Both human
and spiritually elevated will is dependent on the Will of God. Some inadequate
spiritual charmers may say , “But! Existence is primarily about being
non-existent and that God does not exist, so I have the free will to exercise
my independent will.” In reality, this is not the case and no one is endowed
with an independent or a free will. The human and the spiritually elevated will
are both dependent on the Will of God. We are being remote controlled every
second of the day and night by the Infinite Will of the Infinite Being. The
free will that we say we have to make that extra million bucks, to find
ourselves a suitable soulmate, to get married to a lady the size of a coca-cola
bottle, to go on a gambling spree in Las Vegas, to go out on a private date
with your mistress on your private yatch, or the way the richest man in the
World made his fortune is in reality instrumented and executed by the Ultimate
Will of God. “ Nothing, absolutely nothing moves against the Divine Will of
God! Such is the Divine Will!” Even the event of a fraction of a second of your
life is already preplanned beforehand by the Ultimate Will of God. Every blade
of grass dances to the tunes of the wind, every orchid blossoms into the cracks
of a cliff, every rooster crows at the crack of dawn and every spring signals
the end of the long cold winter only and only by the Supreme Will of God.
The law of total
and complete acceptance is realized and we get grounded in the true spirit of
wholehearted surrender to the Infinite Will when we transcend the fifth
spiritual plane. Examples of this kind of complete and total non-resistance would be
J.Krishnamurti non objecting in any manner by thought, word or deed when one of
his close disciples absconded with his entire multi-million dollar fund, Jesus
willingly letting himself be crucified on the cross and Socrates welcoming
death by sipping poison when asked to. This kind of fully restored awareness is
totally compatible with the positive aspects as well as with the negative and
the not so favourable aspects. So if a
thug enters your house in the still of the night and snatches your most prized
engagement ring and disappears into thin air there should be room for no
objection or complaint. This is what the state of Self-Realisation all about.
thought, word or deed is an act of God. “So would you hate a thought thought by
Brahman, a word said by God or an action performed by the most Supreme Godhead
on your behalf?” We are not the doer but the non-doer and that God is the doer.
Therefore resisting anything in our personal lives, at our workplace and during
our interaction within the society is resisting the Infinite Will of the
Infinite Being. Mr.Dipak Chopra declares that when we resist anything in our
lives, we are interfering with the innate intelligence of the Cosmos. The main
reason for Enlightened beings being so humble in nature is that they are in a
state of total acceptance to the Infinite Will. The other quality of an egoless
identity of people established in God awareness sprouts and gets instilled in
that particular gent only because of this very same principle. Only spiritually
inadequate transsexuals defy the Will of God and not spiritually evolved beings
grounded in God awareness. In my perspective, J.Krishnamurti is a perfect
living example of a person completely established in total acceptance.
All the preceding theories imply only one thing,
“We are not the roles we play.”
-Dipak Chopra
(Book:Power Freedom and Grace)
-Dipak Chopra
(Book:Power Freedom and Grace)
When we are not
the roles we play, it is against the
Divine Will to judge anyone and anything. Judging people, places, things,
situations and circumstances and just about anything would be you pointing a
finger at the Infinite Will of God and His piece of creation over which he has
Supreme command and authority. Blaming and defending your point of view are two
qualities that a person grounded in Self-Knowledge tries to
avoid. When you hold a grudge against someone, you are holding a grudge against
the leela or play of God. When you hate someone you are hating somebody who has
the potentiality of transforming himself into an embodiment of God. Since we
are not the doer and since a person established in Self-Awareness performs his
actions very very responsibly, he is a person free of guilt. “ Why would he be
guilt ridden when he is ever responsive to
the Divine Will, performs every action responsibly and since God
instruments every execution for him on the thought, word and deed level?” Since
the entire manifested Universe is a play of God, reacting to situations and circumstances around oneself is another
nature totally shunned by a person grounded is a state of total acceptance.
It needs
the fully restored awareness to be able to accept the theory that we are not
the roles we play. Getting rooted in the world of materialism will only make us
go far as accepting this theory on the superficial level and not completely.
The fully restored awareness is that superhuman tool which makes us imbibe and
apply not only the law of Self-Knowledge but all the preceding and acceding
laws of the spiritual growth process on a permanent basis because the fully
awake soul makes us aware about the laws of life permanently till that moment
when we don’t shed our mortal bodies. You would not be able to imagine the
sense of fulfillment we experience when we are restored with full awareness to
abide by the laws of life and transform ourselves into good human beings.
who do we think instrumented Adolf Hitler to suffocate all those millions of
Jews with chemical poison in concentration camps during World War II and who do
we think might have commanded the commandos to pump bullets into the bodies of
the Nepalese Royal family during the royal massacre at the Narayanhiti royal
palace several years back and who do we think guided the bullet from a sniper
into the skull of John. F.Kennedy?
“Everything and
nothing excluded is the Ultimate Will of the most Supreme Authority. We are
nothing but instruments of God, as Sri Sathya Sai Baba used to emphasise to His
devotees and students of His University at Prashanthi Nilayam and Whitefield. Therefore,
would you, my dear readers find it astonishing or do you now believe that- We
are not the roles we play?”
(This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)
(This article is the copyright of Ashwas Thapa)