmony on the planet is the Infinite Will of God. Whether you be a sinner or a saint, a profane or sacred, rich or poor, high profile or a slum dweller, a beggar or an Emperor, everyone and everybody is pure consciousness or God. There is the presence of God  in a ruthless dictator like Adolf Hitler and also in the presence of a compassionate saint like Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

                                           “The Lord pervades everything.”
                                                                                         -Isha Upanishad

                            The Lord is present in every piece of creation not only on the planet but in the entire manifested Universe. The composition of all the animate or inanimate is exactly the same, therefore God is present in the molecular structure of  a rock as well as in the microscopic structure of the cells of the heart of a saint like Mr.Dipak Chopra. A positive aspect or a negative aspect, a positive harmony or a negative disharmony, everything is God and everything is God’s Divine Will. To cut short and sum it up in one phrase- Everything in creation is One and essentially the very same or everything and everybody can be denoted by only one word, that is-God.  
                                             (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)                                         

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Four spiritual guidelines

1)Human life is predestined-      Human life on planet earth and other varied forms of life in the entire manifested Universe is predetermined. This is a spiritual, Universal and a physical law. Every sub-atomic detail to the greater details on planet earth and the entire manifested Cosmos is pre-planned and grand-designed by the Infinite Will of God. Therefore not a single human being is endowed with an independent or a free will. For example, the colour of the lingerie you don, the exact time during the evening when you see a shooting star and pray to God that your most desired dream come true, the prince charming you are to get married to, the precise moment when your girlfriend is going to ditch you for your best friend, the exact weight of  the newborn baby your soulmate is going to deliver, the taste of the Omelette and toast  the American President is going to have for breakfast and even the exact moment when the famous Non-Being hardliner, Osho, would have taken a leak in the loo his heyday, simply anything you  can ever imagine about is pre-planned even before you were born on planet earth. Such is the secret about human life. So if someone like Buddha plays the role of a busybody and makes an effort to convert a radical Non-Being hardliner like Osho into a World Teacher, the futile effort is not going to work. “Osho and the concept of  him being a World Teacher!” “ Well! what the heck in the world does   Buddha think he is doing? Something like taking God’s authority into his own hands!” For anything in the world to be executed, it has to be pre-planned and instrumented beforehand by the Infinite Will of God. Period!!!

2)Human life is a leela or play of God-         Planet earth and the entire manifested Cosmos is a leela or play of God. In other words, as William Shakespeare has stated “All the world is a stage and the men and women, merely players.” God is the director and we are merely the actors. When everything is the Will of God it would be incompetent spiritual ignorance to judge anything and anybody on planet earth. Therefore it would not be right to resist anything in your life. When you resist anything in your life you are interfering with the Infinite Will of God. This would directly mean everything should be accepted with the calm like a still lake and that we should ever be responsive to the Divine Will. This  would further imply, always remaining in a balanced state of mind and staying neutral to everything and everybody around you. “And what is the right way to bring this about?” The right manner to make all of this practice a living reality would be making a U-turn from the material to the spiritual life and starting the Eternal Quest for God. As already  stated before by this scribe, “It takes a realistically trained and a weather beaten human brain to take the highs and lows of one’s life with equanimity and strike a  balance.” The only possible path to not resist anything in one’s life, and therefore not interfering with the innate intelligence of the Universe, remaining in a state of total acceptance and finally, getting grounded in total balance and staying neutral to all the animate and the inanimate would be the spiritual path. The spiritual path and the fifth spiritual plane is the threshold to realise that everything is the Infinite Will of God and to apply this law in our lives. Everything is the Will of God and  nothing goes against the Divine Will.

3) Human life is an interview with God-        All of us are undergoing a daily interview with the most Supreme Godhead on planet earth. The Infinite Witness is witnessing all the drama that is going around not only on planet earth but in the entire Cosmos. The Infinite Witness Witnesses all the actions and reactions going on, on the planet, because nobody but only the fully Enlightened beings are free from the collective human consciousness of the planet. Other ordinary mortals are bound to the collective human consciousness of the planet. So if  a Mr. Smart Alec  who thinks he is Enlightened and  has the entire Universe spinning according to the tunes of his fingertips,  misuses his siddhis on you, his negative actions is going to be taken into account. No one can escape the Divine law and everything is taken into account. So, the next adaptation to the  following evolutionary process of yours shall depend on how you have reacted to your interview with God or the Infinite Will of God. If your interview with God has been above the  par, has met the expectations of God or has pleased God you shall adapt to the next evolutionary process. If you are not positively responsive to your interview with God and stay negative and stagnant you shall not be able to evolute accordingly. “Be careful and don’t take this scribes word for granted, because God can even change his Will around for you if you tag along with Gods Will positively, be responsive to the Divine Will and if you succeed in pleasing God!” Therefore your daily life on planet earth is an interview with the most Supreme Godhead and you are being interviewed on a daily basis.

4)Human life is a test-         Human life is a mixture of happiness and sadness, joy and sorrow, elation and depression, success and failure, and the positive and the negative. We all have a habit of getting carried away  when there is success in our lives, when you become successful in amassing a great fortune, when you purchase yourself the latest SUV in town, when your wife pampers you or when your kids excel at school. But the moment success, happiness and elation escapes from our lives and we feel very low and down and out, we have a habit of clinging to addictive behaviours to drown our sorrow. If looked the other way around , more positively, more religiously or better, more spiritually, all the troubles, failures, shortcomings, tragedies, depression, illness, misfortune and the unlucky moments in one’s life are the tests and trials God plants in our lives. Better, let's look at this the other way around. There cannot be happiness without sadness, there cannot be robust health without an encounter with illness, there cannot be comedies without tragedies, the state of elation would only be a distant dream without coming face to face with depression and a man who has not known sorrow and suffering can never know and realise what joy is. Let us look at this from a third perspective. Human life functions out of the reaction of the opposites. For the positive things to happen there has to be the interplay of the negative as well. So human life is a mixed bag of the interplay, reaction and correlation of the positive and the negative. (Only the spiritually elevated beings are free from the reaction of the opposite polarities). To sum it all up in one phrase, “Human life is a test and trial to make you undergo the various evolutionary processes, make you adapt accordingly, evolute you to the final spiritual evolution and reach you to the state of Excellence.”
                                        (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)           

Friday, October 11, 2013

Our thirst to know God

                        Human desire to know God is carried out through various activities. Some people are rooted in material pursuit and worship God, but only to fulfill their selfish desires and have their dreams realised, some devote a not so complete interest towards God, some perceive that Mother Nature is the essence of God and abide by a virtuous life and abstain from violence which they think is the duty of every ordinary mortal and most of the people belong to religions, worship man made Gods and follow the various rituals and scriptures that their specific religion dictates."Do we think getting devoted to God but only to cater to our needs and to know that God is only a desire fulfilling machine to accomplish our insatiable desires the right perception about God? Is it to know that God is to be taken for granted and whose aid and Grace can be sought only in times of dire necessity  and not to be worshipped when happy days are rolling by the other way to comprehend God? Is it to think that knowing God is only about putting on your pseudo virtuous qualities, abstaining from violence and not about instrumenting the spiritualistic nature which is the real essence of being born as human beings and that rituals and religion is the means to attain Grace, salvation and liberation and therefore the only means to knowing and realising God?"

                        The employment of Bhakti Yog to get devoted and to know God is surface level devotion and superficial knowledge. How can a false and transitory medium like the human intellect which develops pseudo devotion be employed to get devoted to God and have a direct knowledge of God? It is because the human mind is in reality a false existence and can be transcended through the spiritual growth process and the fully awake human soul which does all the thinking is the only medium which can generate the true devotion required to devote oneself to God and to have a direct  knowledge of God. Humanistic devotion to know God is bogus and is not unflinching and unwavering but in fact it is the restoration of the fully awake soul which is essential to get grounded in true, unconditional, selfless and pure love towards God and to have a direct knowledge of God. It is because the humanistic devotion is superficial and the spiritual devotion genuine and that the tool which develops the humanistic devotion, the human brain is transitory and the fully awake soul is a permanent reality. Genuine Grace and true salvation and therefore authentic knowledge of God can only be achieved  by being spiritually evolved beings.

                       Using the human intellect and pouring oneself into stacks and stacks of spiritual books is not the right method to have a direct knowledge of God. Metaphysical studies can give oneself deep insights into the Eternal play or leela of God but the antidote needed  to soothe and comfort your mind shall last only as long as the comfort moment  prevails. Once you are out of your comfort moment and start getting swamped by the conspiring play of the opposite polarities which are the  villainous human emotions, you shall again have to remember or pour through some insightful spiritual knowledge to revive your peace of mind . So the right antidote or the correct antibiotic to get you grounded into the field which is independent to the play  of the opposites, to give you a stable peace of mind or to get you established into the area of total peace, perfect composure and permanent happiness is the fully restored human soul.

                      Rituals, worship, pilgrimage, animal sacrifice, fasting, idol worship, praying,humanistic devotion, a Sunday mass at the church, superficial knowledge of God through metaphysical studies or adhering to some religion is not the direct method to know and realise God. Employing the human intellect and torturing the human physical body to know God are roundabout methods and indirect knowledge. Undergoing the spiritual evolution, undertaking the most rigorous endeavour in the entire manifested Universe, a spirtual exercise and fully reinvigorating the dormant human soul and restoring it with full awareness is the only direct method to know and realise the most Supreme Godhead.

                        There are primarily three categories of seekers who have a thirst to know God. The first category of seekers are inborn devotees of God who are knowledgeable about God early during childhood and start the Eternal quest to realise God. These are the highest category of spiritual seekers.You can  make this out by the exemplary lives these kind of seekers lead. Saints falling among this category is someone like Paramhansa Yogananda and Ramakrishna Paramhansa. Saints like these are the very cream of the crop among the various kinds of seekers present on planet earth.The second category of spiritual seekers are the ones who start their spiritual journey by inquiring into the meaning of human existence. The greatest hunger human beings have is to have meaning into their lives and finding fulfillment. When they look at the life around them and start questioning their own lives, these kinds of seekers realise there is no meaning of a material life which is naturally a hellhole of suffering  and make an effort to find fulfillment by estabishing a direct communion with the Self. The last category of spiritual seekers to which I belong start their quest to know God when they are faced with intense suffering in their lives. If I had not come face to face with sorrow and suffering in my life maybe I would never have started my spiritual journey and would not be conveying God’s message to you all right now. Suffering is only a process of evolution and it can transform people’s lives if they look in the right direction.

                  We all have hunger and thirst for different things in life but we may not know that the desire for  all material possessions and their temporary accomplishments are not real fulfillment. The real fulfillment is found when we take a U-turn from the external to the internal or from outside to within or from the direction of the human intellect to the soul and get to abide in God forever.The thirst to know God and the quest thereafter may be challenging and very very rigorous but at the end of the journey when we get to realise that we have found what we have been looking for, we will know that the path had been worth taking and very very worthwhile.

“ May you all have that intense and deep burning desire and thirst that Paramhansa Yogananda had to know God.”
                                         (This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)